Leatherface Oneshot

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You couldn't see anything. The last thing you remember you were being dragged down stairs and pulled into this basement. Right now you felt your arms strapped to a table and you shook in terrified silence. 

You heard the door open at the top of the stairs somewhere in the darkness and the lights flickered on. You heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. You strained to look around you. There were meat hooks hanging on the walls and the basement was dirty. 

A man approached you, he was giant and had a piece of fabric covering his mouth. You starred at him, there was nothing you could say or do and your throat was too dry to scream. He turned to a table with tools on it. 

"P-please, don't hurt me." you whimpered out. He looked over to you. "I won't run, I won't scream, just don't hurt me. I'll do whatever you say." You said trying to do anything to preserve your life. 

He seemed to be thinking for a second. He sat the tool he had in his hand down and looked at you. You saw nothing in his eyes. They were dark and cold as he looked at your face, you tried not to move or cry. 

He unclasped your legs and arms. You sat up and looked at him from the table. You weren't going to try to run, and you weren't safe yet. He could very well still kill you. You heard other people upstairs and the basement door opened. 

"Thomas, come get dinner." a woman's voice yelled out. She didn't sound mean or dangerous but you never knew. He looked at you and you felt your stomach growl. He gestured to the stairs and you eyed the end of the table. 

You slowly slid off and walked to the stairs. You made sure you didn't walk too fast or make any sudden movements. Once you reached the top of the stairs, everyone in the kitchen looked at you. A man at the table began laughing loudly, "Thomas you really shouldn't play with your food." 

The man behind me, Thomas, made a growling sound under his breath and put a hand on my shoulder, directing me to a chair beside his. We sat down and began eating. I didn't know what meat I was eating but by the man's comment I had a pretty good idea. 

I hated the thought but I was starving and they would kill me if I didn't adapt quickly. I watched all of them move. They were a family, you could tell by their interactions, but what family did something like this? 

Thomas kept an eye on me as I ate silently. I didn't say anything or move at all. I ate and sat in my chair, trying my best to keep my eyes on my plate. "So I guess she's a pet now huh Thomas?" the older man said loudly making me jump. 

Thomas grunted in response, I would take being a pet over being dinner anyday. After dinner I stayed put until Thomas gestured for me to get up. He led me to the bathroom and ran warm water in the tub. 

When the tub was full he gestured to it. I starred at him, "Well you have to turn around." I said quietly. He huffed and rolled his eyed and sat on the toilet facing away from me. I undressed and bathed quickly. It felt good not to have sweat and dirt caked on me. 

"I'm done," I said causing him to hand a fluffy white towel behind him. I wrapped myself in it and he left the room, holding up his hand telling me to stay put. He returned with a giant tshirt and a pair of boxers. 

I changed and he led me to a room. It was simple but had a bed and a lamp and a dresser in the corner. He gestured to the bed and left the room, I heard the lock click when he left. He came back a few minutes later, also freshly showered. 

He got into bed beside me and I sat up looking at him. The older man came bursting through the door. "Well shit look at this, the pet is getting a little special attention." he yelled laughing. Thomas threw something from the nightstand at him causing him to leave the room and Thomas to huff. 

I blushed a bit, obviously this didn't happen every day for him to keep a victim with him. I didn't hate the idea of being here instead of in that basement. I'd rather be a pet than be dead. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now