Chapter XV

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"How was that?" he asks, my cheeks blush as I reply,

"It was, awesome," I reply grinning.

"Yeah, we need some new vocabulary," he smirks, "even though the word awesome is still awesome." I snort at his cheesy pun, instantly blushing even harder and covering my mouth with my hand. He lets out a loud laugh before beginning to make his way over to the beanbags. I follow him, grabbing the bottle of water I had left on one of the many seats.

 I watch him as he sits down onto the beanbag, becoming almost engulfed in the white fluff. Following suit, I take the opposite beanbag in the other corner.

 As I sink into the soft foam beads, I let out a silent sigh as my whole body begins to relax. 

Unscrewing the bottle, I take a sip. I adjust myself slightly, sinking further and further down, I wiggle once more, before adjusting my legs and crossing them underneath me.

 Seconds later I undo them and stick them out in front of me. God for something that felt and looked so comfortable it was sure hard to find a comfy position. I wiggle once more, aggressively hitting the beanbag that had risen to close to my arm down. Finally content I look up at Nathan who has an amused expression on his face.

"You good?" he asks an eyebrow raised, "Shall we sort the plan out, or do you need to adjust yourself again," his tone playful.

"I'm good," I reply, when in my reality I can already feel my leg tingling from the stupid position I trapped myself in, but I'm definitely not about to move.

"Okay, so I guess I could say I lost you, that you took off running and I looked everywhere but couldn't find you, or I could say you flew away in a plane, except they might alert the City if I say either of those, I'm not really sure how to play it out." I speak slowly, thinking it all through in my head. I look up and see his brow furrowed in concentration clearly trying to think of something good.

"Someone said I was from Scotland, and called me scrawny," he says, muttering the last part under his breath, but I easily hear it as there's no other noise anywhere around us apart from the low hum of the engine. "I guess you could say I went back to Scotland."

"The thing is they'll question me thoroughly, asking how you got here, and how you got back, and there's no reasonable explanation." I reply, "maybe we could say you died, I mean you did look a bit pale when everyone was standing over you and..."

"Where's my body gonna go though, you gonna say you chucked it into the ocean for the sharks to demolish, or that you dug a whole and buried it, and what caused me to suddenly die, did your face scare me to death. We have to think of something good, not shit like that, or they'll find and kill me on the spot." he interrupts, his smile vanishing and his shoulders tensing.

"No you idiot, firstly there are no sharks here, and secondly I'd say you had what seemed like a panic attack and started throwing up blood. I'd then say you collapsed in the middle of the road, and after about ten minutes your pulse stopped, and I couldn't hear your heartbeat. I'd then say the helicopter came and took your body away." I fire back.

"Helicopter?" he retorts, his voice still cold.

"When someone dies a helicopter comes and takes their body away, they use the bodies for research purposes I think." I reply, agitated with the way he had just spoken to me.

"Huh," he pauses, "yeah that's actually not a bad idea," his tone softens, "sorry, I didn't mean..."

"Yeah, its fine, you don't want to die," I reply, rolling my eyes slightly at his ignorance.

"Yeah, but I am sorry, I know your risking a lot to help me," he says, "I was just, I'm not sure, I don't want to die your right, I just thought it was a stupid idea, but it's not, it is a good idea, let's go with that."

"Nathan," I say, making eyes contact with him, "Just so you know, I'm not risking a lot to help you, I'm risking everything to help you. I really should just turn you in myself or wait for the others to come back, but for some unknown reason, I decided to help you, so shut up and let's sort out a plan."

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