Chapter XVI

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He smiles broadly, "what can I say, I won you over with my charms right away, but yeah lets plan." I stifle another snort, but can't help smiling back

"Okay, so I say your dead, and everyone mourns you for a second, then every morning I'll come here at around 5:45 with as much food as I can bring. And in the evening when I get back, I'll probably come here for 12 with more food and water. I gotta make sure everyone is asleep before I leave, or people will start getting suspicious. Then you hate to entertain yourself for the day, you can go to the Village if you really need to, but the cameras and mics might pick up your signal, so I don't recommend it. There's not really any way I can contact you during the day, so just stay inside here for as long as you can, and if anything goes wrong, well, let's hope it doesn't."

"That sounds good, but then what, I mean I can do that for about a week max, but soon I'm gonna get bored out of my mind, and there's not much to do in here."

"Yeah, your right, I'm not sure, you don't want to go back home, and this place is definitely not going to welcome you with open arms." I agree.

"What about the rest of the world, I know its toxic in areas, but if we survived and you survived, maybe there's more life out there, maybe I could go and look for it."

"Anything's possible now I guess, but it's not safe out there with all the toxins. We can survive here for now, but the one thing I know about the City is that if the outside world was toxin free, they would already it over, and would be in control." I laugh at my own words.

"I have the Cure though" he replies, I tilt my head in confusion as he continues, "but only the temporary one, it'll wear off soon, but I managed to steal a supply to last me a few years, so I'll be safe till then." He smiles, his eyes gleaming, clearly very proud of himself. Looking back at me he catches my eye noticing my confused expression, "shit," he says, "you have the Cure, right?" I shake my head slowly. "How the hell are you living here then, how are you breathing, how are you alive." He looks shocked, staring at me in disbelief as if I'm about to disappear in front of him.

"What's the Cure?" I ask, my interest peaking.

"What's the Cure? What's the bloody Cur.." he interrupts himself, "how, how do you not know what the Cure is? Jesus fucking Christ what sort of devil is the City, how come they haven't given you the cure, how are you still alive." I was oddly used to his swearing by now, but each word still makes me panic and look around.

"Trust me, I wonder why we're alive every single day, but what's the bloody Cure" I reply slowly, mocking his tone from before.

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