Chapter II

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"Are you trying to get us killed" Daniel aggressively whispers, "never swear here again" The boy laughs and walks right up close to Daniel's face, he's a good few inch taller than him, and looks much stronger. "Or what?" he asks mockingly.

"I guess I'll just have to kill you myself" Daniel retorts. I could see from the corner of my eye Daniel's fist curling up into a ball, his foot slowly stepping back in the stance my dad taught us both when we were little.

I grew up with Daniel, he was my childhood best friends and still is. We were inseparable when we were younger, and now whenever we're not working, we try to hang out.

"Danny, oy, stop, what are you doing," I quicky run towards him, pushing him out of the way before he could even try to punch the boy. "Danny," I hiss, "Come on, don't be rash, we don't know who he is, you don't want to get into another fight so soon." I glare down at the dried blood on his knuckles to emphasize my point.

"Fine" he retorts, "But next time I'll punch his smirk smile right off his face,"

"You do that" I reply laughing, "but there's not going to be a next time, he'll be gone by then."

The boy let out a little chuckle and simultaneously the train's horn let out a loud noise, the boy jumped at the sound, looking startled. Everyone's heads quickly began to turn following the direction of the sound.

"We have to go," my dad reminds the exited crowd, "We can't be late, come on everyone."

The Villages are not allowed to have leaders, we're only supposed to listen to the rules and laws given out by the City. If the order doesn't come from then, it's illegal to follow. But despite this, my dad has always been the natural leader, and everyone always follows his commands.

The crowd quickly begin to make their way over to the train, "what about the boy" someone shouts, "You're coming with us," my dad says, addressing the boy. "Come on."

A flicker of fear flashes over his eyes as my dad grabs his wrist and begins to attempt to drag him. "No" the boy shouts, "No, let go! No!"

"Oh, for god's sake," my father mutters, "Come on boy."

"I'm not going" he replies, "you can't make me."

Despite looking scrawny and malnourished, it's apparent the boy is strong, stronger than my dad, and I think the whole town can tell my dad is not going to win a fight. I watch as my father comes to the same conclusion in his head, he sighs and begins to speak, addressing everyone.

"Someone has to stay with the boy, or we'll all get in trouble, is anyone happy to call a sick day, does anyone have any sick days left?" he asks. No one replies, the boy looks at me and I can see the fear in his dull emerald eyes, he's truly terrified. I can feel him pleading, begging me to help him.

"I do dad, I haven't used any of my sick days yet, I'll stay," I speak up, he nods, satisfied with my reply, before proceeding to signal to everyone to start getting on the train.

"Be safe okay, I'm sorry we have to go" Evie says, she pulls a face indicating at the boy and mouths good luck. The rest of the village quickly run towards the train, jumping through the nearest doors and bashing into each other.

"See you soon Blaire," Danny shouts at me, "I'll be back soon, and we can sort the boy out. Be careful, he might be infected." I nod and wave at the train.

I watch as the train pulls out of the station, and in a few seconds, it's gone.

"Jesus, that was fast," the boy mutters.

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