Chapter 5 - Gentle Force

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            In Chell's dojo, Alex and Rachel spared against each other, keeping their skills sharp. Richard and Faith were doing the same, which led Daric out of the group. Seeing a mat in the corner, Daric pulled it out and meditated on it. Chell saw Daric and made her way over out of teaching instincts.
"Daric," Chell asked.
Daric's concentration broke as he looked to see Chell.
"Oh, hey Chell," Daric said. "Is something wrong?"
"I just saw you not training with the others," Chell explained. "It's important for you to keep training while Alecia's forces are out there."
"Yes ma'am..." Daric said sadly.
"Okay, something is wrong here," Chell said.
"N-No, no," Daric quickly. "I'm fine. Could...I get back to my training...please?"
"You got it bud," Chell said. "Just don't be afraid to talk with any of us. Especially me. Because I'm still your teacher."
"Thank you Chell," Daric said as he continued to meditate.
Chell watched over her students, but for some reason, Daric took more priority than usual.

As he meditated, Daric saw his childhood self. He was always tall than the other kids, and this was a cause of ridicule. Other kids would call him a giant or Jerk-ules because of his natural strength being greater than other kids; it something Daric never liked being called. He never had a proper support system at home to keep his mental state in satisfactory order, but this changed once he was taken in by Master Saffi.


Mona and Synac walked through the halls of Alecia's temple concerned and afraid.
"Nothing is turning out right," Mona said.
"I know," Synac said. "First Jellicent, then Thrasher, and Mantina isn't offering much in the way of help."
"And if we fail Alecia then...I don't even want to think about it," Mona panicked.
"What if...Yes, what if we worked together to defeat the Rangers?"
"...Together..." Mona smiled. "That just might work. But we also need a plan."
"Trust me, Mona, I have one already."


Daric finishes his meditation and looked at his hands sadly. They were proportionate with his body but were bigger than an average person. Alex was taking a break and saw Daric seemingly upset.
"Hey Daric," Alex said as he took a seat with him.
"O-Oh, hey Alex," Daric said as he looked up.
"Something wrong," Alex asked.
"I...I don't feel like talking about it. Chell tried to break that wall but..."
"Hey, I understand if you have a problem," Alex responded. "But as your team, and friends, you don't have to keep it hidden from us. Remember when we got our weapons? It was pretty embracing that I was good with my fists, but way behind on my weapon. Point is, you don't have to be ashamed of anything around us."
Daric looked back at his hands and clenched them slowly as Alex left him alone. As Daric held his hands, an alarm from Chell's computer went off. Chell looked over the computer screens to see Synac with a group of Oni terrorizing the city.
"Showtime guys," Chell said. "But be careful, something doesn't feel right about this."
Alex nodded and led the Rangers to Synac's location. Along the way, Daric was still upset, so while running he brought up the rear.


Synac commanded his Oni to destroy what they could while he marched through the streets.
"Yes Oni," Synac exclaimed. "Go and destroy. These humans have no right to walk amongst us!"
Just then, an energy arrow fired at Synac's shoulder causing him to stagger.
"You sure on that fish breath," Richard called out.
"Rangers," Synac called. "We were expecting you!"
"Wait, we," Rachel asked.
Faith, Richard, and Alex were caught off guard with quick a quick and smooth series of strikes. Rachel and Daric were able to avoid the attacks, and clearly saw who it was that attacked them, it was Mona.
"All too easy," Mona said full of delight.
"Let's see how you can handle the two of us," Synac added.
"Two...Four...Or all of you at once," Alex said as he rose up. "We're not letting Alecia take the Earth!"
"Damn straight," Richard said as he leaped like the animal he was embodying and focused his attention on Synac.
Richard fought with his Muay Thai style, but Synac was able to match him with a strong, defensive style. When Mona tried to get Richard off of Synac, but was caught off guard when Faith shot another arrow. Mona quickly turned her attention to Faith and she seemed to be an even match. The two moved with such grace and style, they looked like they were avoiding more than throwing punches.

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