Chapter 14 - The Lion Sleeps

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   The next day, Alex was groggy on his way to school. His eyes felt heavy, yawns came out of his mouth every half hour or so. His friends met up at the school gate and were shocked when they saw him.
   "Brotha, you look like shit," Richard said.
   "Rough Night," Daric asked.
   Alex groaned softly as he inched his way to the entrance.
   "Wait a second," Faith said as he guided Alex to a bench outside of the library. "Ray, would you mind giving me a hand?"
   "Right," Rachel said. "So, what're we dealing with?"
   "Well, his eyes are a little red," Faith began. "Tell-tale sign of sleep deprivation. Given his general lack of resistance, I'd say he's dosing in and out."
   "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Richard said. "What can we do to help him?"
   "Aside from letting him sleep," Faith answered. "Does anyone have energy drinks? Energy bars? Anything?"
   "Nope," Richard replied.
   "I don't," Daric answered.
   "I only got one," Rachel answered.
   "Crap..." Faith said as she held her head.

   Just then Richard heard the clapping of footsteps come towards them. Richard patted the group aside from Alex and pointed in the direction where the clapping came from. They saw it was a man in a black suit, white dress shirt, and blue dress tie.
   "Principal Hernandez," Rachel said softly. "Maybe he can help?"
   "Worth a shot," Richard said unsure of it.
Rachel quickly rose up and made a B-Line for Principal Hernandez and returned with him a minute later.
   "Now then, Rachel tells me you guys are having trouble," he said. "What is said problem?"
   "It's our friend sir," Daric said.
Principal Hernandez looked at Alex and was curious. He knelt down to see what was wrong more closely.
   "Hm...I never encountered something like this before," said Principal Hernandez. "His eyes are bloodshot, his lack of attention, it's a miracle he came here at all."
   "What should we do," Richard asked.
   "Well, I'd recommend he go home immediately," answered the principal. "I'll call his family and have them come for him. You four focus on your classes."
   "Thank you, sir," Rachel smiled. "Come on guys, let's get him out of the hall."

   Alex was sent to the front office of the school, where the principal explained to the staff what was going on. In the middle of this, Alex was drifting in and out of sleep, barely understanding what was going on around him. An hour later, Alex's grandfather arrived at the school and was shocked to see Alex in this condition.
   "Alex," asked his grandfather. "Alex? Hold on kiddo, I'll take you home."
   Alex was carried to the back of his car, and his grandfather drove off to his house. Unbeknownst to Alex's grandfather, there was a mark growing on his neck.


   Alecia and Condala were training in her throne room with Condala on the defensive for once. Alecia punched and kicked, not letting her master get a chance to fight back. Condala spun around and grabbed Alecia's wrist, but Alecia mused the momentum Condala was using, spun around her, and wrapped her legs around her. After a few minutes, Condal conceded, and Alecia released her.
   "Most impressive," Condala said.
   "All through your teachings, my master," Alecia responded.
   "Yes...And something has me concerned..." Condala said.
   "What would that be," Alecia asked.
   "The Vulture Brothers. They have not returned," Condala said.
   "They must have been defeated," Alecia said. "I'll send new soldiers to destroy the Rangers."
   "Not to worry Mistress," said a hissing voice. "I've already taken action against them."
   "Show yourself Kaa," Alecia called out.
   The door to the room opened and a male figure with short hair, an exaggerated outfit, and a smirk on his face strode in nonchalantly.
   "I am Comander Lancer," said the man. "My totem is the Viper."
   "Ah, yes," Alecia said. "You have a relation to Kaa if I'm not mistaken."
   "Yes I do, Milady," Lancer smiled. "My dear brother Kaa. He's a power enhancer, not too shabby of a fighter, and yet look at him now. Oh wait, that right, he left a few months ago."
   "I thought as much," Alecia grunted. "The cowardly serpent most likely avoided future punishments."
   "You said you've taken action against the Rangers," Alecia asked.
   "Of course," Lancer smirked as he brushed his hair behind his ear. "I've heard through the grapevine that one Ranger, in particular, is really bitting your tail. The big red lion if I recall. Well, let's say...He'll be having trouble keeping his eyes open."
   "Good...good..." Alecia pondered. "My soldiers are at your disposal. But I warn you viper, if you fail like your brother...then I'll use you to highlight my coat."
   "Rest easy tonight Milady," Lancer said with a bow. "The mighty lion will be rendered to a pussy cat."
   Alecia grinned as Lancer excused himself.

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