Chapter 21 - Trauma and Masters

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   On a cliffside overlooking the sea, a woman with a few grey hairs, lean muscle, and scars on her arms and cheeks, sat in a meditative state with a Shaolin broad sword in her lap. Birds chirped while the scent of the sea came over her nose. A jolt flashed through the woman's mind and her eyes shot open. She grabbed her sword and rushed out of the house with the sword in a reverse grip. Outside was a fire pit surrounded by three long logs. To her surprise, she saw Master Muninn standing with her arms behind her back.
   "Muninn," she said. "What are you doing here?"
   "I came to persuade," Muninn said as she tossed an apple to the woman.
   The woman caught the apple with one hand as she stepped closer to her. Both masters stood next to the fire pit. Muninn pulled out another apple and began to eat it as her opposite just stared at her.
   "Eesha, your face will freeze if you stay like that," Muninn said.
   "What do you want," Eesha demanded.
   "Have you forgotten about helping the chosen 5," Muninn said.
   "No...It was not my time," Eesha responded.
   "Well the winds of fate are blowing in your direction," Muninn replied. "Alecia has grown quite strong, and they will need your help."
   "And I would be a fool to not take your advice because..." Eesha responded somewhat bitterly.
   "Because you may learn a lesson," Muninn answered. "One you should have learned years ago."
   Eesha looked down and slightly moved the apple in her hand before looking up to see Muninn was gone.
   I hate it when she does that, Eesha told herself as she retreated into her cabin.


   Cuvier arrived in the throne room with Alecia training with Kaa. Alecia noticed Cuvier first, but Kaa noticed a second after.
   "Master Cuvier," Alecia said. "Why have you come?"
   "I have brought the Oni that can defeat the Power Rangers," Cuvier boasted.
   With a snap of his fingers, an agile figure leaped across the room like a ball in a pinball machine. The figure stopped at a knelt position; it had webbed fins on the sides of its head and on its forearms, sharp teeth, webbed hands and feet, a dark grey hyde, and an underbelly with an orange-to-yellow gradient. After a moment, the figure rose to reveal it had silver eyes.
   "I am Pygorius," said the Oni. "My totem is the Piranha."
   "Is that right," Alecia questioned. "What exactly can you do besides disorient the Rangers?"
   With a flick of the wrist, Pygorius created a blade made of water from the moisture in the air. Alecia raised an eyebrow seemingly unimpressed.
   "You may see my efforts personally, Lady Alecia," Pygorius said.
   "No," Cuvier said. "She still has much training. Kaa, you will assist in Pygorious' efforts."
   "Yes, my master," Kaa said with a bow.
   Alecia did not enjoy Cuvier ordering her most loyal servant like he was his own. It gave Alecia's blood boil. Kaa used his Oni-enhancing venom to power up the piranha. He twitched and screamed with anger before calming down and feeling even stronger than before.
   Once I surpass you, Cuvier, I'll make flakes* out of you, Alecia told herself.


   Alex was taking a crane stance on the dojo's railings with his hands fully extended and his palms facing outward. Bellow him were the other Rangers, training with their new weapons. Daric was using a practice ax while Richard was using a pair of practice tonfa. Rachel was using a set of kamas, and Faith was using a rope with a weighted ball, on the end.
   "Nice work guys," Chell said. "Very nice!"
   "Nice," Alex inquired. "They're rocking the dojo. Now that I think about it, shouldn't we still be recruiting more masters to help us? Expand your arrsinal."
   "Alex, you should know the greatest weapon of all is your mind," Chell answered a little harshly. "Now, focus on what you're doing, instead of what you don't have."
   "Okay..." Alex said confusingly. "And what exactly am I working on?"
   Alex began to tetter forward and back before falling over the railing and onto the ground floor with his back. He groaned in pain as he tried to move.
   "Balance," Chell smirked. "I noticed your footing was off several times in your fights."
   "...Thanks Chell..." Alex groaned. "A little help please?"
   Rachel extended a hand, which Alex took and held his back. The two shared a bit of an awkward stair before Alex looked away nervously.

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