Chapter 34 - Loyal Heart

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Author's Note: This chapter is going to be a lot shorter than normal. It's a character-driven chapter and may have a bunch of inconsistencies. I also feel like it was rushed, but I have a list of things to do for the rest of the story. I appreciate your time and understanding and enjoy this Mini-Chapter

   Sleep was not common for Richar. Troubling thoughts plagued his mind; how many monsters do they have to defeat, when will this war with Alecia end, could he support his mother anymore? The time on an alarm clock read 4:30 in the morning as an orange bottle sat next to it. Taking a breath, Richard reluctantly pulled himself out of bed and performed his morning routine. He started by doing pushups with his knuckles on the ground for about ten minutes straight. Once he was done, he was off to the kitchen with his orange bottle.

   While in the kitchen, he found the sink had dirty plates and utensils. Another issue he eventually needed to take care of. Opening his bottle, he saw pills lining the bottom of the container.
   Running low, he told himself. Where's the Oni... Just one fight... One fight, that's all I ask...
   Thinking whether or not to take them, Richard quickly closed the bottle and hunched over for a little while.

   It was not until the time was more reasonable that he grabbed a light breakfast and cooked for his mother.
   "Richard," said his mother. "Where are you? Richard?"
   In a moment, Richard came to his mother's side and popped open the pill bottle on the nightstand.
   "I'm right here Ma," said Richard as he struggled to think clearly. "I-I'm right here..."
   "You...look different..." said his mother. "What happened?"
   Richard gulped and shakily gave his mother the medicine.
   "I-I'll be back soon... okay," Richard said weakly. "I'll be back."
   After leaving his mother, Richard continued cooking breakfast. By the time he was done, Richard packed his belongings and headed out.


   These days, the dojo was going through a tough storm of emotions. The only one who was somewhat stable was Alex. Richard saw Alex trying to keep order around the dojo, but he felt like he was wasting his time.
   "Okay guys, I know we've been enjoying time off with the attacks," Alex announced. "But this isn't gonna last forever. And hey, I know we all have a ton of shit going on in our personal lives. I-I just..."
   "We get it, bro," Richard spoke up in annoyance. "What's the game plan?"
   "W-Weapons training," Alex said. "Doesn't matter which one you choose. Just pick and go."
   Richard and the others nodded before going to their training weapons. Without even thinking, Richard grabbed his claws while the other grabbed their associated weapons.
   "One little catch though guys," Chell said as she and Amber walked down to the ground floor.
   "Amber requested to watch."
   "I thought another's opinion could help," Amber added.
   "Well...I guess that's alright," Alex said as if he was distracted. "Alright, guys, free for all. Anything goes, but no killing. Don't think I need to say that, but everyone's been off lately."

   Richard raised his arms slightly and noticed everyone's stance. Daric was wide open with his practice ax, but he knew that Daric was faster than he looked. Faith held a rope-like weapon meant to represent her barracuda chain, but he knew that Faith was capable of evading. Rachel was wielding her fans, but her style made landing a hit on her too difficult. That just left Alex, who he had a fifty-fifty chance of winning. Daric swung his ax first, but Richard ducked under and rolled toward Alex. Once Richard was in Alex's face, he began striking. Alex quickly held his sword in a reverse grip and blocked his arms. Every couple of swings, Alex managed to swing his sword, but Richard shoved the strike back with his tonfa. The speed of Richard's attacks made Alex back away, but Faith suddenly dragged Richard away with her rope dart.

   Richard growled as his eyes shrunk with his teeth bore for all to see. Without thinking, Richard lept into the air and dove toward faith. With the grace of a ballet dancer, Faith dodged and used some momentum to get her dart moving through the air. Swinging the weapon, Richard was hit a few times, but he managed to deflect some others. At this point, Richard's head was fogging up to the point where he let out a scream of rage. Just a moment later, Richard grunted and staggered. he told himself. Remember...Master Zuri...
   Rachel threw her fans at Faith, but they missed as Faith ducked. The fans instead landed on Richard's head. It was then, what little composure Richard had, was lost. Another scream and Richard barreled past Faith and toward Rachel. Rachel froze in fear as Richard tackled her to the ground. Daric saw his actions and quickly swung at Richard, but he lept off and came at Daric with a flying knee.
   "ALEX," Faith shouted.
   "Get his attention," Alex ordered as he leaped onto the railing above them.
   Faith took a breath and began swinging her rope dart and struck Richard in the back of the head. With a snarl, Richard ran toward Faith but before he could land a finger on her, Alex came crashing down onto Richard. The two tumbled on the floor with Richard tossing Alex off, but, Alex slid on the floor and ran at him. Alex managed to tackle Richard again, however, Richard resisted staying down. Forcing him into an armbar, Alex put all of his strength into his submission hold. It was only after Richard was low on air, that he broke out and coughed.

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