Chapter 10 - A New Lesson, A New Enemy

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   Alecia's temple was a chaotic mess, with the Oni running rampant and impatient. Kaa paced back and forth in the throne room quickly, while muttering incoherently. Rizzo, the rat associate usually trapped inside of Kaa, witnessed the cobras' distraught. Rizzo would normally have a feeling of amusement in moments like these. Kaa being flustered, scared, it served the cocky serpent right. However, Rizzo would then remember why he was staying with Kaa. A moment later, Kaa received an audience with Totem-Powered Oni. The Oni had a muscular female figure, four spikes on her knuckles, clawed feet, and spikes along her backside.
   "What do you want," Kaa hissed.
   "I am Tachyglo, with the Totem of the Echidna," the Oni saluted. "I wish to fight the Rangers."
   "What makes you think you can defeat them," Kaa shouted. "Every time we attempted to face them; they always defeat you!"
   "I will not," Tachyglo retorted. "My strength rivals even their own! Even if you don't enhance me with your venom, those puny humans will fall to me! Not to mention, I want revenge for my comrade Erinace!"
   Kaa listened to the request but was not interested. Erinace began to demonstrate why she could the Rangers herself by firing quills out of her arms like a Gatling gun and destroying the massive doors leading into the throne room with a single blow. Taking her leave, Kaa began to think, maybe, just maybe, this one stood a chance. While Erinace had similar abilities, Tachyglo had her special variations of them. Rizzo quivered silently, but he let out squeaks as rats commonly do to signify their fear.
   "Rizzo," Raa hissed. "Come to me!"
   Rizzo did as he was told, and scurried to Kaa's hands.
   "Y-Y-Yes K-K-Kaa," Rizzo stammered.
   "I need you to keep an eye on this echidna," Kaa ordered.
   "B-But, I can't stay too long from you," Rizzo pleaded. "Please, reconsider?"
   "You will do as I say you vermin," Kaa shouted as he squeezed Rizzo tightly. "Now get out there and watch this Oni!!"
   Rizzo was thrown to the wall, leaving a crack in it. Sobbingly, Rizzo scurried away to follow Tachyglo.


   Alex, Chell, and the other Rangers were at the park today. Richard was looking forward to this day, as he felt that training in the fresh air would be a nice change of scenery. But he did bring one or two electronics with him. All the Rangers did this as well.
   "Okay boys and girls," Chell spoke. "Today's lesson's gonna be to be in tune with nature."
   "Where do we start," Alex asked.
   "Good question Alex," Chell smiled. "See, sometimes, our little devices aren't gonna be on hand. So, you'll have to rely on your skills and wits. Now, every totem is different, just like people. So, you'll have to find a way to connect with nature in your own ways. It may take a while, but it's a necessary lesson. Trust me."
   "You got it," Alex responded. "We'll meet up again when you think it's time to go home."
   Chell nodded as Rachel, Richard, Daric, and Faith went in different directions. Alex was confused about where to go and chose a random direction. Chell witnessed this, and sighed under her breath, feeling Alex would struggle with this lesson.

   Alex walked through the park until he found Richard.
   "Hey Richard," Alex said.
   "Sup bro," Richard responded.
   "Honestly, I didn't know where to go so..." Alex held the back of his neck.
   "I get you," Richard smiled. "I did have an idea for how to get in touch with nature."
   "Really? What'd you think of?"
   "Watch this," Richard grinned before turning around.
   Losing the smile as he turned around, taking a few deep breaths, Richard held the bottoms of his hands together as stood with his legs spread. Alex felt a gust of wind pass by and saw the leaves on the tops of the trees swaying with the wind. A few leaves fell off of the branches and gently glided to the ground. As each second passed, and the leaves glided down, Richard blindly struck the air at the leaves, only able to snatch one of them.
   "Alright," Richard smiled.
   "But...You only caught one," Alex hesitated.
   "Wasn't trying to get all of them," Richard corrected. "Long as I got one, I was on the right track. Why not give it a try?"
   "Sure," Alex responded.
   Alex did a lot of what Richard did but gently held his hands apart. Another wind gust passed by, but Alex was bothered by the wind. The leaves from the trees fell down but as Alex tried to grab a single leaf, Alex could not. Alex opened his eyes to see the bad results and hung his head in defeat. Richard held Alex's shoulder with a sad smile. Alex looked back to Richard but instantly recognized this was not how Alex could keep in tune with nature and went in a different direction.

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