Chapter 33 - Luster of Humility

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   The night after the Rangers defeated Grey Back's latest minion, Amber left the dojo with what little belongings she had on hand. With little knowledge of the city, Amber aimlessly wondered. Every now and again, she did stumble across a few men whom she thought she could charm. However, she quickly noticed an overarching issue. One man was hugged by a woman and embarrassed by a kiss. Amber may be abrasive and often sticks her nose where it does not belong, but a homewrecker or relationship breaker she was not. Another man had a similar, but it turned out, the man was gay. No point in trying to persuade someone who was not interested that way. She even thought about biting the bullet and rooming with a girl, but she was taken.

   Defeated after a couple of hours, Amber found herself shivering in the park from the cold air. A bench came into view and Amber was tired. She sat herself on the bench as events from earlier that day came to her head. It took her less than fifteen minutes and Amber laid on the bench like a bed. All seemed fine until she was woken by a set of footsteps nearly an hour later. Amber awoke to find Chell was walking toward her. Frozen in place, Amber was confused to see her sister in the park.
   "What're you doing here Amber," Chell asked.
   "Relaxing," Chell remarked. "What're you doing here?"
   "I go on nightly walks sometimes," Chell replied while looking at Amber's baggage. "And you don't have any place to stay."
   "What," Amber stammered while trying to hide her intentions. "No, no. I'm perfectly fine."
   "Look, why don't you come back to the dojo," Chell offered. "It's better than freeing your tail feathers off out here."
   Amber fell silent as her eyes twitched a bit. A few seconds later, she relented and rose to her feet. Chell escorted Amber back to the dojo, much to her dismay.


   Night gave Alecia some comfort as she rested alongside a river. As she slept, the woods seemed somewhat peaceful. However, this would not last forever. A hoard of Shintos ambushed Alecia as she slept, of course, some had polearm weapons. Once they did, Alecia barreled out of the way as the monsters crashed onto the ground. She then rebounded and opened with a flying knee, to one of their faces. After it was knocked down, Alecia grabbed the weapon that one of them was using, forced them to release it, and began striking with their newly acquired weapon. One fell to the ground with one swing. Another blocked but was forced to one side. A third came from above and snapped the weapon in half.

   Abandoning her weapon, Alecia clashed with another Shinto holding a weapon. She shoved the staff in the Shinto's face and push-kicked the Shinto into the river. With no time to rest, Alecia landed a claw strike to another Shinto, then another; she even blocked a blow with one arm and countered with a punch to its face. The Shintos fell and evaporated into dust, except the one she pushed into the river. The remaining Shinto finally managed to emerge from the water and attempted to fight Alecia singlehandedly. Alecia dodged backward for a minute before Alecia trapped its arm and threw it to one side. The monster crashed into a tree as Alecia made her way to it. As the Shinto was standing again, Alecia grabbed it by the throat.
   "You must be Grey Back's loyal dog," she said. "Go back to your master. Tell him that his time is coming."
   Throwing the Shinto back, Alecia stood over it, waiting for the Shinto to make a move. As she hoped, the Shinto scrambled to its feet and retreated. Feeling that no one would hunt her down anymore tonight, Alecia went back to her resting spot and immediately went back to sleep. While she slept, Alecia's thoughts were still set on reaching the Falcon Sanctuary.


   In the morning, Chell pulled herself out of bed and instantly made a B-line for her coffee maker. A couple of minutes later, the coffee was ready and Chell went to her computer. For about twenty minutes, Chell was researching everything she could find on Grey Back and examining the Ranger's weapons. Once she realized what time it was, Chell began to make breakfast. While cooking, Chell managed to wake up with a case of bedhead and baggy eyes. Groaning slightly, Amber picked herself out of bed and started to drag her feet. The scent of coffee guided her until she was conscious enough to prepare her drink.

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