Chapter 17 - Magna Disturbance

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait with this chapter. I've had a lot of things happen in my life lately. New stories, school work, things like that. Also, if the quality of this chapter is lesser than others, I guess I overcooked this chapter, but I'd really like to move on with the story. Thank you for reading, and enjoy.

   The Rangers were downtown battling Alecia's Oni forces with their respective weapons. Oni fell like flies by Alex's sword, but the ones with bows gave him a minor issue. Richard was having fun punching, slashing, and kicking Oni with his claws. Daric took out many Oni at once with massive swings of his hammer. Rachel attacked from the air, gaining an incredible advantage. Faith was holding her own with her bow and giving the other Rangers cover fire. As they fought, Alex began to wonder why a Totem Oni had not appeared. Once all the Oni were defeated, the Rangers regrouped and began congratulating each other. Alex was not so convinced, however. Alecia would not just send in vast numbers of grunts if she did not have a plan. The thought dwelled in Alex's mind as he and the other Rangers headed for home.


   On a private jet with leather seats and a side table sat a cleanly shaved man in a deep blue business suit. A drink of scotch was in one of his hands and a look of disappointment came over his face. In front of him sat a secretary wearing a skirt reaching her knees, a suit jacket, and glasses holding and swiping through a tablet.
   "We've received an increase of 15% in our weapons and pharmaceutical divisions," the woman said.
   "So, Milla, tell me about these...attacks happening at home," the man demanded.
   "Four months ago, a series of strange creatures began attacking the city," Milla began.
   "They were then stopped by five individuals in uniforms calling themselves, the Power Rangers!"
   "Sounds marketable," said the man softly. "And they do this for free?"
   "Presumably," Milla replied. "In terms of P.R., they have nothing. Almost as if they're doing this for notoriety. Many people across the country agree with that sentiment. Including many political figures and news outlets."
   "Well, I know my next pet project," grinned the man. "Order out a small team of recon drones the next time these creatures show up."
   "Yessir Mister Wilson," Milla responded as she swiped and typed on her tablet.
   "Anything else I should know about?"
   "Just...Your son, Alex."
   At the sound of that word, Mister Wilson's expression changed from cocky and greedy, to anger and skepticism. Milla explained that she had been keeping tabs on his schoolwork and general activity. All seemed to annoy Alex's father, thinking he would get Alex something for good grades.


   When the sun rose on a new day, Alex was on the cliff where he learned to listen to the totem. He began meditating with his eyes on the peak, absorbing the peace and serenity around him. To Alex, it was like he was sitting under a fruit tree with a pond in front of him. With his eyes still closed, he heard and felt a rumbling through the ground. Turning his head in that direction, the rumble continued for nearly a minute before stopping. Alex could feel some form of energy radiating off the being next to him. The energy was familiar, so familiar, Alex realized exactly who it was; his lion totem. The totem lay down like a house cat and began drinking from the pond as Alex smiled. This moment made Alex feel like any negativity in his life had not existed. But, like a calm and relaxing day on the beach, something had to go array. The lion began to growl in the air, Alex could feel another energy source, and this one, made him feel sick. Opening his eyes, Alex was sent back to reality and heard a jet sound above him. The jet was just in view for Alex to recognize, and he was not happy. With anger in his eyes, Alex raced down the mountain.

   Richard and Daric were weightlifting in the Youth Center while Faith and Rachel were talking gossip from hearsay. When Alex came into the building with signs of anger, when he stopped and looked at his friends, Alex began to calm down and slowly but calmly walked towards the juice bar. Rachel noticed Alex first and began to ignore Faith's gossip, more concerned for her friend. She stopped Faith then and there and began walking towards Alex.
   This girl needs to seal the deal already, Faith thought to herself as she immediately understood what she was doing.
   "Hey," Rachel said as she took a seat next to Alex.
   "Hey," Alex responded a bit nervously and with an aching head. "W-What's up?"
   "Nothing, what's up with you," Rachel retorted. "You look like you just got out of bed."
   "I uh...I just had some bad news. Don't worry, it's nothing you or the others should be concerned about. Promise."
   Not fully accepting the truth, Rachel nodded and held Alex's shoulder, trying to comfort him. Chell came by a minute later, wearing her work uniform.
   "Hey guys," she said.
   "Hey Chell," Alex and Rachel said.
   "What can I get you guys?"
   "Just uh...Just a smoothie," Alex replied. "Banana, blueberry, honey, and oats please?"
   "Coming up," Chell smiled as she wrote the order on a notepad. "And, Ray?"
   "O-Oh, nothing for me," Rachel stammered nervously.

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