chapter 59

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scarlet's pov :

"this must be a joke . . . " i said as i stared at the fallen pictures on the  floor , my hands were already trembling as i was trying to process everything that was going on , i lifted my head and looked at kristian who was staring at me with a look of grief on his face 

" is she really dead?" i asked with a whisper , kristian looked at me with a simple pause before he nodded his head 

"h. . . how? why ?" my body swayed as i looked at the pictures again , i felt Kristian's hand on my waist as he supported my swaying body to set down 

"it's a long story, and really complicated " kristian said as he kneeled in front of me and rubbed my knee with his big hand , he tried to pray the picture of my hand but i held onto it tighter 

" i want to know , i deserve to know " kristian sighed and nodded his head 

"a couple of months back Whitney started collecting intel on anything that can be used against me , and she must have stumbled on your history , she found out that your mother owned a gang  a huge amount of money and she decided to take her in so she can hopefully use her against you , which is against me ." 

"my mother owned a gang money ?? how ?" i felt shocked as i listened to kristian talking 

"it seems like she has been a drug addict since years back , even before you were born, when she met your dad she got into rehab so she can get clean but after they got married and she had you she started using again in secret , until one day  she took a big dose while she was pregnant with her second child and she miscarried , so your father went into a rage and that's how things started going down hill " 

"this . . . this is not true , i don't remember any of that happening , my mother . . . she wouldn't , and my father he left . . ." i shacked my head in denial , 'was everything i knew a lie '

"your father had to leave for your sake " 


"when he and your mother started fighting over who will take you , he was insistent having you with him and keeping you away from your mother and after a lot of fighting i guess , he was able to convince your mother to leave " I stood up from my chair and started pacing around the room , my hands were in my hair as i tried to process all my thoughts 

"scarlet. . . "  

"then why did he leave ? the next day he left me in my grandmother's house , why ?" i stared at kristian with tears threatening to fall from my eyes , he stood up and walked towards me 

"he had to leave you , your mother threatened him through the gang that she was in touch with , she probably said something like if i can't have her then you can't either , that's why he left you so he can keep you safe " my tears escaped from my eyes as i stared at the picture again and again 

"how. . . how did she die ? " my voice trembled as i asked the one question that was scaring me the most 

"Whitney tried to use her as much as possible , for information about you , and maybe for luring you and when it didn't work she gave her a high dose of drugs and she went overdose " kristian said bluntly while he held my hands in his 

"this is to much . . . " i said with a whisper 

"i know " kristian whispered back as his hand went to gently touch my face  " you okay ?" 

"i don't know , i mean i feel weird , i can't hate her even though she destroyed my life and my fathers , and i have been blaming him for all my life about something he didn't do . . . i just don't know how to feel about all this " 

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