chapter 12 (edited )

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Kristian's pov:

"Cute..." i looked at scarlet as she smiled at Mateo and Noah together , i coughed twice not liking how she was staring at them with this smile

"Cough, cough.... we should eat , the food is getting cold " i said as i looked at scarlet who had walked to sit on my left side with Noah beside her , she took a seat and helped Noah on his , the maids helped up with the food and i couldn't help but stare at scarlet and how she was caring for Noah and thanking the maid every time they came to the table , how kind can a person be

"Cough.... so scarlet ! what did you do usually , before you started working here i mean ?" Mateo asked scarlet while looking at me with a smug look on his face

"Oh! i worked in a club it's called golden night club , i have been working there for almost three years now actually "

"Oh, you worked for Jake? "

"i still work for him , he is a greet boss"

"i am pretty much sure he loves having you as his employee , what about collage ? " Mateo said as he stared at scarlet , but something was wrong , i felt scarlet stiffen beside me with her fork mid air

"Enough Mateo let her eat in peace " Mateo must have noticed the air around scarlet changes, so he faked a laugh and smiled at me

"it's okay! i actually went to collage only for a year , i couldn't financially support myself through collage and take care of my grandma so i left and started working " scarlet said with a smile , but deep down i knew that she was hiding something , she looked sad and vulnerable for second and deep down i felt the argue to protect her

"Anyway, collage is not everything . i know a lot of people who built a future without going to school , so i am pretty sure i can handle anything that life throws my way " scarlet said as she helped Noah wipe his mouth with a napkin while laughing at his childish ways of eating , after half an hour or so , we finished eating and i went to my home office to finish work , i missed a lot of work when Noah went missing and i have to make sure everything is complete , a lot of people call me workaholic but i don't mind i actually admit it , i love my work , if i didn't have Noah at home i probably wouldn't come home at all

i heard knocking at door , disturbing me of my focus

"Come in..."

"you're as grumpy as always "

"Thank you, brother , now if that's all please leave i have work to do" i said to Mateo without lifting my head up of the paperwork

"i need to talk to you about the new deal that i was working on in Spain" Mateo said as he sat in the chair in front of me

"But first ... "


"No what , i haven't spoken yet! "

"i know what you're going to say , so save me the headache well ya ! "

"Okay , no but seriously , did you see how Noah acts around her , he was laughing while eating , he eats carrots for god's sake and he HATES carrots , and he slept in her room with her , since when does Noah allow anyone near him other than you when he is sleeping " i looked at the confused Mateo in front of me and smirked

"Do you want me to shock you more than that ?"

"i don't think anything can shock me more than that for today brother" Mateo said

"He talked "

"Who talked?" Mateo said with a dumbfounded look on his face

"Noah "

"Stop shitting me , no way , Noah has not talked in years " Mateo said as he stood up and started walking around the room

"He did , he asked for help when scarlet was stabbed "

"OMG . this is ...." Mateo was speechless

"Crazy, amazing, insane , great . you idiot why does you think i will hire her as a nanny without a reason "

"I thought you hired her , because she was hot, and you obviously like her so..."

" Get out."

"Sorry , sorry anyway let's focus here , you're telling me that Noah is getting better thanks to scarlet saving him , well maybe it isn't such a bad thing that he ran away , he ran away, right?" i glared at him at how stupid he is acting right now

"Yeah, the nanny took her eyes off him for one minute and he went away on his own "

"it's good that everything got solved , now for business , the deal in Spain is almost closed but they are asking for your presence in the closing of the deal , they are having a party after it , of course when i say party i mean all of the associates and the cooperation directors will be there , so you well have to go "

"You go , i can't leave Noah "

"Sorry dude you will have to go , scarlet will stay with Noah , because i have to be with you ..."

"Okay i got it we will see what happens when the time comes , you continue working on the contract and ask the HR to help choose a couple of guys who can leave with us for support in the Spain quarters "

"Got it I will work on it , don't worry about it , it's already 5 o'clock i am going to take a shower and rest for a while , i might go over to see Jake tonight if you would like to join for a guy's night out "

"I don't know scarlet is still hurt , so i want to keep an eye on her and Noah for tonight "

"Your whipped man ..." Mateo said as he left the office with a laugh

after Mateo left the office i continued working for three more hours with out a break , finishing as much work as possible , but every couple of minutes my mind would drift to the beauty that is staying upstairs , i closed the laptop and leaned on my chair after resting my eyes for a couple of minutes , i stood up and went towards Noah's room to see how he is doing , the moment i reached the room's door i saw the most amazing scene ever , scarlet was laying down on the bed and Noah was sleeping beside her with his head sniggled on her shoulder as she read him a story , i approached the door slowly without making any noise listening to scarlet's soothing voice and staring at the scene in front of me.
i always felt bad for Noah for not having a mother around and at this moment this scene in front of me just reminded me of how happy he could have been if 'they were alive '

i miss them , but nothing can bring them back 

i miss them , but nothing can bring them back 

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