chapter 29

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(Andre Ziehe) as Mason Russo above 

scarlet's pov: 

as i walked into the room i saw mason sitting in his chair with a punch of papers scattered in front of him   

"MR. Russo , miss Kristof is here  " i stood beside Brian as mason looked at me up and down and said 

"you've got a good fashion sense that's one thing less to do on the list " mason said as he stood up and walked towards me 

"you can leave brain, and start working on what i told you before  "

"yes sir " Brian left the room leaving me and mason alone ,all of a sudden the aura around me changed , i looked at mason and i didn't see the same man , his once cold face is now bright with a big smile , a very kind and gentle smile , which made me very confused 

"sorry take a seat miss Kristof "

"oh uhm thank you MR. Russo and please call me scarlet or scar for short"

"mason is good  for me too , MR. Russo sounds more like my father " i took a seat in the black leather sofa in front of him , i smiled awkwardly as i had a million questions in my head 

" oh you must be confused , actually my personality isn't that bad , but i try to keep my distance in work and that kristian usually knows how to piss me off , that's why i am usually pissed , sorry "  mason rubbed his head in embarrassment as his half moon eyes closed slightly when he smiled , i laughed  out loud 

"kristian does have that kind of effect on people " 

"he does , anyway enough talking about your boyfriend and let's talk about you ! jack sent me a video of you singing , I must say it has been a while since i heard an amazing voice like yours , your very talented that's for sure "  mason stood up and walked towards his desk as he picked a white file and handed it to me 

"this is gonna be our first step " 

"this" ?? i asked as i opened the file and the first words i read were 

 " knight's annual charity event , what does the charity has anything to do with me ?" mason smiled at me with a glint of mischief in his eyes 

"of course it has , you my darling are gonna be the main event of our company , on this day your gonna make your debut as the new rising star Ava..." mason said with a smirk 

"you must be joking right ? this is one of the biggest events for the company and you want me to debut there ?" 

"yes , since we have two months left were gonna start preparing , first is gonna be voice control lessons starting tomorrow morning , second would be walking lessons , so starting tomorrow we're gonna be on full packed schedule , i hope your ready   "  i felt my head spinning as all off this started hitting me hard , but i wanted to do this , i took a deep breath and calmed myself down , i smiled at him and nodded my head 

"good , next would be the contract , i already prepared one for you , actually it was kristian who prepared it here you go " mason handled me another file on the outside was written artist contract and it was quite big , i opened it and looked for where i need to sign my name , taking the pen from the table i started singing my name 

"your not gonna read it?" 

"you said kristian prepared it , it's okay " i handed him the file with a smile on my face , he looked at me and with a wink said 

"alright , I will send you a copy right away , have you chosen if you want to debut with a mask or not ? " 

"yes i would like to do it with out a mask , if i am gonna do it, i wanna go all the way, no barriers , i already talked about it with kristian " mason nodded as he took his seat behind his desk 

"okay no problem , i will take care of everything , tomorrow at 12 you will have your first vocal listen and after that you have different schedule , your assistant will be at Kristian's place to pick you up , and that's all for today " mason said as he called Brian in , i stood up and smiled to him 

"thank you so much mason , it must really be very hard for you to do this while you have to take care of the company , maybe i should talk with ..." 

"it's okay scarlet , this is nothing and i have all the help i need , kristian is just making sure you're safe and he needs someone he trust , and actually a part of me is happy , after all i missed doing this " i nodded my head and said goodbye as i walked outside where Brian was already waiting for me 


Kristian's pov:

i heard my personal phone ring as i was in a middle of a conversation with one of my company directors 

" we will continue this later director yang " the man in front of me nodded his head as he stood up and left , i looked at the caller id and it was mason calling me , i answered it right away knowing that scarlet is with him 

"everything okay?" 

"yeah , scarlet just left " i hummed in reply , almost not caring anymore 

"you don't have to sound so uninterested all of a sudden , anyway , i watched the video jack sent me , she is good , she's gonna be a big hit , we already have a whole plan for her , i will send it to you later "

"alright , and did she sign the contract ?"

"she did , she didn't even read it " i felt a smirk on my face as soon as he talked 

"would you tell me what the hell is written in that thing , you didn't even let me read it "

"nothing for you to worry about , send it to me right away " i heard a sigh at the other end of the phone 

"got it , anyway her debut is gonna be on the day of the charity event , i will keep you updated when needed " 

"always keep me updated ." i said in a stern voice 

"okay , okay , i will keep you updated all the time , got to go i have a lot of stuff to do " 

i hanged up the phone as stared at the picture of my wallpaper and i couldn't help  the smile that settled on my face , just thinking about her makes me happy 

i am the luckiest guys in the world...

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