chapter 4(edited)

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Kristian's POV

"Calm down, Kris. Screaming won't help." Jack said as he pulled me back from almost killing the man in front of me.

"How The fuck can you lose a child? HOW?!" I shouted again as I punched the wall. I turned around and saw my men staring at me. "What the fuck are you waiting for?! FIND HIM!" I screamed again. And within seconds, the twenty-five men I hired were running out the door.

"Kris, you need--"

"Don't tell me to calm down, Jack. Just don't." I slumped onto the couch and held my head in my hands. "It's been almost four days, man. Four days! And I can't find him!"

"I am sure he's okay. We'll find him. I promise. But you need to rest man,"

I looked ahead and saw a picture on the wall of me and my family staring right back at me. I felt pain as I imagined what he would be thinking of me right now. Would he hate me for being irresponsible? Would he blame me ... ?"

I shook my head as I stood up and said, "I have to find him. I am going to the police station again."

"I'm coming with you." Jack said as he walked with me to the door. In fifteen minutes we were standing in the station asking if anything changed with their investigation on my missing son.

"I am sorry, sir, but there is nothing new with the case." I slammed my hand on the desk in front of me. I knew that depending on the cops was useless and a waste of time. That's why I hired a private investigation going on, but the police still can help in case some civilian found him.

"It's been four days. What the hell are you people doing--" Right before I continued speaking, a man in a suit came around the corner and started talking to the officer in front of me. I hate it when people interrupt me. Jack must have felt how pissed off I was becoming as he pulled me back and guided me to the doors to outside.

"Yeah, six-years-old. He's quiet. Refuses to talk, so we don't know anything about his family. He recently revealed his name is Noah."

When I heard Noah's name, I stopped in my tracks and turned around right away. I ran to the desk and slammed my fists then screamed, "What did you just say?!"

"Excuse me?" The man in the squirt asked with a shocked face.

"The kid, where is he?"

"And you are?" The man asked in a challenging tone.

"He's Kristian Knight, sir." Jack answered for me. This guy was really pushing my buttons. Just tell me where my son is!

"Detective Charles. Now, how may I help you gentlemen?" You've got to be kidding me!

"We're looking for a young kid." Jack answered. "He went missing almost four days ago. His name's Noah." The detective looked at us in shock.

"The quiet kid?"

"Yes." Jack and I answered in unison, but in different tones. My voice was full of irritation and anger.

"Oh, finally! A lead!. Sadly, I don't have a picture to show you. Do you have one of the boy for confirmation?" I took out my phone and right away flipped through it until I found a good photo of my baby.

"Yep, that's him alright." The cop confirmed. I felt my body relax a little.

"Where is he? Is he here?" I really hoped he was here so that I could take him home right away.

"No," the detective answered, scratching his chin. "He's staying with a young woman who found him. I will call her right now, just give me a second." Why is my son staying with a complete stranger? He hardly knows anyone. The detective went around the corner to call the lady. I then felt a hand pat my shoulder.

"Toldya we'd find him." Jack said with a stupid smile. I nodded my head and rubbed my aching temples.

"I'm sorry gentleman, but she isn't answering." said detective Charles, coming around the corner once more.

"What do you mean she isn't answering? You guys just let some lady kidnap my son!"

"Rest assured, Miss Kristoff is a very trusting woman. The boy has been in her care these past few days while she was in the hospital."


"The boy was about to be kidnapped until Miss Kristof found him. She ended up getting stabbed and saved his life." I felt my face pale and anger rise within me at the thought of Noah getting kidnapped. "Let me take you to them. It's late and she's probably sleeping."

We drove to the apartment complex where this "Miss Kristof" lived and got out of the car.

"No way, it must be a coincidence, right?" I heard Jack say.

"What?" I inquired.

"One of my employees lives here. She was recently hospitalized four days ao, she got stabbed ... "

"What's her name?" Detective Charles asked.

"Scarlet ... " the detective was shocked.

Both Jack and I picked up our pace, running up the stairs since the girl lived on the third floor and there was no elevator. Jack was faster as he actually knew where her room was and I didn't. He stopped in front of an old door and knocked twice. There was no response, not even footsteps on the other end of the door. I felt my patience running dry. Jack knocked again but harder this time than the first two. Suddenly the door opened revealing a pale but beautiful woman. She wore shorts and a baggy white t. She was confused and in a daze, like he had just woken up from a nap.

"Jack?" She asked in a tired tone. "What are you doing here?"


hey guys sorry for the late update but with everything that has been going on in the world , even writing has been hard , i hope everyone is safe and healthy i love you all 

and don't forget 

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Edited by the amazing @2129887Hb

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