chapter 41

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Scarlet's pov: 

"kristian is that you ? "  both me and kristian turned around to see a tall woman with red hair staring at us and then looking at Noah who was standing in between us , the girl in front of me was really beautiful , she was as tall as a model , she had blue greyish eyes and her lips were really Rosie plump  , i was almost envious until i saw her looking at me with that scorn in her eyes , and that's when i decided there was no way in hell i was gonna act anything other than confident in front of her , i don't know who the hell she is but i will be damned if i let her look at me like that again .

"mommy who is that ?"  Noah's little hand that was tugging on my shirt snapped me from my staring competition that i was having with the woman in front of me 

" I don't know baby why don't we wait for daddy to explain !" i said as i looked at kristian with a small smile on my lips , but this smile wasn't so kind , it had furry behind it , this woman really does give bad vibes 

" I can't remember , she is probably some stalker , ignore her , let's go in "  kristian said with the coldest face ever , it even scared me a bit and he pulled me and Noah to turn around 

"you...."  we ignored the furies woman as we walked into the doctors office , the doctor wasn't inside yet , so we just took a seat , Noah was already playing on my phone so i looked at kristian and saw him staring at the wall with the same cold expression 

' who the hell was that woman , why did kristian react like that ' thoughts were swimming in my head as stared at kristian hoping i can understand what was he thinking    

 "sorry for being late MR. Knight and miss scarlet" the doctor interrupted my thoughts as he walked in with mateo right behind him , but what was weirded then him being here , was the expression on his face , the ever so kind and calm mateo was fuming in anger , his face was almost red like blood and the kind eyes were gone as he sat down beside the doctor's chair 

"mateo what are you doing here ??"   his eyes snapped as he looked at me with confusion , but the coldness that was there disappeared a little filling in its place some warmth 

"haa! ah yes Kris told me you will be here , so i came over to take a look over the tests results"

"so is everything okay ? " kristian asked as he looked at mateo and the doctor totally ignoring everything else , the situation was weird and i couldn't put my finger into it 

"yes MR. Knight everything is well , miss scarlet 's  tests came out much better than last time , but she should still be carful since it's not something that can be cured completely , she should keep having a steady meal plan , and eat healthy , not tiring herself very much is also important , and she should keep taking the supplements for the time being , it will be safer for the future   "

i nodded my head as the doctor finished talking and thanked him for his time , i stood up to leave , i took Noah's hand in mine and helped him to stand , i had to coax the phone out of his hands which was really hard lately , as i walked out of the office i saw kristian and mateo standing next to each other and whispering lowly to each other , i took a step closer to them with out making any noise hoping to catch on what they were saying 

"make sure to check why the hell she just popped out of nowhere , there is no way in hell this wasn't planned  ... " mateo said with sharp voice reminding me that he was definitely the older one between them , sometimes i just forget with his carefree personality which made it even weirder how cold and serious he was acting 

" i know , i will take care of it , don't forget to call the security team , i need more bodyguards on them .... "

"what's going on guys ? is something wrong ? " both of the guys turned around to look at me and Noah who was almost falling asleep in my arms 

"it's nothing just a little something ... " Kris said as he walked closer towards me , we were still in the hospital and there was people around us that's why i was keeping my voice as calm as possible but right now i was freaking out and that's not good 

"to hell with that ! something is obviously wrong , since that woman showed up you both have been acting strange , who the hell was she  ? " i finally snapped when both of them were obviously lying  to my face and hiding something 

"scar we will talk later , let's go home first " kristian said as he took another step towards me taking Noah from my hands and holding him up into his embrace , i saw the serious look in Kristian's eyes and i decided to stay quite until we reached home , which was the wrong decision since i ended up going into an overdrive thinking all the way home , so for the last 45  minutes , it was like torture , the moment we entered the house Claire came and took the sleeping Noah to put him into his bed , i saw kristian enter his office quietly and mateo slipping to the stairs as if he was running away 

"where do you think your going !?" i held mateo back from his jacket and started pulling him with me towards Kristian's office 

"scar , maybe you and kristian should talk alone for now i don't wanna interrupt"  

" don't even think about it "  as we walked into the dimly lit office , i saw kristian pour himself a whisky and sitting behind his desk with his stern face , i walked towards his desk and sat on the chair on front of him , and after a second mateo joined me sitting beside me with his eyes closed as his head hanged backwards with a sigh 

"so are you gonna tell me who was that ? " both kristian and mateo stayed quite as i waited for them to talk , the office was silent and only the sound i could hear was of our breathing , it was already 8 o'clock and i was tired as hell , i had barely ate anything for breakfast and i had a small lunch and now it looks like i was missing my dinner and god was i frustrated and annoyed 

"is she your ex or something ?" i asked kristian and for my surprise i saw mateo flinch and his eyes twitch with a look of disgust 

"what did i hit the nail on his head or something ?"

"she is not " i heard kristian growl as he spook with venom 

" then who is she ??" 

"she is called Whitney and let's say she isn't a friend "  mateo said with a whisper 

"stop , that's enough lets go eat dinner , your not allowed to miss a meal scarlet " kristian said as he stood up trying to end what mateo was about to say 

" bro , maybe we should tell her , it would be better...." 

"i said NO "  kristian snapped at mateo making him shut up right away , kristian started walking towards the door leaving me standing behind him 

" i am not eating until we talk about this kristian " 


" i am going to my room , when you feel like talking you can come over , until then i will be sleeping in MY room tonight and tomorrow"  i said and walked away right away leaving behind me a stunned kristian and mateo 

i reached into my old bedroom which i haven't used in weeks since me and kristian confessed to each other , i walked in and locked the door , i sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling , god that man can be stubborn , but if he is stubborn so am I 





to be continued


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