chapter 9(edited)

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Kristian's POV

As the sun was rising, I waited for my son and Scarlet to begin breakfast. I made sure that the first thing I did to start my day was to make sure someone was there to help Scarlet around, especially with going down stairs. I still can't believe someone as kind as her exists. The thought of her in pain makes my heart twist, that's why I have to make sure she stays safe.

Earlier I had expected to find Scarlet and Noah downstairs waiting for me since it had been well past eight o'clock, but they weren't there! Only a few maids were in the dining room setting up breakfast for us.

I finally had enough after waiting ten minutes for the two tardies so went to check up on them. However, when I got out of my chair, I found an angel descending the stairs. She wore a simple, white dress that reached her knees, making her look incredibly pure. Her hair was flawless and God did she look beautiful. But all of these thoughts got jammed when I caught Noah walking down the steps at her side. Where the hell is the maid!? I yelled in my head as my teeth gritted in frustration.

"Did you come down the stairs by yourself? Where is the maid that is to be with you at all times." I asked Scarlet right away once she was floor level with me.

"Um," She began, looking me up and down. "I asked Noah to take me to you instead."

"You shouldn't do that again. You're still hurt. The doctor said you need rest." I stepped over to her and stopped in front. I looked down at Noah and patted his head. He smiled back up at me, lighting up my morning.

"I'm okay, really." She smiled. "I could have actually gone to work today. It's not a big deal, thank you by the way for the clothes. But, Mr. Knight, that is a really big closet and a lot of clothes. I'm not staying any longer than like a day or two. So I kind of feel bad about you buying all of that."

"Actually, Miss Kristoff, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"What about?" She asked. "And please, call me 'Scarlet'." Scarlet ... . I liked the sound of that.

"Allow us to eat first then we will talk in my study." I responded. She nodded the took a seat at the table beside Noah. I watched throughout breakfast Scarlet barely touching her food and placing almost all of her focus on feeding my son!

"Scarlet, noah can eat on his own." I sternly said, just being done with the sight of it. She softly nodded and went on for the rest of the meal eating her food and not worrying about Noah.. Once breakfast was done, Noah went off to start on his classes while Scarlet and I went to my office.

We spoke of the deal I had in mind which included me needing her help and not denying it. For my baby boy I would do anything, so this was my only choice. I had to convince her to stay here. What shocked me the most was how much she cried when I told her about Noah's accident. The accident that changed my baby boy. The accident that made me feel disappointed for the first time in myself.

After about half an hour, we finally finished our conversation, and part of me couldn't believe she said yes. But the idea of her working the amount of hours she wants wasn't settling well with me. I would just have to wait and see what I can do about it.

I watched her walk out of my office with a small blush on her beautiful cheeks.

God, what is this woman doing to me? Since the moment I met her at the club, I can't help but think about her.

I shook my head in hopes my thoughts would disappear.

I have a lot of work to catch up on.


Scarlet's POV

I went to my room right away. I wanted to run out of this house and the entire situation of everything so bad! But this damn injury won't let me.

I closed the door right away once I reached my bedroom. I lifted my hands to touch my face, it was burning hot.

God! How embarrassing! I cannot believe he saw me like that! But I can't help it! I never thought his smile would be that beautiful. He looked even more sexy than usual.

I was awakened from my daydream when I heard my phone ring and answered without looking at the ID.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Where the hell are you!" Ben screamed through the other end of the line.

"Sorry, Ben, my stitches opened up yesterday and I had to go back to the hospital and a lot of stuff just happened." I let out a sigh and walked over to my bed slowly and sat down.

"Are you okay now? I have been knocking at your door since an hour ago. Are you staying somewhere, Love?"

"I'm fine. No need to worry, Ben. I uhhmmm ... I am kind of at my new job."

"What new job? You should be resting, Scar."

"Hey, why don't we meet up today and I can tell you everything that's been happening. Oh and call Donna. I don't want to explain twice."

"Okay, I'll meet you at Danny's in an hour."

"Okay, Babe." I hung up and looked at the time. It was already half past nine. I realized I should really get ready, but when I looked at the mirror, I decided to stay in the same dress. I grabbed my phone and purse then walked out of the room. I went down the stairs slowly and once at the bottom of them, thought of calling a maid to tell Kristian I'd be out and back by 12.

But the moment I turned around, I was met with Kristian's eyes.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Uhm, yes. I was about to tell you. I won't be long. I'll be back before Noah finishes his classes." As I spoke I played with my fingers nervously.

"You're not going anywhere. You're supposed to be on bed rest.": His tone was cold.

"I am just meeting up with some friends. They're worried about me. I have to tell them what's going on before Ben kills someone." I exaggerated.


"He's a friend. ... I'm sorry but I have to go now." I said with a rush as I walked around him. "I don't want to be late." I added almost out the door.

"Wait!" I let out a sigh as I turned around.


"Let the driver take you. He's already outside. And be careful." Kristian left before I could say anything in return. I turned around and left the mansion with only one thought in mind: What the hell was that?


hey guys 

i miss you all , so here is your new update , i hope you like it babes 

love you all 

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Edited by the amazing @2129887Hb

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