Chapter 4: A Miracle

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//a.n. so I tried putting "Say Something", by Great Big World for the music video to go along with this chapter, but I can't figure out how to do it, so if anyone can help, message me, please. Thanks

After the long fight for her life on the operating table, Davi is wheeled to a room in the ICU. She is hooked up to a ventilator and so many other things, that her body is covered with cords leading to various machines.
"Did anyone call her next of kin?" Davi's doctor asks.
"On it right now," a nurse says, and then begins making the call.
The team is working the case. In fact, Rossi and Hotch were investigating the scene, when Rossi's phone rings. "Hello, SSA David Rossi," he says.
"Mr. Rossi, are you any relation to a Davi Rossi?"
"Yes, I'm her father. What is this about?" Rossi asks. He puts his finger up to Hotch, signalling that he needs a moment, then steps away when Hotch nods to him.
"Mr. Rossi, I'm sorry to inform you, but your daughter was in a terrible accident. She flatlined 4 times, but we were finally able to stabilise her. She is currently in the ICU, hooked up to a ventilator. She's stable and in a coma. We don't know when or if she'll wake up," the nurse informs him.
"Are you sure that it's Davi; my Davi?" Rossi asks in disbelief.

"Yes Mr. Rossi. The police made a 100% ID."
"So, what happened?" Rossi asks, as he paces, rubbing his free hand over his face. Tears are streaming down his cheeks.
The nurse fills him in on all the info that the EMTs had given them when they arrived. She then tells Rossi which hospital that Davi is in.
"I'm on the next plane out of Michigan, I should be there by morning, at the latest," Rossi informs the nurse.
"Yes, Sir," the nurse says then hangs up.
Rossi squats, crying harder now. He never cries like this, but Davi is the only family he has left.
Hotch has never seen his partner/friend this upset before - not even when his daughter's Mum, whom he loved very much, died of cancer. Hotch walks over to Rossi. "Dave, everything ok?" Hotch kneels by his friend and places a comforting hand on Rossi's shoulder.
"It's Davi, my daughter. She was in an accident, she flatline 4 times. They were able to stabilise her, but now she's in the ICU, in a coma, on a ventilator. And, they don't know when or even if she's gonna wake up," Rossi explains after composing himself a little bit. "I'm sorry, Hotch, but I got to go back to Virginia. "
    "Of course, Rossi, go. We've got it here. Go be with your daughter," Hotch says. He stands up and calls the rest of the team, telling them to meet back at the Filmore Complex.
"Thanks, Hotch, I owe you one." Rossi says as he runs to the nearest vehicle.
"Don't mention it, just go," Hotch says.

Time skip~
Davi stays unconscious in the room. It's been a week since her accident, and she still hasn't woken up, nor shown any signs that she will wake up in the near future.
The team caught the unsub; an unstable cashier at the store, who kept reimagining that he was killing his abusive older stepsister.
The team is currently sitting in Davi's room, waiting for her to wake up, and to be emotional support for Rossi.
"I'm sorry ya'll, visitation is over," a nurse comes in a informs the group as he checks Davi's vitals. "Only one of ya'll can stay."
Rossi looks like shit, and in desperate need of sleep and some freshening up.
"Rossi, I know you don't want to, but you need to go home, get a few hours of sleep, and take a shower," Hotch coaxes "I'll stay with Davi. I'll watch over her; call you if anything changes," Hotch promises.
Rossi nods. "Okay," he then leaves with the rest of the team for the night.
Hotch has been taking shifts watching over Davi, while Rossi gets food, uses the bathroom, sleeps, or like today, goes home for a bit. Hotch doesn't know why, but he's drawn to Davi. Something about her intrigues him, even though she's unconscious.
Rossi comes back the next morning, looking a little better than when he'd left the night before. He walks in, hearing Hotch talking to Davi. He decides to wait at the doorway to hear what he has to say to Davi.
"Hey Davi, I doubt you even remember me; we met a while ago when your Dad threw one of his notorious house parties. My name is Aaron Hotchner, but everyone just calls me Hotch." At this point, Hotch is holding Davi's hand in both of his. "Your Dad is worried about you. In fact, the whole team is worried about you. We're all waiting for you to wake up. We haven't let Rossi come back yet, and honestly, it's sometimes even hard for us to do our jobs, because we're all so worried about you.
"Whenever we get a phone call, while out on a case, we always think it's Rossi calling about you. Praying it's good news.
"Do you hear that? You've got people who care about you. We're all rooting for you. Hoping you'll wake up soon. Please, Davi, wake up. Wake up for your Dad. You're all he had left. But don't just wake up for your Dad. Wake up for yourself, because you have so much to offer this world. And after all you've been through, you deserve another chance. So please, Davi, please wake up. "
Rossi walks into the room, clearing his throat.
Hotch startles and jumps to his feet, dropping Davi's hand. "I-I....umm."
"It's fine, Hotch, really." Rossi says as he pats Hotch's shoulder. "Your speech was beautiful."
Hotch merely nods.

Time skip~
It's been 2 months since Hotch's speech to Davi, and still no sign of her waking up. So, RossI agrees that pulling the plug is the right thing to do. To let her go be with her mother.
Rossi calls the whole team to let them know what is going on. The whole team arrives within 10 minutes.
"You sure this is the right thing?" Reid aasks sadly.
Morgan glares at him. "Seriously, kid, don't make this any harder than it already is. "
Reid looks at Morgan, then nods. "Sorry Rossi."
Rossi numbly nods.
The team each took turns saying goodbye to Davi and hugging an eerily calm and numb Rossi.
"Ok, it's time, " the doctor says.
Rossi, agian, without much emotion, merely nods.
The doctor pulls the plug.
Beep....beep....beep....beep, she flatlines.
Only then does Rossi begin to cry. He breaks down and sobs. He hugs his daughter's lifeless body, as his team hugs him.
They stay like this, listening to Rossi's wails as each one sniffles.
Hotch thinks he hears something, but decides he is mistaken.
"Wait! There it is again!" He thinks to himself.
Beep! Beep!
"Everyone be quiet!" Hotch calls out.
Everyone looks at him. Rossi glares.
"Listen!" Hotch says.
The all look at the monitor, and sees Davi's heartbeat. Then they see Davi's hand move.
"Doctor! Come quickly!" Reid yells frantically.
Doctors and nurses come running, thinking that David Rossi did something, because he couldn't handle the grief. What they saw instead- Davi sitting up, eyes open- can be described as nothing short of a miracle!

//a.n. also, unfortunately, I didn't make through Basic Training. I was discharged from the Army due severe exertion induced asthma. So now I'm home trying to readjust, dealing with depression, and trying to figure my life out.

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