Chapter 6: Davi's Dream

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Davi is on a mission with a group from her Unit. She is running through a village in Afghanistan, searching for her brother-in-arms; for this was a search and rescue op. Her friend had been captured 2 months before, while on a scouting expedition. It had taken the higher ups 2 months to authorize a search and rescue; and when they did, Davi was the first to volunteer.
"Rossi! Slow down! I know you're anxious to rescue Bower, but you also need to be alert and cautious!" Lieutenant Clark whispers hoarsely.
"I am Sir, but we also need to move quickly! Who knows what kind of torture Bower had already endured!" Davi argues back in a whisper.
They all run forwards, and stop at the building that Bower is reportedly being hostage in.
"Davis, Anderson, breach in three!" Lt. Clark commands.
Davis and Anderson get into position, while everyone else stood ready.
"1....2....3....NOW!" Lt. Clark commands.
Davis and Anderson breach the building, and lead the way, as the team enters - scanning each room as they go.
A soldier behind Davi falls. Davi whips around and shot the hostile. "Ericson, are you ok?!"
"Yeah! It only hit my vest. He was just really close!" Ericson yells as he gets up. "Keep moving. More are coming!"
Anderson goes down.
The soldiers return fire and are able to kill 2 hostiles.
Davis makes his way to Anderson. "Anderson, you good?"
No response.
Davis calls out again. Still no answer. After returning fire and making his way to Anderson's side, Davis flips Anderson over onto his back, and sees a bullet hole in his face, and in his neck above his vest.
In the 4 minutes it had taken him to get to Anderson, Anderson had bled out and died.
Davi goes down. GSW (gunshot wound) to her leg. Jefferson goes down, GSW to his abdomen, right below his vest.
Davi, who is right next to Jefferson, grabs the handle on the back of Jefferson's vest, and with great effort, is able to drag them to cover.
A grenade explodes and Davi is thrown against a wall. The building collapses on the soldiers.
Davi shoots up in her bed, breathing rapidly.
Rossi has made his way to her room, upon hearing Davi's screams. "You ok sweetheart?" Rossi asks, full of concern.
"Another flashback nightmare, " Davi answers, brushing her hair out of her eyes, trying to steady her breathing.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Rossi asks, sitting on the edge of Davi's bed.
"Not really. Just some stuff that happened in Afghanistan," Davi deflects, with a shrug.
"You might feel better if you talk about it," Rossi persists, trying to convince his daughter to open up.
Davi shakes her head. "Nah Dad, I'm ok, really. I am." Davi gets out of bed and heads to her bathroom and closes the door behind her. She then splashes her face with cold water. She looks into the mirror, and begins to sob. She is home from the Army after a medical discharge, for 2 years now, and yet she still had the horrible nightmares and random flashbacks that come out of nowhere, of every mission or training exercise gone wrong.
Rossi hears his daughter's sobs and knocks on the door. "Honey, let me in. Let me help you. Talk to me sweetheart. Please, just open the door," Rossi pleads.
Davi, still sobbing, slowly opens the door. "Daddy, it hurts so much! The pain of losing my brothers and sisters from the Army. The nightmares and flashbacks won't go away! Daddy please, please make it stop!"
Rossi hugs his daughter to himself tightly. "I'm so sorry, baby, I know it hurts. I'm gonna do everything I can to get you help. I promise. "
Davi clings to her Dad and sobs into his chest.
Rossi calls Hotch and tells him that he won't be coming in, because he's gonna be helping Davi get help.
Hotch let's him off and tells him to take as much time as he needs.
Rossi then calls his and Davi's doctor and asking for referrals to get Davi the help she needs, whether from a therapist and/or a psychiatrist. He takes Davi to the recommended psychiatrist, and she then refers them to a male therapist. Together they make a plan to help Davi.

//a.n. I know it's been awhile, and that this is a short chapter, but I work at a Daycare which can be very draining, and people can't seem to pick their kids up on time, so I never get out on time, so I'm usually really tired.
That being said, here is Chapter 6, and I'm slowly working on Chapter 7.

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