Chapter 1: Flashback

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"Rossi!! Run run run!! Get the hell out of here!" My command officer screamed at me.
"No! Lieutenant, I'm gonna get you out of here, just hang on!" I screamed. I tried to drag Lieutenant Barker behind some abandoned cars to get him out of the line of fire.
"SNIPER!" Private Anderson screamed.
The sniper shot the Lieutenant in the head. "NO!" I screamed.

BOMB! The building next me exploded, sending me and my company flying. I land, ears ringing and face bloody on top of another soldier.
It was an enemy soldier. They flip us over so I was on my back and the sat on top of me, choking me. I fought hard, but I was still a little disoriented from the blast. I punched hard.
"Davi! Davi!" A voice called from the distance. I thrash around trying to break free. One final punch right to the nose, and my assailant lets me go.
I abruptly sit up in bed, covered in sweat. It takes me a minute to realise where I am, and that I'm safe. I look around and see my dad leaning against the wall, holding his very bloody nose.
"D-did I do that?" I ask, scrambling off the bed to see the damage I have done.
"It's fine kiddo, I'm fine," Dad reassures me.

I take him to the hospital. I have broken his nose. Doctors reset his nose, give him some pain meds, and send us on our way. I drop him off at the FBI headquarters in Quantico. "Be safe, Dad," I say, giving him a hug.
"I will. And you too kiddo." He returns the hug and then walks into the building.
I drive off and make my way home.

Inside the BAU

David Rossi walks to the elevator and pushes the up button. He is mumbling to himself. Talking about all the jokes he is going to get because of his bandaged nose.
When the elevator doors finally open on his floor, his boss, Unit Chief SSA Aaron Hotchner, is standing close by. He looks up from the file he is reading and his eyes show the look of shock that the rest of his face does not. "David, what the hell happened to you?" He asks in concern for his subordinate, who is more of a friend than a colleague.
"My daughter was released from Active Duty, so she's staying with me. She was having a nightmare, so I tried to wake her up, I'm guessing that wasn't a good idea, because she punched me in the nose, twice.
"I think it's her PTSD." Rossi explains.

Just then, the rest of the team exits the elevator, takes one look at Rossi, and begin bombarding him with questions, all at the same time.
"Alright! Leave the man alone. We have a case," Hotch calls out above all of the hubbub.

//a.n. leave in comments whether you think that the chapters should be longer, or they are fine the way they are. Thx😁😁//

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