Chapter 15: Agents in Trouble

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Muffled voices are yelling at each other, and telling Hotch to hang on, but all he wants to do is sleep. Everything hurts, he feels like letting go, just to make the pain stop.

"Aaron hang on! Don't give up! Think of Davi! Davi wants you to keep fighting!" Rossi yells at his friend, pleading with him not to die. As the EMTs load him into a separate ambulance.

++In Hotch's ambulance++

"We're losing him!" on EMT yells.

"Charge paddles to 200ccs!" another EMT calls.


BAM then silence.


BAM ....


"AGAIN! 400ccs!"

BAM .... beep............beep...........beep..........beep........beep......beep....beep!

"He's back with us! And we're at the hospital!"

They rush Hotch from the ambulance into the emergency room. "We have a 30 year old male with a GSW to the lower back. Patient went into shock on the way in, and we lost him for a minute; paddled him three times with 200cs nothing, paddled him once with 400ccs got him back. Is on oxygen, not breathing on own. No exit wound." an EMT informs the receiving doctors and nurses.

//a.n. BTW I know nothing about any type of medical procedures, so if you're in the medical profession, I'm so, so sorry. LOl

Just then, the next ambulance comes in with Rossi. "Coherent 60 year old male, single GSW to the abdomen, through and through, no vital organs hit," an EMT informs.

"Guys, I'm fine, just please tell me how my friend is doing?! He came in just before me, his name is Aaron Hotchner," Rossi says, batting away the hands of the doctors and nurses trying to work on him.

"Sir, please, we need to get that wound taken care quickly and check you over!" a doctor pleads.

"Sir, if you do not stop fighting us, and let us treat you, we will have no choice but to sedate you so we can treat you," another doctor said firmly.

"Fine, make it quick!" Rossi snaps then sits still.

After they work on Rossi, they keep him for a few hours to monitor him, but the wound was a minor through and through and he just needed stitches.

The team arrives at the hospital. "Rossi what the hell happened!" JJ exclaims as she ran to him.

"Easy!" he groans as she hit his injured side with her body.

"Oh MY God! Rossi I'm sorry! Are OK?!" JJ says.

"Yeah, just a small wound," Rossi says with a shrug.

"Where's Hotch?" Morgan asks.

"They're working on him right now, he took several hits, and they've lost him a few times," Rossi explains.

"He's gonna be alright, right?" Garcia asks, starting to freak out.

"I don't know. He's strong though,"Rossi says with a sad sigh.

"He's got to pull through, he's just got to!" Garcia says and breaks down crying.

"So what happened out there, Rossi?" Prentiss asks.

"We were checking on the witness to see if we could get any information from here, when out of nowhere shots are fired. Hotch. I and Ms. Rays ran inside. Ms. Rays hid while we returned fire, but we had no idea where the shots were coming from. We tried calling for help, but all phones were jammed.

"I was hit first, a through and in a hell of a lot of pain. Hotch tried to make his way over to me to help, but he got hit with 4 shots to the side, back, and shoulder. I couldn't get to him.

"Then the house was breached. Hotch was out so they left him alone, I had no choice but to pretend I was out too. They went upstairs, and I guess they found Ms. Rays because there were gunshots then they returned." Rossi rubs his face with his hand wearily. "Wait, if our phone were jammed, how the hell did you find us?"

"We were contacted by an unknown, stating that there was an ambushing happing at Jenny Rays' address and that there were gonna be casualties," Morgan says.

A doctor comes out. "Friends and family of Aaron Hotchner?"

The team stands up.

"Well, he's stable, for now. It's been touch and go all night, and we still aren't out of the woods yet. We've had to put him into a medically induced coma, just to give his body some time to heal," the doctor says.

"He'll pull through though, right?" Garcia asks.

"I honestly cannot tell you," the doctor says.

Garcia cries into Morgan's chest. JJ in Rossi's arm, and Prentiss goes to take a walk.

She steps outside and begins walking around the ground. She's approached by someone.

"Excuse me," the woman says.

"Yes?" Prentiss says.

"Are you FBI?"

"Yes, can I help you?"

"Are you with that group of BAU agents?"

"Yes. I'm Agent Pren-"

"I don't care who you are! Rest in peace BITCH!" and the woman shoots Prentiss in the abdomen.

//a.n. so, we have a potential cop killer ( are they still called cop killers if agents aren't technically cops, IDK) But this will continue into the next chapter, and don't worry, there will be more Davi.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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