Chapter 11: The Shocking Profile of the Unsub

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//a.n. Warning.: details of this case are described and are gruesome, so read at your own risk. Also I had NO idea what the title for this chapter should be, so this is as good as it gets lol.//

The team has just landed in West Virginia and are met by a Sheriff Deputy and a Detective. “Hi, are you guys the team from the BAU the FBI sent over?” the Deputy asks.

    “Yes. I’m SSA Hotchner. This is SSA Rossi, SSA Morgan, SSA Jareau, SSa Prentiss, and Dr. Reid,” Hotch says, indicating to each one in turn. He shakes the hands of the men, then they in turn shake the hands of the other team members.

    “It’s nice to meet y’all. Sorry it’s under such dire circumstances,” the detective said. “I’m Detective Christofer Roads, and this is Deputy Daniel Adams.”

    After the introductions are made, the team is led to a group of dark SUVs that they’d be using while in West Virginia. 

    It took them an hour to get from the airport to the police station. This frustrates the team, because it’s time that should’ve been spent on finding the little boy.  “OK, now that we’re all here, we need to go over all the evidence, the timelines, and figure out how they're able to abduct these boys without anyone seeing, and how where his hunting ground is,” Rossi says.

    “Right. Morgan and Rossi, head to the ast abduction site and see if you can find anything. JJ and Prentiss go to the last dump site, and see if there is anything that may lead us to where they’re stashing the boys until they’re ready to dump them. Reid and I will stay here and go over the evidence we already have and start to build a profile,” Hotch instructs, and everyone rushes to do as they’re told. 

    “Is there anything that you guys need help with?” Adams asks. 

    “Actually, could you get two teams together? One to go help Morgan and Rossi as the last abduction site, and the other to help at the dump site,” Hotch says without looking up from the evidence pictures on the desk.

    “Yeah I can do that,” Adams says then leaves.

     “ Hotch, I can get a read on this Unsub. It’s like it’s organized but then it’s like it’s not at the same time,” Reid says as he frustratedly runs his hands through his long hair.

    “What do you mean?” Hotch asks looking up from his piles of evidence. 

    “Well, the kids are kids that no one will miss because they’re street kids, kids without regular supervision, dysfunctional homes. That shows methodical thinking and organizations. But, then the way they kill by beating them to death with a blunt object to the point until almost unrecognition, then dumped alongside a busy road, suggests an unstable individual who does a lot of overkill. One hit to the head with the force this unsub is using is more than enough to kill these little boys.  There’s not a pattern to the kills either, they’re just beaten to death with no definitive repeated method.

    “After all these boys are six to ten years old. So not a lot of force is needed to kill them.” Reid explains.

    “I was thinking the same thing. This Unsub is definitely all over the place with they’re MO,” Hotch agrees, rubbing a hand down his face. 

    “How are things coming along here?” Morgan asks as he and Rossi walk into the room where Hotch and Reid were.  

    “Not great,” Hotch says with a deep sigh. “How about you guys, did you find anything?”

    “Well, we did find something,” Rossi says as he sits down at the desk by Reid. “I think that our Usub might be really young, like a teenager or younger, young.”

    “What makes you think that?” Reid asks.

    But before he could answer, JJ and Prentiss walk in. “Hotch, our case just got a whole lot tougher, emotionally,” Prentiss says. “Our Unsub has got to be a kid themselves.”

    “Ok why do you guys say that?” Reid asks again.

    “Well, we found a kids ball cap where the kids were dumped and the hair in the cap doesn’t match any of the victims. It’s from a red-head,” JJ explains.

   “We found a murder weapon. It’s a kids bat and there’s a bloody handprint on the tape that’s a kid’s size,” says Rossi. “I’d say by the size, about 12 to 14 male.” 

    “That would fit the partially organized side, for abducting unnoticeable boys, and the disorganization of overkill and the unnecessary risk factor of where he’s dumping the bodies,” Hotch says, looking at Reid.

   //a.n. I know that this is most likely not enough to produce an Unsub, but I really don’t understand how they come up with what they need for a profile. So, just bear with me lol.//

    “Are we ready for a profile?” Prentiss asks after they look over the case for another two hours.

    They had taken turns going out with the officers looking for clues and asking around, in search of the missing boy, but nobody seemed to know anything.

    “Yeah, I think so,” Hotch says.

   The team heads out to the bullpen to talk to the officers, and deliver the profile.

   “Can we have everyone’s attention please,” Morgan calls out.

    All the officers stop what they were doing and focused their full attention on the BAU team. The Sheriff and his Deputy came out of their offices. 

    “We’re ready to give you the profile of the Unsub,” JJ says.

    “Profile? Unsub?” an officer asks.

    “Unsub, short for Unknown Subject, is the perpetrator of the crime. A profile is telling about the Unsub,” Reid explains.

    “We have reason to believe that you’re looking for a young boy, ranging in age from 12 - 14,” Prentiss starts.

    “From evidence collected is a red-head who either plays baseball or knows someone who does,” Rossi says.

    “The way he goes overboard with the beatings of these boys, he’s more than likely been beaten himself. He is substituting the boys for himself when he was their age,” Hotch says.

    “He is targeting boys that no one will miss, probably because he himself and the abuse he's suffered has gone unnoticed for so long,” JJ continues. 

    “He is familiar with the area and knows when to dump a body unnoticed on an overly busy highway, which suggests that he’s lived here his whole life and knows the patterns of this town,” Hotch continues. 

    “He’s unstable, he would be the kid that would pick on those younger and weaker than him in school, and cower from authority if they raised their voice at him. He would seek to get the approval of authority figures, yet when out of their sight, he’d be mean to those that he deems less than and weaker than him,” Rossi continues.

    “If this sounds like anyone you know, please let one of us know. This kid is unstable, but despite his age he’s smart and we can’t put anything past him,” Morgan finishes.  

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