Chapter 14: Witness in Trouble

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//a.n. Hey guys sorry for the absence, I have been super busy with work, babysitting/raising my niece (long story), trying to find an apartment so I can move back out of my parents' house, and a relationship with my boyfriend. On top of that, I have this weird lump on the top of my right wrist that is sitting directly on the bone and is touching nerves and tendons and has moved forwards. It's painful and sometimes causes shocks like bolts of electricity up my arm to my shoulder. It's been painful to type, so that has left me with no motivation to type up my story (which is how I write it). But I decided to suffer through it for tonight and see how it goes and for how long I can take it. Without Further ado, here is Part 2 of the serial killer case.//

Hotch and Rossi make their way to Jenny Rays ' address, which turns out to be a rundown house on the edge of the city. The yard is filled with all sorts of junk and the grass is full of weeds and looks like it hasn't been mowed in years, and the driveway is so overrun by grass that Hotch, who is driving, can hardly see it.
"Are you sure this is the right address, this place looks like it hasn't been lived in in years," Rossi questions.
"Yeah, this is where the GPS sent us for the address that Edwards and Miller gave us," Hotch says with a deep sigh. Hotch parks the car by the garage, and they both get out. Rather than risk climbing onto the porch that looks like it will give out from their weight, they decide that calling out for Jenny Rays is the safer option.
"Jenny Rays! This the FBI! Please come out so we can talk to you!" Rossi calls out.
They hear some scrambling around then a thud and then a bunch of loud cussing in.
Hotch and Rossi look at each other with amused looks, eyebrows raised.
Jenny appears at the front door. "Hi sorry about the wait, I was taking a nap when I heard your shouting. How can I help you, Agents?"
"Agents Rossi and Hotchner, we're here in regard to the Angie Trainer murder. Anything you can tell us will be extremely helpful," Hotch explains.
"Like I told the Officers that came to the bar, I just went through a nasty divorce and so I went out to the bar. I guess I drank more than I probably should've, so was really drunk, so I don't remember much," Jenny says, rubbing her face.
"I'm sorry your divorce was a nasty one, I had one of those myself," Rossi empathizes, "Just tell us what you do remember."
"Well, there was this guy that hit on me throughout the night despite me turning him down repeatedly. I thought it was weird because he's younger and I'm around your age Mr. Rossi. Anyways, He ended up giving up after the 5th rejection, then began trying with younger women more around his age. He just wouldn't give up. He left for an hour and that's when I started getting drunk. I don't remember seeing him come back, but I do remember seeing someone that looks kinda similar leading the Trainer girl out the door. She looked wasted."
"Do you remember enough to sit with a sketch artist?" Hotch asks.
"I think so," Jenny says.
"Why don't you come down the station and we'll set you up with the artist," Rossi says.
All of a sudden, shots rang out. Bullets went flying.
Jenny screams and runs into the house. Hotch and Rossi draw their weapons and run into the house too, seeing as it's their only cover because the shots were coming from the direction of the SUV.

To be continued....
//a.n. Sorry I just can't write anymore because of the pain, but I'm going to post this bit anyways because I feel like I owe you guys, my faithful readers, something. I will try to post the rest tomorrow.//

//a.n. Hey, I'm back. So, I know it's been a minute, but I've been dealing with a lot of issues lately and have been having a hard time writing due to said issues. But I'm slowly getting back into it.//


"Can you see where the shots are being fired from?" Rossi asks as they crouch down behind the couch that is situated by a window. 

    "No, I can't, there's just sprays of bullets coming at us, it's hard to get a visual," Hotch says. He then tries to call the rest of the team for back up, but their coms are jammed. "We can't call, the coms are jammed."  

    "Ah!" Rossi yells out then falls to the ground, bleeding from his stomach.

    "Dave!" Hotch yells! Then he too goes down.

   The world goes black for the both of them.

     Hotch slips in and out of consciousness, he hears a muffled voice telling him to hang on, that help is on the way. 

//a.n. I don't remember where I was going with this chapter, so I'm gonna end it here and reread what all I've written and continue from there. Sorry this chapter is so short.//

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