Chapter 3: Touch and Go

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//a.n. Sorry for the absence, I have been training hard for the Army (I made it, and leave in 2 weeks), and working (I quit my job on Thursday)

Side note....the Filmore Complexed where the BAU will be stationed, is actually close, 6-20 minutes from my house.//

Davi is bleeding out from a wound, that the firefighters can't identify.  All they can see is more and more blood pooling on the seat around Davi.
    "Dispatch, this is badge number 2266; I need an ETA on the Ambo. We have a victim bleeding out fairly quickly from an unidentifiable wound.  She won't last much longer without help." Chadwick Boeman calls in.
   "2266, Ambo should be there right now, " the dispatcher responds.
   Boeman looks around frantically for the ambulance.
    "It's here!" Marcus Rickman calls out.
   Just then, Engine 22, Squad 4, and Ambo 12 pull up. Everyone jumps out of the vehicles. They immediately get to work. Helping the injured.
    "Boeman! What do we have?" A woman who has on a helmet that reads "Lieutenant," calls out.
     "There was a 3 vehicle crash. A semi failed to stop at the light and plowed into that car there," he indicates to Davi's car.  "This flips her into oncoming traffic. She then gets hit by two more vehicles, pushing her until she stopped right there.
     "She is unresponsive, has multiple lacerations on her face, arms, and chest. She is also bleeding from an unidentifiable wound.
    "Rickman and I can't get her out."
    With a nod, the Lieutenant begins barking out orders. "Graco! Lopez! Get the jaws of life and get the woman out of the car!"
    Everyone rushes around doing as they were commanded. After 30 minutes, Davi is pulled from her car, barely alive, and fading fast. She's being loaded into the Ambo, when....
       BOOM!! There is an explosion, because the truck that caused the accident is a gas tanker; on top of that, Davi's gas line was leaking, and the flames from the first explosion causes her car to blow up too.

The BAU team finally arrives in Michigan.  They land at the Gerald R. Ford Airport and drive the 43 minutes that it takes to get to the Filmore Complex (Ottawa County Sheriff's Department).

//a.n. this is all I have for now, but I wanted to post something.  So I'll will try my hardest to get more out soon. Hope you enjoy//

//a.n. Merry Christmas everyone!! I'm back for 2 weeks on Christmas leave, but have to head back on January 3rd. I'm gonna try and post a little bit before I go back. Hopefully you enjoy this//

Hotch walks up to the main entrance of the building, and holds the doors open as his team enters. After the last person walks through, he follows.
   "Can I help you folks?" A man in uniform asks?
   "I'm SSA Hotchner, this is my team, SSA Rossi, SSA Morgan, SSA Prentiss, SSA Jareau, and Dr. Reid. We are from the Behavioral Analysis Unit with the FBI, and we were called, in regards to a serial case, by your chief, " Hotch introduces the team and explains.
    "Right. I'm Detective Jackson Ross. The Chief is expecting you. I'll take you all to her," the detective shakes Hotch's proffered hand. "How was the flight in?"
    "Just fine, thanks," JJ answers as the entire team follows Detective Ross.
    They reach a door that reads Chief on it, and they all hear yelling coming from the other side. Then, there is a loud "bang" and shattering.
   Hotch moves his way to the door, pulls his weapon out, and quickly but carefully opens the door, weapon aimed and ready.
    "You son of a bitch!" A man voice yells. "How the hell do you think you can do that to me and expect to get away with it?! You must be insane!"
   Hotch sees a man waving a hand gun around, and a woman (he assumes is the chief by her uniform), on the ground, bleeding from her abdomen. 
      "I didnt do anything to you Gary, you did it to yourself. I told you had to get your life together if you want to see your daughter, but you didn't listen to me and continue to go back to your drugs. What was I supposed to do when the dealers came around for money, let them take our baby?! Hell no! I did what I had to to protect my little girl!" The chief winces in pain as tears run down her face.
   Hotch informs his team and the other officers what they're dealing with, and what he plans on doing about it, and they all move into position.
   "His name is Gary," Ross says.
   Hotch nods and quietly enters the room.
   Gary's back was to the door so he didn't hear Hotch enter.
   Hotch tired to sneak up behind Gary, but when the Chief made a surprise gasp, Gary whipped around and fired, hitting Hotch in the shoulder.
     Morgan fires two rounds, both hitting Gary in the chest.
   Gary falls, dead before he even hits the ground.
    As Morgan checks Gary for a pulse, JJ runs to the Chiefs side as Rossi calls for an ambulance.

Davi is being rushed to the hospital. As she lies in the back of the ambulance, the medics are working as best they can to keep her alive.
   "We lost her!" A medic yells as Davi flatlines.
    "Not on my watch!" The other medic calls back. And begins to go through the code blue procedure.
    " Davi! Davi! You need to fight! Hang on, you promised to take care of my family! " Davi's commander yells as her.
      "But Sir, I'm too tired. I know I promised, but I don't think I can fulfill that promise.  My life has been so hard, I just want to let go and let it all be over!" Davi cries.
   "Don't give up, I promise you, you will find the love you wish for and deserve.  Don't give up, not like this! You're strong, you WILL get better. Keep your head up Solider, that's an order!"
   "We got her back!" The first medic calls.
    "How much longer to the hospital? If she flatlines again, we might lose her permanently," the second medic calls.
   "We're here!" The driver calls.
   The Trauma Doctors open the doors upon the arrival of the ambulance, and the medics begin explaining everything that has happened to Davi.
   They wheel her as quickly as possible into an operating room, and begin to work.
  Everything was touch and go for the next 6 hours as the doctors work to stabilise Davi and repair all the damage done. They find pieces of shrapnel still stuck in Davi from an IED during her time in Afghanistan. Unlike before, they were able to remove it and repair some of the damage it had left. Davi flatlines 4 more times and during the last time, the doctors were certain that they had lost her for sure.
   But by a miracle, Davi pulled through.

//a.n. I can't promise anything, but I will try my hardest to remember to post. And I probably wont be able to post anything after the 3rd, because unfortunately I have to redo BCT because I was injured and was unable to graduate.  But we'll see.//

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