Chapter 7:Hotch Takes an Unexpected Vacation

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Davi's rehab is in a different state than she lives. She is located in Indiana where she is getting the best help possible. It has been a month since she was admitted, and from what Rossi had told the team, she still is having a hard time, even worse because she is away from everyone she knows.

  Rossi just finishes telling the team that Davi isn't doing the greatest and is really missing everyone. Rossi has just gone out there last week to visit her, but it is still hard on her.
  Hotch, listening to Rossi, finds himself really worrying about Davi. He begins planning on going to visit her himself.  "Hey, I'll be right back, I need to talk to Strauss." He leaves the conference room before anyone has a chance to comment.
  The team all looks at each other. "What was that about?" JJ asks Rossi. Rossi shrugs. "I have no idea.

//a.n. I'm still working on the rest of the chapter, but here's what I got so far.

  Hotch knocks on Strauss's door. He enters when he gets invited in.
  "Agent Hotchner, to what so I owe this unexpected visit?" Strauss asks.
  "I need a 2 week vacation; for personal reasons," Hotch says.
  "A little short notice, Hotchner."
  "It's an emergency. "
  "Ok, I don't know if I can-"
  "Please, Strauss, it's urgent.  I wouldn't be asking if I thought it could wait."
  "This begging is very uncharacteristic of you; is everything alright?" Strauss presses, growing more and more concerned as the minutes pass.
  "Like I said, it's personal. "
  "Wait here. I'll see what I can do." She gets up and leaves the room, closing the door behind her, leaving Hotch alone.
  His phone buzzes.
            BAU GROUP CHAT
Everything ok? -Rossi
Yeah, just have to take a 2 week unplanned vacation -Hotch
Are you in trouble, Sir? -Garcia
No, but it's something personal -Hotch
Whatever it is, we're here for you, Hotch -JJ
Hey man, we got your back -Morgan
Whatever you need, Hotch, just ask -Reid
Thanks guys. Really, thank you -Hotch

Hotch gets the all clear, with best wishes from everyone and leaves the building, heading home to pack.
  He's excited to see Davi again, but he's also worried about her. She as pretty bad PTSD, from combat. If he was being honest with himself, he's just maybe starting to fall love with Davi Rossi.

//a.n. I know it has been FOREVER since I updated, and that this chapter is super short, but I forgot where I was going with this chapter and have been super busy with work, and now I have Physical Therapy 2x a week
Anyways, thanks for reading and voting.

Hotch rushes home to get packed for his two week stay in Indiana. He hopes that Davi would accept his visit and be happy to see him. He really likes Davi, and if she doesn't like him now, he hopes and prays that she will one day reciprocate his feelings.
    After he packs and loads up his car, Hotch gets a call from Rossi. "Hotchner," Hotch answers.
    "Hotch, what is going on? Is everything ok?" Rossi asks, voice full of concern.
    "Hey Rossi. Yeah everything is fine. I just had a personal matter come up that needs taken care of right away. I should be back in two weeks. In the meantime you're in charge." Hotch hangs up before Rossi could say anything else.
    Rossi pulls the phone from his ear and stares at it like he has no idea what it is.
    "Rossi, is everything ok? Was that Hotch?" Morgan asks.
    "I don't know if everything is ok. Yes that was Hotch. He told me there was a personal matter that came up and that I was in charge,but before I could ask anything else, he hung up on me," Rossi explained.
   "That's weird," Reid said. "Hotch doesn't usually take off like this without a prior warning."
    Hotch reaches his hotel and checks in after driving for 4 hours. He checks in and check the time. It was already 6pm, too late for him to visit Davi, so he decides to call it a night and plans on visiting Davi tomorrow.... if she'll let him see her.

//a.n. hey all! I FINALLY finished this chapter. I saw that I got voted #1 for personal demons, and that gave me some newfound motivation. So thank you very much. I know this is short still and I'm sorry. I'll try to make the next chapter longer, and I'll try to update more often. Have a good night everyone!

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