Sports Festival

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A few day later
UA Meeting Room

Midnight: You know it's dangerous for us to keep a student like you, right?

Me: No one is injured, right?

Snipe: That is not the point here, (Y/N).

Ectoplasm: We can't take risk of you lost control again and attack other students.

Midnight: Plus, you lost control because you accidentally said your own trigger word.

All Might: But he-

Me: All Might, no need to protect me this time. Principal Nezu, I'm here in this meeting room because I lost control last time and killed someone, am I right?

Nezu: Absolutely correct.

Me: No one is injured is not the point. Then what is the real point here? You guys put the blame on me for what happened a few days ago. But why you guys didn't put the blame on yourselves? It's not my fault the villains attacked us. If the security is little bit tighter, this will never happen. Who is in charge to make sure the security is tight? It's you guys. What you guys see is I killed people. I did crime. But try to look from different perspective. That Nomu thing is their weapon to defeat All Might. With just a punch, you'll not defeat it. You need to stab it. I managed to defeat that thing. That means I managed to save our No. 1 hero who is already in the brink of death. So tell me, is it wrong to save someone's life?

I then start to walk to the door.

Aizawa: Where are you going?

Me: I'm tired of talking with a bunch of idiot.

I then get out from the room.

Aizawa POV

Me:*sigh* He really got us this time.

All Might: He is in rebellious phase now.

Nezu:*chuckle* Kids grow fast now.

Midnight: What should we do, Principal Nezu? The sport festival is very close. Did we need to exclude (Y/N)?

Snipe: Even if we exclude him, I don't think his classmates will stay quite about it.

Ectoplasm: Of course they will not stay quite about it. If we exclude (Y/N), they will lost the best athlete in their class.

Me: More like the best athlete in school.

Midnight:*sigh* That boy is too good. He have potential of becoming pro hero. We can't expelled him from UA just like that.

Snipe: First, villain attacked us, and now a boy with split personality. Can't it getting any worse?

All Might: World have changed a lot.

We then quite for a few minutes.

Me: Principal, I have request.

Nezu: What is it?

Me: Put (Y/N) under my and All Might care when he is in school area. We'll make sure he never lost control in school area.

Nezu:*look at All Might* Are you agree with that, All Might?

All Might: Yes, I agree with that.

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