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Gamma Gym

Aizawa: So that knight armor is the one that you are working on, huh?

Me: Yeah, when I saw mom use her "Light Valkyrie" move, I'm thinking about making the same type of move.

Aizawa: Fast learner, huh? Well, I expect nothing less from you.

He then look at my hero costume.

Aizawa: Is it just me or you really don't make any upgrade on your costume? Everyone else in your class already upgraded their costume.

Me: I don't want to waste my time on useless thing. I already change my costume 100% after I returned here. My costume already fit with both of my quirks. Fireproof clothes for my ash burning technique. A clothes also didn't restrict my movement to move. And a mask with filtration system to make sure I don't get suffocate by my own ash.

Aizawa: Well, your choice.

Me: Now, I think I'll continue my training.

Aizawa: You know you don't need to train so hard since you'll not take the exam to get the license again, right?

Me: But that doesn't mean I can slack off from training. I need to get stronger to avenge my mom. I'll never forgive that industrial mask bastard. Never.

A few days later
License Exam Day
Takoba National Stadium

Kyoka: I'm getting nervoussssss!

Deku: I don't know it was at Takoba.

Kaminari: (Y/N) is lucky he don't need to go through this exam.

Me:*wear my mask* I already said that I already passed this exam. If not, I'll never got my license.

Iida: But who is your opponents?

Aizawa: Pro heros. And it's not 1vs1. It's 1vs20.

All: And you passed the exam?!! That's impossible!!!

Me: Impossible things happen when you say it's impossible.


???: You still with that personality, huh?

Aizawa&Me: Ah shit. That voice...

We turn around only to see a green hair woman wearing orange bandanna is walking at us.

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