Flawless Victory

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Me: Split up. Counter clockwise.

All: Got it!

We split up. Dad is with Endeavor. Todoroki with Bakugou. Deku with me. Dad's team go to the left while Todoroki's team go to the right.

Shigaraki: Get lost!!

He put his right hand in front and target my team.

Me: Deku.

Deku: Got it!

Suddenly smoke come out of nowhere blocking Shigaraki's view.

Me*thought*: The sixth wielder's quirk. Smokescreen.

What I'm talking about? Oh, I forgot to say that Deku has inherited all the quirks of the previous wielder of OFA.

I use my red eye to locate Shigaraki.

Me: Left team, attack!

Shigaraki POV

Hearing what he said, I quickly look to the left and wait for the enemy to come out. But nothing happen.

Me: Huh?

???: Behind you, extra!!

Suddenly I feel something cold at the lower part of my body. I look down and realized my lower part has been frozen.

A second later, a hand land on my face.

Bakugou: DIE!!

He make an explosion sending me flying away. I then hear (Y/N)'s voice.

(Y/N): Attack from below!!

After hearing that, I quickly jump away from the place I standing. Right after I'm on the midair, I realize there is someone behind me.

I quickly turn around and see Endeavor. I raise my right hand but right after I do that, my right hand got cut.


Lightless: Punishment for kidnapping my son.

Endeavor send flaming punch to my stomach sending me to the ground.

Endeavor: Right team, now!!

I smirk.

Me*thought*: Stupid. I already know your pattern. When (Y/N) said left, I got attack from the right. When he said attack from below, I got attacked from above. Then that must mean the next attack will be from left.

I look at my left but see no one.

Me:*shocked face* What?!

Then it must be from the right!

I look at my right but still see nothing. Suddenly a shadow cover my body.

I look in front only to see the Deku boy.

Deku: Full Cowling: 45%!!

Black and White Hero (My Hero Academia X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now