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1 week later
Deku POV

It's been a week since (Y/N)'s disappearance but police still doesn't found (Y/N). But police found something belong to (Y/N) in one of the corridor in arena a week ago.

Me: (Y/N)'s blood. Could it be... No, no, no. (Y/N) is strong. The worst thing that can happen to him is just bad injury.

Mom: Izuku...? What are you mumbling about?

Me: I just worry about (Y/N). I know he's strong, but police found (Y/N)'s blood.

Mom: But they didn't found any body, right? I'm sure (Y/N) is still alive.

Me: You're right, but....

Suddenly the television open itself and broadcast the news.

Reporter: The new villain that police called Shinigami has hurt another pro hero.

Me:*sigh* Now another villain appeared.

Reporter: This A-Rank villain has hurt 50 pro heroes and leave them barely alive.

Me: A-Rank? But that villain appeared just a week ago... How can he climb rank so fast?

Mom: Maybe because he has hurt lot of heroes...?

Me*thought*: But why did that villain let all the pro heroes that he attacked barely alive? Why he don't kill them?

The television then show the Shinigami's appearance.

(A/N): Picture from Google

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(A/N): Picture from Google.

Reporter: Shinigami is black haired young man with red eyes. Police assume his age is within 15 to 17. His quirk is unidentified. If anyone see him, call police as soon as possible.

The television then go to another channel.

Me:*sigh* I hope you are all right, (Y/N). Everyone is worry about you.

Mom: How is (Y/N)'s mom doing?

Me: Not so good. She still sad about (Y/N)'s disappearance. Endeavor has offered himself to look after (Y/N)'s mom for the meantime. I'm sure there is no villain that brave enough to go close to (Y/N)'s house since Endeavor is guarding the house.

The Next Day
Class 1-A
Deku POV

Aizawa:*get out from sleeping bag* Okay, like you guys know, (Y/N) is still not found and new villain has appeared. But life is still need to go on. Police and pro heroes are trying their best to find (Y/N) and catch the new villain.

Black and White Hero (My Hero Academia X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now