Test of Courage

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The Next day
5:30 a.m

Aizawa: Today we begin a rigorous round of reinforcement training. The trip's mission statement is to strengthen everyone's quirks as a whole, thereby allowing everyone to achieve their temporary licenses.

Me: This is preparation to stand against up to... Live action hostility and aggresion from your enemy. Prepare your hearts and minds.

Aizawa: With that said, (Y/N), try throwing this.

He throw at me a softball. I catch it and get ready to throw.

Aizawa: Your last record is Pluto. Let's see how much you've improved.

Mina: Woah, a skill growth test!

Kirishima: But can (Y/N) beat his own record?

I just ignore them and throw the ball the same way I did but little bit faster and harder. All of us look at Aizawa. He show us how far I throw the ball in his phone.

Aizawa: Other galaxy.

All except me: WOAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

Aizawa: In three months, (Y/N) have grown a lot. Physically and mentally. But that doesn't mean he'll not join you guys for today's activity.

Me: We will focusing on uprading your quirks.

Aizawa: I will be pushing you beyond your limits... So try not to kick the bucket on me...


Aizawa: You already trained your ability to turn something into ash for two hours straight. Now, try to turn this mountain of garbage into ash with just one touch.

I look at the mountain of garbage in front of me.

Me: How do you get all this garbage?

Aizawa: It's not important. Give it a try.

Me: Okay...

I put my hand in front of me and close my eyes.

Me: Shinigami's Presence.

I quickly open my eyes and in an instant all the garbage in front of me turn into ash.

Aizawa:*clap* Not bad.

Me: I don't think I can use it in long range. I need to get close to my enemy if I want to use this move on them.

I said while controlling the ash around me.

Aizawa: Stop playing with all the ash. I want to talk with you.

Me: Hmm?

I make a black hole in my left palm and it suck all the ash into it. After all the ash gone, the black hole also dissapear.

Me: What do you want to talk about?

Aizawa: (Y/N), you know what will happen if LoV attack us in this trip, right?

Me:*sigh* Yeah, I know.

Aizawa: To be honest, I still don't believe you for 100% yet.

Me: Not suprised.

Aizawa: (Y/N), tell me. If LoV attack us, and UA assume you are LoV's spy, and you will be labelled as villain, then will be hunt down. What will you do?

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