Chapter 62: OutBurst Day

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After parking the car in front of the house, I quickly got down and watched as Hannah and Jace walked out of the car as well. Knowing that Jace was going to be by Hannah's side, I jogged to the door, holding my purse under my arm after getting the house key out. I opened the door, letting Hannah walk in first.

"My head's being a bitch" Hannah groaned in annoyance. A frown of worry formed on my face. I helped her up to her room.

"I think I am going to stay with you" I said more to myself then to her. Jace could take the car back to the club. My phone was buzzing in my purse, turning my attention to it.

"No, you're not" Hannah playfully scolded as she stripped in her underwear and jumped on the bed. A sigh of relief escaped her lips while she rubbed her forehead. I walked back down the stairs to see Jace getting a glass of water and some Advil.

"I'm going to give this to her and I guess we'll leave just after?" He questioned. I shrugged, not really knowing what to do. I didn't want to leave Hannah all alone in this huge house when she was not feeling well. "What do you mean?" Jace asked as he started walking to the stairs.

"I think I will stay here with her" I said.

"I will stay with you then" Jace said back. I quickly shook my head.

"No, you will have to get Hades' car back to the club" I told him firmly. He inhaled deeply before nodding his head. I guess that he was not going to argue with me after the tone I had just used with him. At times, the only you can get people to actually listen to you is by being very firm and by making sure that there was no place for discussion.

I sound so bossy.

After Jace walked up the stairs, I opened my purse to pull my phone out. There was four missed calls from Hades. I closed my eyes then took in a deep breath to calm all my senses. I somehow knew what was coming when I was going to call him back.

Did I have to call him back?

I took his car. I guess that is the answer to that question. I dialled his number back then waited for him to answer. After a few seconds, I heard his beautiful voice with all the background noises. It was not even music at this point. He was most probably standing outside. Hades was a bit of a control freak. Not having control upon this situation might just make him pissed off.

I knew something else that would get him pissed off though.

"Where the hell are you?" Hades demanded over the phone. He sounded so scary and controlling.

"I'm at the beach house. Hannah was feeling sick" I told him. Somehow, I was pretty sure that our friends must have already told him about that. He simply wanted to hear it from me.

"And you didn't think about telling me that you were leaving?" He questioned. Hades was really holding himself from unleashing all his anger.

"You were on the phone and you seemed like you already had a lot to deal with" I answered.

"What is more important, Luna?" He asked in anger. "The fucking phone call or you?" He snapped.

"I am not a child, Hades" I muttered in annoyance.

"Then stop acting like a fucking child, Luna" He snapped. I gritted my teeth, not really wanting to snap back at him. I simply ended the call then groaned before sitting my angry ass on the couch. This was a part of him that I was dreading. Hsdes Reigns had anger issues and that was nothing new to the entire world. I was just hoping that he doesn't find a punching bag in the club to release his frustration. I haven't seen that side of Hades, yet.


"So, what have you decided to do?" Jace asked as he sat on the couch next to me. I was resting my head on one of the pillows, not really caring about the make up on my face.

"I am staying here" I said.

"I'll stay here with you" Jace said normally. I scoffed. I already had an angry Hades to deal with. I had no intention to worsen the situation right now.

"No. You're going back" I told him tiredly. He was going to open his mouth to argue about something but I quickly shook my head to show him that it was not the right time. "Jace, please. Hades needs his car. I will stay here with Hannah" I told him. I was staring at him, waiting for him to say something. No further words came from his mouth. He gave me a curt nod before leaning back. Jace was staring at me with his eyes. The wonder that swam in them was intense. I gulped then closed my eyes to cut myself from this moment.

"You know that it doesn't have to be that way, right?" Jace asked me. I didn't want to have this conversation right now. I opened my eyes, turned my attention to him then rose my eyebrows.

"You really think that it is the perfect timing to talk about all this?" I asked him. Jace sighed then ran his hand in his hair. I could feel the frustration radiating off him.

"Yes, Luna. I actually think this is the perfect timing because there is no other time I can talk to you!" He suddenly exclaimed. My eyes widened in surprise. "Hades is always fucking hovering himself over you like a protective dog" He said with such a distaste that I was shocked. "For fuck sake! I don't even get to talk to my best friend without him being constantly around" He snapped.

"He is around because I want him around" I chuckled humourlessly.

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