Chapter 74: Small Things

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The club was packed. The music was echoing in my ears and I couldn't control the smile that spread across my face. I blame it on the alcohol. Unfortunately, that was the reason why I was feeling happy.

I was a happy drunk.

"I would like some tequila" Ella drawled to Jason from behind Julien and I. Julien had his arms hooked with mine. He seriously didn't want me to get lost in here among the sweaty bodies.

"What about No?" Jason responded back.

"No?" Ella questioned in bewilderment.

"No" Jason confirmed. Oh No. If Ella was not getting her tequila, it meant that I wasn't getting any either. I turned to look at Jason then rolled my lips in my mouth to wet them with my tongue before talking.

"Jason. Please" I practically begged. "We're not even slurring, so it means we can have more drinks" I stupidly explained. He rolled his eyes before motioning us the booth that was reserved for us.

"Just sit" he ordered.

"You make me hot when you're all controlling" Ella breathed. Julien ran his hand over his face in exasperation. That was Ella in all her splendour.

"I won't drink, man" Julien told Jason while staring at us. "Let them drink. We'll be here to chaperon them" he muttered sarcastically. I grinned in victory while Ella tried to hide the happiness that she was getting at the idea of getting even more drunk. We both knew that we would regret it tomorrow morning. We handled alcohol really badly.

"I'll go get the drinks then" Jason said in defeat before walking away. Julien sat next to me and slightly poked me to attract my attention to him. I turned to look at him and flashed him one of the brightest smile that I could muster.

"Don't poke me" I whispered.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me. He seemed to be genuinely concerned about this whole situation. I shrugged but kept the smile on.

"It is what it is" I sang playfully. I didn't want to talk about all this right now. Hades didn't deserve any of my seconds to be wasted on him.

"He is an asshole" Ella interjected from next to me. I nodded in agreement but I felt a pinch at the idea of someone else insulting him. I was slowly losing the smile but I quickly shook my head and forced a smile on my face. That was the cue that I needed another drink as soon as possible.

"He is who he is" I shrugged again before turning my attention to the dancefloor. Couples were grinding, whining and twerking. "Let's go" I exclaimed suddenly while motioning to this dancefloor.

"We haven't gotten our drinks yet" Ella pouted. Julien rolled his eyes before turning towards me to flash me a smile.

"Let's go" he said as he took my hand in his. As he directed me to the dancefloor, I couldn't help the smile of gratitude that was stretching over my face. Julien has always been here for me. He always made sure that I was good.

"Thank you" I randomly blurted out. I was pretty loud over the music as Julien turned to look at me with his pretty big eyes.

"I wanted to dance too" He shrugged. Julien hated dancing when he was not drunk. I knew that he was doing it for me.

"I wanted to thank you for being in my life. Thank you for being the brother that I don't have. Thank you for sticking with me when I feel like shit" I breathed out. Julien smiled then lightly poked my shoulder.

"You were always here for me too" Julien mentioned. We both started dancing to the music and I couldn't help the laughter that escaped my lips when I saw Julien trying his weird dance steps. One thing that Julien had never had an issue with, was to be ridiculous in front of people. He was now shaking his hands above his head. I looked around and the good thing was that no one was paying attention to us. And here I go, shaking my hands above my head, mimicking Julien.

"We're so stupid" I laughed as he pulled me to him and started dancing a slow on a pop song.

"We're not stupid. We're just special" Julien told me with a grin.

"You are special" I confirmed.

"You are too" Julien said.

"I'm not" I quickly interjected.

"Luna, you should never doubt your worth. I swear if I could kick his ass, I would have done it. But I know that you'd hate to see that" Julien said. He had a reassuring smile on his face. But that smile didn't once reached his eyes. "You're my sister and I hate to see you hurt" he continued. I wrapped my arms around him and he lightly squeezed me.

"I am so lucky to have you guys in my life" I whispered.

"Fuck" Julien swore as he pulled away. I frowned in response. What did I say wrong? When my eyes scanned his face, I realized that his eyes were fixed on something behind me. I sighed, somehow knowing what was happening.

Hades Freaking Reigns is most probably here.

"He's here" I concluded. His eyes moved to me. He nodded in response. I shrugged. I didn't even bother turning around. I just kept on dancing.

"Jason brought your drink" Julien told me while staring at Ella by our table. We both walked to the booth. I didn't want to look around. My eyes were focused on Ella who drank her tequila shot without waiting for me.

"Damn woman! Slow down" Jason scolded. He seemed surprised. "How can such a petite woman like you drink so much?" He asked her in bewilderment.

"Small things hide big secrets" Ella whispered while wiggling her eyebrows.

"The fuck are you talking about?" Julien swore in confusion.

"You peasant won't understand" Ella shrugged.

"No more drinks for her" Julien claimed authoritatively.

"You're not my dad" Ella glared.

"I'm glad I'm not" Julien retorted.

"Shut up" Jason shook his head. I just stood there, looking at them bickering over drinks. I took the two shots of tequila and drank them straight up. I was glad that no one was focusing on me. I wanted to get drunk. I wanted to forget this day. I grabbed the third shot, that was meant to be for Ella and chugged it down.

It was time for me to shine.

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