Chapter 13: Shipping

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"We need to go to the club tonight" Ella exhaled while she rested her head on Julien's shoulder. I observed her. Clubbing is the favorite activity of Ella. I nodded in agreement because I needed to go out as well.

"Diamonds or Neon?" Angie asked as she settled next to Jace. Diamonds and Neon were our two favorite places to go clubbing. I couldn't look at Jace when Angie was around. I felt bad. Why was I the one who was feeling bad? Maybe because if my mother hasn't intervened, I would have kissed Jace.

"Diamonds, of course!" Ella exclaimed.

"You only want to go there to see the rich bachelors" Julien sighed while shaking his head. The Diamonds were the club that the snobby and rich people go to. We like going there because we get our own private booth. On addition, there were less sweaty and pervert people on the dance floor.

"Yeah and also because the DJS are the best" Ella said.

"And hot" Angie added. Jace turned to glare at his girlfriend.

Wouldn't Angie glare at you if she knows you were about to kiss me? My mind practically yelled in my head. Why was I being such a bitch? I shook my head.

"You don't agree, Luna?" Angie asked in disbelief. I quickly shook my head again.

"No! I mean yes! I mean, Yeah they're hot as fuck" I rambled, then face palmed myself.

"Are you okay?" Angie asked with a frown.

"Yeah, I was just having a conversation in my head" I told her while I opened my bottle of water.

"And that's totally normal" Angie breathed sarcastically.

"For her, it is" Jace said out loud, making Ella and Julien nod in agreement. I nodded as well, then took a gulp of water. I was so thirsty. As I finished drinking, I was going to close my bottle when Jace suddenly stopped me. I stared at him in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm thirsty" he simply said and took my bottle from my hand. My eyes unwillingly switched to the bottle that Angie was holding in her hands. I quickly looked away but Angie noticed me.

"What time are we going?" I asked, trying to get rid of that awkwardness that was coming from me.

"Around eight is good?" Julien asked.

"Good" Jace and Angie said at the same time while Ella nodded excitedly.

"Good for me too" I told them.

"You're picking me up" Ella told Julien while staring at her nails. The latter rose one of his eyebrows in confusion.

"What if I don't want to?" he asked. I scoffed. Jace did as well. We both knew that Julien will end up picking Ella. No one could argue with Ella.

"Why do you ask such a stupid question?" Ella asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I'm not going to pick you up" Julien stated.

"You are" Ella said with conviction.

"I'm not!"

"You are!"


"Why not?!" Ella finally shouted.

"Because my car is at the garage!" Julien shouted back, causing Angie, Jace and I, to wince. Something was definitely wrong with my best friends.

"You could have already told me before I lost my precious time talking to you" Ella snapped and hit Julien on his arm.

"Precious time?" Julien asked in disbelief. "You were just sitting there and staring at your uninteresting nails!" he exclaimed. I chuckled as he was still holding on his arm where Ella has hit him.

"You don't get to insult my time and my nails!" And here we start again with pointless arguments which would still be our source of entertainment.

"I would insult you with words like bitch or asshole but I feel insulting those words more!" Julien exclaimed while glaring at Ella who was now looking at him with opened mouth. She quickly closed her mouth then turned to look at me. She brought her hands to her eyes then quickly winked at me.


"That was mean" Ella breathed, trying to sound hurt. She quickly wiped her dry eyes then made as if she was crying. She blinked several times then turned to look at Julien before standing up. I knew that she was faking it. She took her bag then turned to look at me. I knew that Julien would feel guilty. He always falls for that. It was just a matter of time.




"I was just kidding! I didn't mean to hurt you" Julien said as he wrapped his hand around Ella's wrist and forced her to sit back on her seat.

"But you did" Ella whispered, putting her hands on her face and faking cry.

"Don't cry. I'm sorry!" Julien quick apologized, trying to push Ella's hands off her face. See why I ship them together?

"HA! I'm not crying, Dumbass!" Ella said while laughing as she pushed Julien's hands away. The latter clenched his jaws then turned to look at us.

"You always fall for that" I sighed while shaking my head.

"Because she's always moody!" Julien exclaimed. Ella hit him on the back of his head as she sat back down, with a smile on his face.

"I'll agree with you" I mumbled, making Ella turned her head to look at you.

"You're supposed to support me" Ella said while shaking her head in disappointment.

"She's supposed to support the truth" Julien said. Jace and Angie were simply sitting there, watching. Ace seemed amused.

"Fuck the truth" Ella muttered.

"Fuck you" Julien retorted.

"I know you'd like to" Ella backfired while sticking her tongue out like a five years old girl.

"Already did" Julien mumbled while rolling his eyes.

"Stop" Angie said, glaring at Ella and Julien. "You guys act like kids" she said, shaking her head.

"They were just kidding" I said with a frown on my face.

"Yeah" Jace agreed while Ella and Julien nodded as well. Angie huffed then stood up while glaring at Jace before walking away.

What's wrong with her?

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