Chapter 48: Shop Mishap

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"Should have known that beauty like you was taken" The man tsked before shaking his head. I ignored his comment, then turned to look at the cashier so that I wouldn't feel uncomfortable by the asshole's persistent eyes on me. Suddenly, I felt a presence next to me. I was going to slap the hell of that individual until I realised that it was Hades. He was holding a bottle of coke and a can of energy drink in his hand. I exhale in relief and forced a smile on my face.

"Are you good?" Hades asked. I assumed that he hasn't seen the guy talking to me. I moved closer to him so that I could feel reassurance and his warmth.

"Yes" I whispered. He put the bottle and the can of drink in front of the cashier and went to open his wallet when suddenly, his eyes fell on the guy behind me. I watched as his jaws clenched but his eyes remained focused on his wallet. He pulled out a fifty dollar note, then handed it to the cashier. Knowing the past of Hades, one thing that I wanted to avoid was a fight. That asshat was not worth it.

"If you don't take your eyes off her ass in the next second, I will make sure you won't be able to see for the rest of your life" Hades threatened without taking his eyes off his wallet. I believed that it was a way for him not to lose his temper. The guy chuckled, making Hades raise his head up. The fury that was swimming in his eyes was scary. My hand instantly held on his forearm. Hades' eyes met mine and I could see that they softened a little.

"I would like to see you try" the man snickered. Hades turned around so that he was now facing that bastard.

Shut the hell up!

I turned around, tilting my head slightly then smirked. I snaked my hand around Hades' waist, then moved a little closer to him. His breathing was a little heavy. He was trying to calm himself down. I lifted his shirt lightly so that my fingers could feel his skin. He turned to look at me.

"Listen up here, buddy" I started calmly, faking one of the biggest smile that I could muster. "You really don't want to mess with him" I said. The man chuckled and took a step closer to us.

"Or what?" He dared.

"Luke, you have to leave" the cashier sighed from behind the counter. I assumed that Luke was a regular here. I wondered how many girls he harrassed.

"Leave" Hades demanded from behind me. His dominant side was making my inside quiver in want. Hades seemed distant and cold to everyone.

Everyone except me.

And Hannah.

I mentally rolled my eyes at myself and my damn thoughts who would ruin my romantic moment. My attention switched back to Luke who took another step forward. Hades moved forward as well, leaving my hand hanging in the air. I exhaled in exasperation. I walked till I was now standing in front of Hades.

"Listen asshole. The last thing we want, is to lose our time with you. In the end, you'll end up on a hospital bed if he decides to lay a finger on you. I would highly advise you to move your fucking ass away from our faces. I wonder how many girls you've harassed that way because you can't get the attention of girls by being your own freaking self. Now, if you want, you can look at my ass when we'll be walking out of here. Because that's the only thing you'll be able to do" I snapped. I then proceeded to move to get our bag from the counter. I grabbed Hades' arm and we started walking out of the shop. I didn't even bother to look at Luke's face. He was the least of my worry. As we walked to the car, Hades was quiet. I knew that he was thinking about something really hard. I didn't question him as I assumed that he was trying to calm himself down.

I got into the car, opened the plastic bag and pulled out my gummy bear. I turned on the music. The best thing that I could do was to relax the atmosphere. With a smile on my face, I handed Hades some of the gummies. He was staring at me with a frown on his face.

"What?" I questioned.

"How can you be so calm?" He asked with a sigh. His eyes moved to the Luke's car that was parked. He was still inside the shop.

"What was I supposed to do? Make a big deal out of it?" I asked. "He is not worth it" I shrugged.

"I don't know how girls do it. How they deal with assholes disrespecting them that way" he breathed. "That's how most of my fights started" he admitted after a few seconds.

"Because of girls?" I asked.

"Men are always groping girls on the dance floor, Luna" he told me. "When a girl doesn't want to be touched, you don't touch her. What's hard to understand?" He questioned. I was so proud of him and his way of thinking. In fact, I was pretty admirable.

"You're impressive, Mr Reigns" I said.

Suddenly an idea stroke me. An evil smile crept on my face as I stared at Luke's car. The frown on Hades' face intensified. I pulled out my pocket tweezer then turned to look at him.

"Violence is not always the key" I whispered mischievously. "I will need you to drive really close to his car, okay?" I asked. He nodded then started the car. I moved so that my body was half out of the car. "Hey Luke!" I called. He was standing by the door of the shop. When I saw his eyes moved to me. I showed him him my middle finger and when i was near it, i scratched his car before driving away.

"Fucking Bitch!" Luke swore in anger.

"Thank you" I responded as we were back on the road.

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