Chapter 64: Choosing who?

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Hades was using his body to block mine. His other hand reached for a blanket and he threw it all over me, trying to hide my body from whoever just opened the door. I moved my head slightly to glare at the person who was standing by the door.

"Fucking hell!" That familiar voice made my heartbeats start racing. No matter how many years I've been friends with him, Jace has never seen me naked.

Until today.

"Are you fucking serious?" Hades sneered when he realised that it was Jace who opened the door. "Get the fuck out" Hades snapped angrily. The door soon closed with a loud slam. Hades didn't moved off me, his jaws were clenched in anger.

Jace was such a cock-blocker.

My horny self was so insensitive.

With a groan, I pushed Hades off me but he didn't move. He turned to look at me. His eyes were throwing daggers at me as if I was the reason Jace was walking into the room. I rose my eyebrows questioningly, prompting him to dare question or scold me for something that I was not responsible for.

"I wonder who gave him this fucking habit?" Hades questioned in anger. He lifted himself off me then quickly put his clothes on. I blinked several times to register what was happening.

I am going to kill Jace.

"How am I responsible for this?" I asked in disbelief. He didn't answer and with clenched jaws, stomped out of the room. He seemed like he was going somewhere in determination. I quickly throw a shirt on me. As it was Hades' shirt, it covered my butt. I quickly buttoned the shirt up. I didn't want Hades to beat Jace up. I didn't want them to fight. I ran down the stairs and when I reached the living room. I could see Jace pacing around while Hades stood by the door glaring at him. I didn't miss much.

"I didn't know you were in there" Jace simply said monotonously. He didn't seem to regret the fact that he just ruined my sexy moment with Hades. They both didn't seem to know that I just ran in.

"It's alright. You just need to learn how to knock" I quickly said, just so that they knew that I was in the same room as them.

"Is it alright?" Hades asked me. His voice was low and stern. It even seemed pretty intimidating.

"No. It's not" I agreed. "But he really didn't know that you were in there" I said, trying to ease the situation. Hades turned to look at me, anger seething off him.

"Why wouldn't I be in my room?" He asked me. "How did he not see my car parked in front of the house, Luna? And Why the fuck is he coming in our room expecting you to be alone?" Hades asked, then chuckled in dark humour. He didn't seem amused at all.

"I needed to talk to her" Jace snapped, walking closer to Hades. It was too close to my liking so I quickly walked in between them hesitantly. I pulled the shirt lower to be sure that all parts of me were properly hidden. I watched as Hades' eyes trailed from my face to my perky nipples. I wasn't wearing a bra underneath and the shirt was a little bit see-through.

"Get your ass up in the room, sweetheart" Hades said in exasperation. He ran his hand in his hair in frustration. I ignored him then turned to look at Jace.

"What did you need to talk about?" I asked him seriously. I didn't want my friendship between Jace and I to ruin my relationship with Hades.

"I need to talk to you in private" He muttered, his eyes moving from me to Hades. With a sigh, my patience slowly turned into frustration as well.

"I would like you to talk in front of Hades. He has the right to know. Especially after what just happened" I told him. The glint of determination rushed in his eyes.

"I feel like I'm losing you to him. We're losing our friendship. Things have turned awkward between us because he is always around you" Jace muttered in annoyance. He was going to keep on talking but I quickly stopped him with a scoff.

"Because of him?" I questioned. "Things turned awkward because of you. Hades was never the issue. I tried to act normal but it was always in your head. You are the one who pictured him as a problem!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"You are literally choosing him over your fucking friendship!" Jace sneered.

"Is it the fucking friendship that bothers you? Or is it the fact that she is choosing me over you?" Hades asked. There was something so dark and evil in his eyes as he spoke those words. He was looking to hurt Jace.

"I am not choosing anybody!" I snapped in anger. This situation was so childish. "Look at you both! This is so fucking stupid. Jace, bursting in my room without knocking is off-limits now! Not after what happened. My friendship with you was on a good flow, until you created all this fucking drama. I don't understand a single point of all this conversation" I huffed. "Hades and I are in a relationship. You will have to accept the fact that he is going to be around me. As for our friendship, as far as I know, I have spent the majority of my time with you guys. I spent only the night with Hades. So I don't get the fucking point" I continued.

"He wants you to spend the night with him" Hades said monotonously, no emotions could be detected in his voice.

"And I want you to shut up" I snapped. His words angered me. The way he had no emotions when he was speaking, was annoying me. His main priority right now seemed to be his ego. In a matter of seconds, Hades turned me around. His hand was around my waist. His breath was fanning all over my face and our noses were touching.

"Who do you think your talking to?" Hades asked me. His jaws were clenched and his eyes were filled with a hidden fury. There was a fire that seemed to be burning inside of him. I knew that I talked impulsively. Not my fault that when I'm angry, I speak without thinking. I didn't mean to say that to Hades.

"Let go of her" I heard Jace snapped behind me. I closed my eyes, then sighed. I put my hand on Hades' cheek then slowly caressed it. I watched as his muscles eased a little. He leant his head slightly in my hand. Deep down, I somehow knew that if I let them keep on talking about this, Hades would snap. I didn't want them to have a fight. I moved my hands and took his hands in mine, then started walking out of the living room, leaving Jace behind. I didn't want to have to deal with this right now. Just when we reached the stairs, I was suddenly scooped in the air. Hades carried me in his arms all the way back to the room.

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