Chapter 53: Drunk

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The alcohol was flowing into my system as if it was my blood. I was definitely drunk. The music was bursting loud and my head was automatically bobbing to the music. Nothing really mattered in the moment. My eyes switched to where Ella was sitting. It took a few seconds for them to settle on her. Ella was quite drunk as well but she was far from being a lightweight as me. She must have drunk twice as much vodka as I did.

Maybe some whiskey too.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" I turned my head to see Hades. My eyes closed in slow motion as I turned to look at him. A smile appeared on my face. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, my mind drifting to the thought of how good my bed would feel right now.

"W-why would I mind, Sir?" I slurred teasingly.

"You seem to mind my presence" Hades said, holding his drink in his hand. He didn't seem drunk at all. I pulled the cup from his hand and peeked inside. Not really knowing what I was actually peeking it, I sniffed it then gasped dramatically when realization hit me.

"You're not even d-drinking!" I accused. He shook his head.

"I assumed that one of us had to be sober today" He said, his eyes switching to all of our friends who were all drunk.

Except Hannah.

"Hannah is not drunk" I pointed out with a shrug.

"If one of you guys fall, Hannah won't be able to help you up" Hades muttered. I could distinguish annoyance in his voice. I rolled my eyes, then turned to see Julien, Ella and Jason dancing on the patio. My face lit up. I didn't recall the last time I felt so carefree. I stood up, my glass falling on the floor in the process. I stumbled a little bit while trying to find my balance. I stared at my feet then tilted my head in confusion.

When did I take off my shoes?


Was I even wearing shoes?

I felt a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned to see that Hades was now standing by my side, trying to make sure that I wouldn't fall. I could feel myself getting irritated by the fact that he was acting like he cared. If he cared, he wouldn't have kept the truth from me. What was that stupid man even thinking about?

Luna wouldn't mind when she'll find out that I fucked my now-best friend Hannah!

I pulled my wrist from him. I glared at him before making my way to the dancefloor. Hades was still very clueless to why I was acting this way with him. The puzzled look on his face said it all. When I joined Ella, she yelled a 'Wooo!' That was a bit loud for me. I flinched but then recovered quickly. I started dancing with Ella, not minding being judged or seen by the others.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The power of Vodka.

Thank me later.

I was whining my ass on Ella when my eyes fell on Hannah who was sitting down, hyping us to dance more. Even the way she was sitting screamed 'classy'. I walked to her, stumbling a few times and giggled in victory when I would recover my balance. When I reached her, she had the brightest smile ever on her face.

"Come dance!" I exclaimed in excitement. She shook her head when chuckled.

"I'm really bad at dancing" she shouted over the music.

"Nonsense!" I responded, taking her cup from her. I put it on the table then took her hands in mind. "Everyone's good at dancing. You just gotta let the music take over your body" I told her with a shrug as we walked to the dance floor.

"Woo Woo!" Ella shouted, pumping her hand in the air. Julien's eyes widened when he turned around to see Hannah standing with us. I smiled at how smitten he looked.

"Do you mind?" He asked Hannah and when she shook her head, Julien placed his hands on her hips, guiding her to the music.

"Why don't you go get Hades?" Ella asked me.

"Why should I?" I asked back. I think that the annoyance that I was feeling towards him could be felt in the tone that I was using at Ella looked quite taken aback.

"Did I miss an episode?" She asked.

"A whole freaking book" I laughed while shaking my head. Jason walked over, took Ella's hand in his and turned her around.

"More dancing, less talking" He told us. I nodded in agreement, not really wanting to go into the details about Hannah and Hades. My mind was already a little bit buzzed.

Feeling like the alcohol was taking too much control of my body, I decided that it was best for me to go get a glass of water instead of drinking more of it. What I certainly didn't want was to embarrass myself in front of Hades, Hannah and Jason. Ella and Julien had already seen me in my worst drunken state. I made my way inside the house while humming a song, tripping over my own feel several times.

But hey, I made it to the sink in one piece.

"Do you need help?" I jumped in fear when I realised that Hades was standing in the kitchen as well. When the hell did he come here?

"No" I responded coldly. I took the nearest glass, not caring whether it was dirty or not in the moment. I opened the tap and filled it with water before bringing it to my lips.

"What's the matter?" He asked me. His face had gone all intimidating again. He was the cold Kale at the moment. But did I give fuck?


Wait. No.

"The matter is that you need to stop following me like this" I muttered. I haven't realised that keeping this inside of me, was building an anger inside of me. It was building an anger that was directed towards him. Hades put his cup on the counter, then ran his hand in his hair. He breathed out in irritation before looking at me.

"What is the fucking issue, Luna?" He snapped."You are being fucking distant for no fucking reason" he swore. I could notice that I was getting on his last nerve.

"For no fucking reason?" I chuckled humorlessly. I blinked several times to get rid of the heaviness that I was feeling in my eyelids. "Hades Fucking Reigns" I didn't stutter. "You are a liar" I shrugged. "No. Wait" I lifted my index finger in the air. "Not a liar. How do you call someone who hides the truth from you?" I asked him tilting my head slightly. I was genuinely asking him that question despite the fact it came out rude.

In a few huge steps, he was in front of me. How big was his feet? Well, judging by the size of his peni-

Okay. Alcohol detox for the next three months.

My back was pressed against the wall as he stood intimidatingly in front of me. His breath was fanning all over my face. He bent his face slightly so that our forehead was barely touching. He rested his one hand on the wall next to my head. I watched as he clenched his jaws.

I was not scared.

I was drunk.

"It's Hades Reigns. Not Hades Fucking Reigns" Hades said lowly, his tone nearly touching a sense of menace. "What truth did I fucking hide, Jenkins?" He demanded. I could see the anger in his eyes.

But did I give two shit?


"You fucked Hannah" I deadpanned then scoffed while shaking my head in disbelief. Hades stood there, not saying anything. He had no facial expression on. He simplicity stood there, his eyes fixed on me. He really didn't have anything to say for his defense? I scoffed in disbelief again.

What was I expecting?

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