Chapter 58: Any Better

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Even though everything inside of me was screaming at me for the decision that I suddenly, I walked around the house, trying to find a glimpse of Hades. I had no idea where he was. Walking to the kitchen, I noticed Jace sitting on one of the chairs. He had his drink in his hands and his phone in the other one. I wanted to turn around and walk away before he could notice me but it was already too late.

"Luna" he called. Reluctantly, I turned around to look at him.

"Yes" I breathed with a fake smile on my face.

"What are you up to?" He asked.

"I'm looking for Hades" I admitted.

"I saw him in the library earlier" he said.

Wait. What?

"There's a library?" I asked. He chuckled in amusement before nodding.

"It's just next to your room" he shook his head in disbelief.

Was it now?

"I'm going to look for him there, then" I said while turning around. "Thanks" Before I could even walk out, his voice echoed in the kitchen.

"Do you really forgive me?" Jace asked. I smiled then turned to look at him.

"Surprisingly enough, Yes. I do" I responded. He smiled back. "Ah! It's hard for me to be so understanding" I sighed teasingly. Jace shook his head with the smile still present on his face.

"That's a luck for me" Jace mumbled. I could feel a sadness behind his words. I knew that this situation was hurting him. A conversation between us two, was important. I leant against the door frame then stared at him for a minute.

"Doesn't mean you get to be an asshole everytime" I retorted playfully, trying to ease the atmosphere. "Jace, we really should put this all behind us" I told him.

"I am sorry, Luna" he apologized again. "I was scared to lose Angie. And I lied" he told me. I nodded.

"I understand" I said truthfully. I walked to him and wrapped my arms around him in a friendly way. "I don't want to lose my best friend over something stupid. Just don't do again" I told him as I pulled away. Jace was about to talk when his eyes drifted to the door.

"Hey man" he greeted. I turned around to see Hades standing by the door. His jaws were clenched and his eyes had no emotions at all. He seemed angry.

Have I missed a chapter?

Hades turned around and walked away from the kitchen. He didn't even greet Jace back. I turned to look at Jace who seemed confused. Then his eyes widened as if understanding the situation.

"What?" I asked with a sigh.

"He's most probably pissed at me after the whole thing that happened" Jace pointed out.

"You mean after you threatened to kick his ass in front of the porch back at home?" I asked playfully. He chuckled then shook his head.

"I can be so stupid at times" he admitted.

"Agreed" he playfully glared at me. "I better go talk to him before he disappears again" I muttered more to myself than to Jace. He nodded in agreement as I walked out of the kitchen. I could hear footsteps walking up the stairs so I followed behind. Upon reaching the first floor, I saw Hades walking in our room.

Our room.

"Can we talk?" I questioned as I walked in as well. His back was facing me. A humorless chuckle escaped him as he turned to face me. He did seem angry.

"Now you want to talk?" He asked as if it was absurd. I squinted my eyes in confusion.

"What's with the tone?" I snapped in annoyance. Hades took a few steps towards me. Seeing his facial expression up close, I instinctively took a few steps backwards and I crashed into the door that closed behind me. He was now standing in front of me. His breath was fanning all over my face as his eyes bores into mine. My back was touching the close surface of the door.

"Your boyfriend is here now" Hades said with distaste. I scoffed at his words.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked in disbelief. "Jace is my best friend" I snapped.

"He disrespected and you're walking around hugging him and shit?" He asked back with a humorless chuckle. This time, I was the one who laughed. I laughed in anger. I pushed him then walked away from him. I glared at him.

"Yes! I was hugging him! At least I don't go around fucking my best friend, huh?" I shouted in disbelief. Hades stayed quiet. He was glaring at me.

"How can you trust him again? He fucking hurt you and fucking lied to you" Hades spat.

"And are you any better?" I questioned while shaking my head. "He lied not to lose his girlfriend. No one is fucking perfect. That's why I was looking for you. Jace told me that you were in the library" Then I stopped talking. "Why the hell am I even explaining myself to you?" I scoffed. I closed my eyes then took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Why were you looking for me?" Hades questioned coldly. I clenched my jaws, then exhale in exasperation.

"It doesn't matter anymore, Hades" I muttered, making my way to the door. I was giving up this conversation that I was supposed to have with him. I could see by the way this conversation has started, it wasn't going to lead us anywhere. Hades walked to the door, stood in front of it, his eyes were on me. He ran his hand in his hair, making my attention drift to this action.

"I want you to talk to me" Hades ordered.

"You don't get to order me around" I snapped, taking a step in his direction.

"You're not going anywhere" He ordered again. His hands wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me to him. My eyes stayed fixed on his. The sexual tension that was present was so thick.

"Try to stop me" I dared.

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