Chapter 12: Modern Romeo and Juliet

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I typed my number then saved it, a smirk playing on my face. Hades stared at me with a frown on his face.

"What did you do?" he asked suspiciously as he took his phone again. When he saw what I did, he frowned. "Persephone" he read.

"You didn't get it, did you?" I guessed.

"Daughter of Zeus. Wife of Hades, God of the underworld" As soon as the words escaped his lips, my eyes widened. Greek mythology was something that has always intrigued me. What I was not expecting was for him to have this knowledge. "I'm actually going to keep you around for a while" he said as he turned to look at his car.

"I'm not a dog that you can keep around" I scoffed.

"You do look like a puppy" Hades said.

Where was that intimidating Hades?

"I do not!" I exclaimed. The fucker patted my head, then walked away. He was so infuriating. I closed the door. I don't know why I had a smile on my face.

"Creep" I heard my mom mumbled from the other room. She was standing by the door while staring at me. I smiled sheepishly and pushed my body off the door.

"I'm not a creep" I told her while walking to the stairs.

"Sure" she drawled sarcastically.

"I'm off to bed, mom. Good night" I simply said, knowing that if I started to argue, it's not going to end here.

"Good night. I love you" Mom said as she walked down the corridor.

"Love you too!" I shouted so that she could hear. I continued my way to my room when I heard a ping from my pocket. I took my phone from my back Jean pocket and unlocked it.

'What are you going to save my name as?


I stared at the text message with a frown on my face. He actually texted me. But it wasn't even a minute since he left. I walked to the window then a smiled slowly crept on my face when I saw Hades still in his car.

'Dumbass is a good name? Aren't you gone yet?


I noticed his phone lighting up. He opened the message then after a few seconds, Hades lifted his head to look at me. I noticed a grin forming on his face. I watched as he slowly bring the phone to his ear. Seconds later, my phone rang. I quickly answered knowing that it was Hades.

"Stop stalking me" He said. I clenched my jaws. His voice sounded so sexy through the phone.

"You're in front of my house" I pointed out. "Why are you not gone yet?" I asked. I could hear Hades exhaling in the phone.

"I'm waiting for Jason to call me back. We were supposed to go to the club" He breathed. He sounded tired.

"You could have waited in the house" I told him, frowning slightly.

"Your boyfriend seems to mind my presence around you" Hades chuckled. I frowned even more. I opened the window and leant on the edge slightly. "Stop leaning. You'll go through the window and instead of clubbing, I'll have to take you to the hospital" he continued. Only one thing preoccupied my mind right now.

"What boyfriend?" I asked.

"How many boyfriend do you have?" he scoffed.

"None. That's why I'm asking" I deadpanned.

"Jace?" he asked. He really seemed confused.

"That's my best friend and he lives just next door" I stated in disbelief.

"Best friend?" He asked incredulously.

"Yes. Best friend" I confirmed.

"He likes you" Hades stated as if I was stupid.

"Like a friend!" I exclaimed.

"You're really dumb, aren't you?" he asked,making me gasp.

"You're really mean, aren't you?" I mimicked, making him chuckle.

"You wanted my friendship? That's how I act with my friends" Hades said.

"Like an asshole?" I asked playfully.

"And I'm the mean one?" he asked, making me chuckle.

There was an interference, then I watched as Hades pulled his phone away from his ear. He most probably got a message. He put the phone again against his ear and looked up at me.

"Got to go" he said while waving. I waved back.

"Have a nice night!" I sounded loud enough for him to hear without the phone. I laughed when he pulled the phone away from his ear while wincing. He was staring in my direction. He waved quickly then I watched as he drove away. I judged Hades Reigns too quickly. He wasn't actually all mean and rude. Brutally honest, yes. But he was nice.

"So now you're best friends?" I jumped in fear, my hand instinctively flew to my heart. I turned my head slightly to look at Jace who was standing my window.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed, trying to calm the frantic beating in my ribcage. He rolled his eyes then stared at me. I knew that he had a problem with me. "What's wrong, Jace?" I asked, slowly crossing my arms so that I would look serious. "I'm the one who's supposed to be pissed at you for nearly kissing me while you have a girlfriend" I stated and observed as his eyes widened. He wasn't expecting me to talk about it so openly. He took a deep breath and stretched his arms.

"I'm sorry for nearly kissing you. I don't know what I was thinking about. I guess I was just acting stupid without thinking about the consequences" Jace said.

"You're twenty three, Jace. You need to start thinking. If you kissed me, you would have lost Angie. Gone is your romantic love story!" I told him. He put his hand in his back pocket then pulled out a cigarette. Jace was definitely a really nice looking guy. I don't know why but something about that cigarette made him look even better.

"Romantic love story, eh?" he started with a grin. "What about yours? Modern Romeo and juliet? Romeo in the car, talking with Juliet on the phone?" Jace joked, making me playfully glare at him.

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