Chapter 6: Violence

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"Are you fucking serious?" Ella asked. She was freaking out. Angie, Jace, Ella and Julien were sitting on my bed. After that discussion with mom, Hades and Stella, I thought that it would be better to have my friends' idea on this topic.

"She is!" Jace said, with a bright smile on his face. He thought that this situation was funny. It was not. I threw a pillow on his face, making him fall on the floor. Angie playfully glared at me and helped him off the floor.

"I am" I grumbled, making Ella yelp.

"Why do you sound like it's a bad thing? You'll be having Hades all for yourself" she told me.

"I don't want him all for myself!" I exclaimed. I sat next to Julien and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Then refuse. Your mom did say that it was all up to you" Julien said. I sighed. I knew that. Somehow, I was hesitating. I was tempted by the idea of being linked to Hades. I didn't know why. My mother wouldn't actually accept this type of 'deal', so it was kind of weird that she accepted. Why would she? She told me that it was beneficial business wise. Maybe we needed more clients and it was a good way to get them. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. If I was really considering about doing this, I needed to know more.

"Can someone tell me why his reputation is so bad?" I asked. Angie nodded and quickly started tapping away on her phone. Julien grinned.

"Definitely a fuckboy" he said and I nodded.

"He's a man. Not a boy" Ella corrected. I unconsciously nodded. Well yeah, Hades was definitely a man. His broad and muscular shoulders made him seem big. His perfect trimmed beard accentuated his perfect jaw. His green eyes could melt anyone.

What the hell?

"Surprisingly, being a ladies' man is not why his reputation is bad" Angie said as she stared at her phone. "In fact, he has been in a long relationship a few months ago and apparently everything ended because the actress cheated on him" Angie said, sounding impressed.

"So why is his reputation so bad?" Julien enquired.

"Apparently, Mr Reigns have some serious anger issues" Jace said from next to Angie. He was reading the article that Angel has looked for on the Internet.

"He has beaten up a man in a night club" Angie said. "The man ended in the hospital for three weeks" she said. To be honest, I was impressed.

"Damn" Ella breathed.

"Another fight in a bar" Angie said. "Another one at the airport" she continued, making my eyes go wide. He was violent. "Damn, he's fucking sexy though" she breathed as she gave me her phone. In front of me, was displayed a lot of pictures of Hades Reigns. Apparently, he was a model too.

"Guys, I have to go" Julien said. I turned to look at him. He was holding his phone in his hand and a frown was on his face. Must be his mother asking him back home. Julien and his mother do not have a great relationship.

"I'll be going too. You have to drop me home" Ella said, looking at Julien with a bright smile.

"I'm not your driver" Julien huffed.

"You're my best friend. So that's your duty" Ella said with a smirk. I hugged them good bye and watched as they left. Angie and Jace stood up as well.

"You're leaving?" I asked, taking my phone from the bed. They both nodded.

"We have a date" Angie said happily. I smiled, not really knowing what to say. We all walked down the stairs.

"Enjoy yourself" I said as we reached the door.

"Talk to your mom about all this, Luna" Angie said. I nodded and watched as they walked away. I took a deep breath and closed the door. In this huge house, only my mom and I lived. My father died in an accident when I was still a baby. I wasn't sad about his death because I didn't really know him. But I was sad about the fact that I grew up without a father. Taking another deep breath, I started walking to my mother's home office. I knocked on the door. She was in there mostly whenever she'd be at home.

"Enter" I heard her soft distracted voice say. I opened the door to find her typing away on her laptop. When she saw me, she smiled.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked. She nodded and put the laptop away.

"Of course, honey" she said and motioned me to sit on the couch. She stood up from behind her desk and walked to me. She sat next to me. "What is it?" she asked, taking my hand in her.

"Is the whole Hades thing important to you?" I asked. She frowned then shook her head.

"No, your happiness is" She said. "If you don't want to, it's okay" she reassured.

"Mom, be honest. How is the business going?" I asked. Her smile flattened a little bit. Still, she forced a fake one on her face. "Be honest" I said again.

"We lost a few contracts" she said. "But that usually happens" she quickly reassured. "That rumor, made us gain five contracts in one day" mom said. "Hades' reputation may not be good on personal level but professionally speaking, he's really good" she continued. So Reigns corporations were helping us gain more clients. I knew that if my mother was considering this, it must be because it was bringing us more positive aspects than negative ones. "You're not forced to accept. It's all up to you, sweetheart" mom said as she offered me a smile. Hades Reigns seemed to be an attracting piece of art, with a lot of secrets and mysteries behind. Was I prepared to do this act? Was I prepared to face the paparazzi? Was I prepared for all the negative shits?

"I accept" I said with a determined tone.

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