Chapter 41

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Dean POV:

I wake up early in the morning when I feel Seth is moaning and squirming beside me. Slight smile curls on my lips once I realize he is still in my arms, looking quiet. I get confused about my sudden awakening and think about it until deciding to leave it.

I look up at him, who is sleeping peacefully, looking beyond beautiful like this. I carefully get onto my left elbow, not wanting to wake him up. I want to watch this sleeping beauty for a little longer. Soon watching isn't good enough, and I start to stroke his cheek gently.

I sigh and press my lips on his, making sure not to wake him. "You're goddamn gorgeous, Seth. Do you know that? Gorgeous! I will do anything if it means you smile always, but under one condition, you should never leave me for anything." I get distracted when I hear a sudden hiss from his mouth. Is he already awake?

I take a closer look at him. Nope, unquestionably, he is still asleep. I look at him curiously as he squirms a little and hides his face against my side. Wait, is something happening in his body because of those medicines?

The thought of it doing things to my mind that I'm having a hard time processing everything. "Oh God, shit!" I sound aloud, picking him in my arms slowly and shaking him gently. "Seth, baby, wake up."

As he blinks open his eyes, I grab a glass of water from the nearest table and hand it to him. When he adjusts his position, his hand knocks the glass accidentally, which causes the water to spill over him.

My eyes widen at the rashes that are settled visibly on his body wherever the water has spilled. My heart thumps in my chest heavily as I glance at the inflamed skin or a group of individual spots. I don't know what to do, but I'm sure calling a doctor or nurse will make things even worse.

Seth POV:

A tear twinkle in my eyes when I feel my body is a burden for me. I can't take over the pain that the irritation is giving me. My body starts to throw up a little and makes me lose my balance, so I hold Dean's arm who is stunning in place.

I know it's nothing other than the allergy. If my skin settles back to its original state, everything will be fine. But the medicines on land can't cure me. It only raises it more, so I should do something than lying here.

I grit my teeth in pain and try to move, but he grabs my hand and stops me from getting up. I plead with him with my eyes and try to make Dean understand my situation, not telling him who I am. I can't spill out my secret to save my life because it's not only attached to one man's life!

"Dean, I-I have to go. These medicines can't help me as you think. I should take some natural medicines to cure this before anything serious will happen." I try to explain to him, whimpering in pain. I close my eyes and try to control my body, but I can't.

Usually, I was sure about not taking the harmful things of land because of this. I didn't know when I got medicines in my system. Maybe the doctor or nurse would inject me with some drugs while I was in concussion. Right!

I open my eyes and grip his hand tightly, leaning against his side. "Please, Dean. Let me go. It hurts too much!" I sob heavily and rub the rashes helplessly, hoping they will fade away soon.

"What natural thing will help you get rid of this?" He asks, stroking my hair tenderly. He tucks a strand of hair off my face and looks into my eyes, "Can you hear me? What will help you now?"

"S-Sea whip!" I stutter, looking at him a little confused. "It will reduce swelling and skin irritation!"

"Okay." He stumbles out of the bed, stopping in his movements and turning back to look at me, concerned. He thinks about something before biting his lip nervously, "Sorry for telling you this, but there has been noise on the floor, and I figure the nurse is coming soon. So take care! I'll be soon.."

I stare at him curiously, which makes my heart beating a little faster, thinking of what might happen. The beating stops abruptly when I hear the nurse sing as she enters the room with two other nurses and the doctor. Thankfully, I make it into the bathroom just in time.

Dean POV:

After a few minutes, I'm shuffling to Seth's room without getting caught in anyone's eyes. Wandering around to bring sea whip wore me out, and I was sure he almost met death while I was not here. Not telling about him to my friends certainly hurting me, but I have to remember that he has declared to me in his unconscious state, not a conscious state, so I have to keep quiet.

And whatever I'm doing is to keep him safe and sound. I knock on the door and wait patiently, my legs and back aching. When I hear the uneven footsteps coming toward the door, I know he is receiving it as much as I am.

He doesn't even greet me once the door has opened because his condition is entirely poor. He leans against the wall and holds his weight there, blinking his eyes. "Did you get a sea whip?"

"Yeah.." I hand him a paper bag and lean back on the door, taking a deep breath.

He smiles weakly and goes to the bathroom, where there is water running for a bath. He enters, limping some himself, closing the door behind him. Not wanting to disturb him from his doing, I take a seat on the bed and look out the window, thinking about him.

I can make it almost an hour without him. I nod and look up when I hear the bathroom door opening. To give me a surprise, he returns it with his most beautiful face, which has no rashes in it. Everything went back to normal with the help of a sea whip. I still can't believe my own eyes that are united to him.

"Thanks." He mumbles with a smile, ruffling his hair with the towel before dropping it on the table. He crawls on the bed and lays his head on my lap, groaning happily.

"Feel better?" I ask, sliding my hand down until it is right next to his.

"I do now," He answers, sliding his hand the last few inches until our hands are lacing loosely together. He snicks a look over at me with his face growing hot. "I always feel better when you're with me."

I try to burn the way his cheeks flushed a deep crimson into my memory. I never want to forget this sight. I close my eyes and brush my thumb over his lightly. The electricity passes between us to make everything stable and love each other's presence.

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