Chapter 15

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Dean POV:

I try my best to bring a true smile on Seth's face, but I can't. I stare at him as he sits on the couch and pretends to catch up on some needed reading. I know he reads nothing, just flipping through the book to see the pictures.

My lips curl into a smirk when an idea comes to my mind. I pat Roman's shoulder and yell to gain everyone's attention, "Let's play truth or dare."

"Truth or dare?" Seth asks in a confused tone, not catching up on the game. He marks his book to see the pictures later and turns his gaze fully on me. "What is truth or dare?"

Everyone looks at him amused but I go and wrap my arms around his neck from behind, "Even a fourth-grade kid knows about this game but you know nothing. It's not a big deal, I'll teach you."

He unwraps my arms around him and shoves me back, "I don't want to learn anything because I'll leave this place soon. So let me see this book or let me go to my room to take asleep."

The smile on my face drops when he mentioned that he will leave this place soon. He looks like a mystery to me. I try to know about this mystery, but he doesn't let me. I don't want to ask him anything now because it will spoil our moment and also he won't tell me the real reason if I ask so.

I smile when Paige grabs the book in his hands and silences him as he opens his mouth to talk about something. "Come on, just play with us." She forces him and tries to change his mind.

"Alright.." He says as he throws his hands in the air.

I smirk and walk around the couch to plop down on the cushion right next to him. "Awesome. I'll tell you the rules. You can take either choice when we play this game and should do the task what we tell you. Be careful not to lose the game."

"Yes, Seth. Be aware of the losses. If you lose in this game, you must prepare the dishes for a week." Paige orders him. It almost gets his eyes to fall out of his face.

By the look in his eyes, I'm sure he doesn't know how to cook. I need to aware and save him when we start to play this game. I suggested this game to make him happy, not making him feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, start the game. You wanna go first?" Paige asks and holds a bottle to me as she leans her head on Roman's shoulder.

"Yeah, why not?" I gladly get the bottle from her and start to spin it. It spins and stops at Roman's direction. I smirk and turn my attention to him, "Okay, Ro. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," He says and I look at him surprised until he explains why he selected the truth. "Truths are easy. I'm saving the dares for later, Deano." He winks at me and I roll my eyes at the nickname.

"Alright.," I question what to ask. It has to be good if I want this game to be fun for Seth. "Did you ever have a thing with any of our customers?"

"Yep." He replies and Paige's eyes shot wide open.

"Really?! Who?!" I ask, trying to add the fuel in her jealousy.

"Ah-ah-ah," He says, stopping me right in my tracks. "Only one question per truth. Your turn. Truth or dare?" He asks, completely satisfied with himself.

"Ugh, fine. I guess, dare." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I dare you to sing a song while dancing." He says and claps his hand with her.

I know it's his revenge for me, what I just tried to play with his relationship. I look around and see a smile on Seth's face. A true smile! I will do anything to see him like this. I sigh and try to sing a song while dancing.

He laughs and claps his hands as he enjoys the game. The game continues on for approximately ten minutes. In the process, I have been reluctantly forced to bring out his past, but he escapes by giving short answers. I wait for another turn to bring the mystery of him from his mouth.

My thoughts are interrupted when Paige yells and shots at him, "Truth or dare, Seth?"

I wait for his answer and hope he will select the truth, but he does the right opposite and says, "Dare!"

I almost shock, but I try to calm myself after that. I didn't get her intention when she turns to wink at me before turning her attention back to Seth. "I dare you to kiss Dean!" She smirks.

His eyes widen as he turns to look at me. I shake my head, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable. "I can't." He says and gets up from the couch to go to his room, but his leg hits the coffee table and makes him fall on the floor.

Shit! I didn't expect this would turn into like this. I really want to kiss him but not in this way, giving him an uncomfortable feeling when he is with me. I get up and hold my hand out to help him, but he looks at me with a doubt in his eyes.

I nod and give him a soft look, making him grab my hand as he gets onto his feet. He whines and limps as he walks to his room. I blame myself for this and convince him to sit back on the couch.

I kneel and grab his leg, squeezing it gently. "I give a massage to your legs then you will get relief from the pain," I say to him and ask Paige for the oil.

She goes to her room to bring oil and gives it to me. I sigh and look over at him, "Take your pants off."

"What?" He says and looks at me with wide eyes.

Paige laughs, "Yeah, Seth. He is the best massage specialist in Maui, so just do what he tells. Take those pants off." She claps her hand with Roman.

I bite my tongue and try to change the hot situation a little cooler, "I mean.. just wear some shorts then it will be helpful for me to give you a good massage on your leg."

"I don't want any massage. I'll take care of myself." He says and tries to get up from the couch.

I try to convince him and Paige also does her best to help me. He then slowly nods and gets up from the couch with my help to change into some shorts. While I'm waiting outside of his room, he dressed in comfy clothes.

When he opens the door and welcomes me to get in his room, I let my eyes rake over his body and admire his natural beauty. I want to devour the sight in front of me with its permission. I want to make every cell in his body spell my name as he lives in this world.

He snaps his fingers in front of my face and gets me out of my thoughts. I blink my eyes and help him sit on the bed. He leans against the headboard and places one leg on my lap and lets the other hanging off the bed.

I pour the liquid in my hands and rub them together to warm it. He shivers in my hands as soon as I touch the back of his leg, starting to rub it. His skin is really soft than I imagine in my dreams.

I slowly start rubbing and finding the knot that gives him pain. "Ouch, right there.." He hisses as he grabs his leg and shows me the right spot where he has pain.

He grabs the bedsheets that are underneath him when I apply pressure to the knots. I lean down and pull his other leg up onto my lap, giving a gentle squeeze. I move my hands a little quicker on his legs to know how much it will affect him.

He lets out a whimper and grips at the sheets so tight until his knuckles are turning to white. My heart beats so fast as I try to control myself once his brown eyes slide shut and relax into my touch.

I lean down and press a soft kiss on his leg with my eyes lock onto his face. His brown orbs snap open and look directly into my eyes. We stare at each other until Roman calls us to the living room for the sleepover.

We get out of the room in silence and lay on the floor next to each other. He rolls onto his side, not wanting to face me, but when the sleep overtakes his body, he automatically turns onto my side and wraps his arm around me. I breathe in his scent and kiss his hair, drifting into sleep.

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