Chapter 13

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Seth POV:

I wake up quickly before Paige gets ready for the work. I watch her running around the house with a huge tension on her face. I don't know what makes her tensed like this. "Paige, why are you getting tensed?" I ask and see her grabbing the wallet and phone from the coffee table.

"I have a guest of my shop owner coming at noon so I need to do many works but I'm late today and I don't know whether I will be able to finish my works before the guest comes." She says in a frustrated tone.

"I'll help you." I blurt without having the idea of her work. I don't know about her work but I need to help her, at least for letting me stay in her house.

"Thank God. That's a lot to me, Seth!" She gives me a hug and lets me get ready before leaving the house.

She teaches me about her work on the way as we go to the tattoo shop in the car. She gives me a small smile as she pulls the car into her shop's parking lot and into her reserved spot.

She grabs my hand once we get out of the car, "Just don't say anything, okay. I'll take care of him." She adds as we walk up to the front door of the shop.

I merely roll my eyes as we walk through the unlocked front door. We are greeted by a man, and the man gives me an unknowing look before Paige approaches him. I think he is her boss, CM Punk. He is tall and muscular with tattoo arms like she said.

"Welcome, Seth." The man and Paige say in unison. They let out a small laugh and clap their hands at each other.

I nod, and she takes me to a workstation. I watch her going out the back of the shop to get everything ready for her work. I look around the shop as she welcomes a man to put a tattoo on his back.

She pulls my hand to get my attention and makes me watch her work carefully. I notice the expression on the man's face as she draws; he looks painful as he grits his teeth.

After she completed the tattoo on his back, he pretends nothing has happened and walks out of the shop casually. She tells me to try that, but I'm not ready to put it on someone or myself because it would be painful.

She finishes her job and sits on the desk, already checking over who is coming. "Paige, we have a very important guest coming today at 12.00 pm." His boss says as he is passing by.

She looks at him curiously, "Who?"

He winks at her, "That's for me to know and you to find out."

A few hours later, the shop is in full swing. All three tattoo artists are busy with their current clients while I'm sitting on the computer at the front of the store, scrolling through different fonts with one of the customers that Paige is about to do once she has finished her current client.

My eyes flick up to the pretty young woman that Paige has just finished. She has big, bulging blue eyes and a million-dollar smile like Sasha has. She remembers Sasha a lot to me.

I sigh and click on the link where the woman's name is and bring up her price. "Okay, so that's $110 today. Cash or card?" I ask and give her a soft smile. I try not to feel uncomfortable under her intense gaze.

She hands me a $10 and two $50 bills with a wide grin, watching me as I put the transaction through. "Hey, what are you doing after work?" She asks as she puts her oversized designer wallet into her equally a ridiculously large bag.

"Hmm.." I look around helplessly until Paige appears here and leans back against the counter. She crosses her arms over her chest as she looks at the woman, "He will spend some time with his boyfriend after work. So just understand, he is off the market or his boyfriend will tell you this!"

"Sorry," The woman gives me an apologetic look. I try my hardest not to laugh as she almost runs from the store, forgoing her receipt and almost bowling over the next paying customer.

My eyes widen in shock when I realize what Paige has told to her. "Paige, what-" I stop when she ignores me and walks out with her boss to greet their special guest.

"Hey AJ, are you the special guest?" Paige asks in a surprised tone as she greets a black-haired girl. She takes her inside and talks friendly like they know each other for a long time.

Dean POV:

I am in the massage room, all alone. I don't remember why Roman isn't with me, but I don't really care. The door swings open and Seth is standing in front of me, wearing only a towel around his waist.

I can't stop myself from licking my lips in anticipation as I walk over to him. I grab him by the neck and crash my lips onto his. Both of us are gasping for air, moaning the other's name.

I cup his ass and lift him in my arms before I make him sit on the massage table. I stroke his cheek as I let my eyes rake over his body, "I didn't think God would give this beautiful for me. I want you to myself for everything in my life!"

He is speechless and stares at me with those beautiful brown orbs. "What about I fuck you right here on this massage table?" I ask, making his heart beats faster. "I bet you will like that, huh?"

He still doesn't respond and watches me for what I'm doing. I reach for the towel that is covering him and rip it off, impatient to see him. Just as my eyes are about to see him naked, I hear the knocks on the door, making us jump.

I turn around but the knocking has stopped. With a sigh of relief, I go back to my baby who is driving me crazy and frown my eyebrows when I see Roman is standing in front of me. How is he here?

"Where is Seth?" I ask as I look around to find him.

"Dude, you're disgusting," Roman says as he shakes my shoulder violently. "Stop moaning like that and wake the fuck up." He tries to get me out of thoughts.

"What are you.." I open my eyes slowly in confusion and see Roman is still standing in front of me. I look around and find I'm in one of the relaxation rooms, not in the massage room.

I realize all that happened with Seth was just a dream. A fucking dream! I bring my finger to my lips as I think about it. It feels so real to me. I want it to be real. Seth is playing with my mind and I can't stop thinking about him.

"What are you doing?" I ask Roman and slap his hand away from me. "Why did you wake me up?"

I wanted to fuck Seth in that dream. Why the hell did Roman have to ruin it all? All I want is to go back to sleep to finish what I've started with Seth. He belongs to me, and I want to make him realize that.

"Cause everyone could hear your moaning when you're in the relaxation room." Roman slaps the back of my head and grabs my hand, "Come on, you have an appointment with a couple."

I put my legs down and get up from the couch, stretching my arms and yawn a little. I go with him as I think about the dream, hoping it will be true one day and I'm waiting for that moment.

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