Chapter 25

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Seth POV:

I stumble on my feet when the man pushes me a little further to the other's side. The captain of the ship turns around and looks at me with a drink in his hand. He has long dark dreadlocks, embedded with various beads and braids that are held back from his face with a crimson bandanna.

His dark brown eyes lined with kohl hold a serious expression. He has a black mustache and a small beard tied in two braids that both frame his lips perfectly. His hands adorned rings and his dirty fingers hold the sword dangerously relaxed.

A white shirt flutters in the soft breeze, half-open, and a dark waistcoat sits atop of it. Brown breeches, long coat, and boots that are stopped just below his knees complete his look. After a moment of silence, he slurs slightly, "Captain?! Call me as Captain Jack Sparrow!"

 After a moment of silence, he slurs slightly, "Captain?! Call me as Captain Jack Sparrow!"

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"Sorry," the man says to him and points me to him. "This kid hid in one of our chests and I got him red-handed."

"Oops! Did you do that kid?" He asks as he makes his way to me and stares at me in the eyes. He takes a sip from his bottle and runs his fingers on the side of my cheek.

"Jack Sparrow?" I say it under my breath, inspecting his face. I heard about him from my ancestors like he is the pirate lord of the Caribbean sea, the king of the merfolk, and some other names.

"Yeah, kid. But you still didn't answer my question." His eyebrows furrow as he leans into me.

"Yeah, I just want to go somewhere so I hid on this ship. I heard you were at the Caribbean sea but.. here you're.." I wet my lips when I see a curl on his lips as he shows me a glint of his golden teeth.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and shows the sea, "Of course, I'm the lord of the Caribbean sea. Why doesn't this lord come to a vacation in Hawaii, huh?"

"Yeah.." I nod and look at him as he plays with my hair. My eyes widen when I see the moonlight reflection on his face. Shit! How I forgot about this? I look up at the sky and remember the words that my mom told me. "I need to go," I mumble and look around the ship, going to its edge.

He grabs my hand and gives me a sly smirk, "I'll drop you where you want to go, cutie!"

"I have reached the spot where I want to go now. So thanks, Captain Jack Sparrow!" I wave a hand at him and fall on the ocean with open arms. As my body hits the water, my mind wanders to Dean and the wonderful memories with him.

I shake my head and try to concentrate on changing into a merman again, but my mind goes to him and thinks about him repeatedly. I struggle to breathe so I hold my throat and wiggle in the water helplessly.

I feel my feet are numb, and my body is ready to give out, but nothing changes. I know why because my concentration is overtaken by Dean, not my goal. My eyes close slowly, but Alexa wakes me up and coos sweet things in my ear.

I jolt awake and see my people around me who are willingly helping me to change into a merman again. I try to concentrate but everyone seems in my eyes as Dean so I can't. I fall on the ground with a thud and close my eyes with the image of him in my mind. "Dean!" I whimper, but my voice is inaudible in the water because I'm still a human.

Dean POV:

I search Seth everywhere on the shores of the sea, but he still doesn't find in my eyes. I get frustrated as the time goes on and I can guess at the time what it is. Maybe a couple of hours later, the sun will rise in the sky and start the fresh day. And it will also tell whether the day is good or not for me.

I kneel on the sand and stare at the ocean with the memories of him. This ocean brought him to me and I hope this ocean will give my angel to me if my love is true. "Bring my angel to me," I open my arms towards the ocean and beg with it.

I startle and look over at the rocks when I hear the creeping noise behind it. I stand up from the ground and go to it, wanting to know what is going on. As I step my foot on that side, I feel like some guys jump into the waves suddenly as they see my presence. Who could come here at this lonely night?

I shake my head and turn to leave, but my foot knocks on a soft body and makes me look at it. "Seth!" My eyes widen when I see him lay on the sand lifeless. I kneel and pick him in my arms, clenching to him.

"Seth," I pull away from him and look at his pale face, resembling he might stay in the water at least an hour. I shake him and hope he will open his eyes and let me know that he is alright. I get no sign from him so I pull him up on his feet and make him lay over the rock on his stomach.

I press my hands on his back to get all the water out of his body. At first, nothing comes out, but eventually, the water flows from the edge of his mouth. "Seth, baby, just look at me." I turn him around and hold him against me, shaking him in my arms.

I cup his cheek and rub it gently but his head falls back without having the strength to hold steady. I don't know what to do as I see him in this state so I beg him, "Please baby, don't leave me.."

I look into his face for a few moments before pressing my lips on his. My right hand has gone straight for his hair and the pads of my fingers massaging his skull while the other pin his shoulder against the rock, grounding him there.

I suck his mouth as deep as I can until I get some water from it. I spit the water on the sand and dive back in to press my lips on his. With every shift of our lips and every movement of our mouths, I go deeper and give some warmth to his body.

"Baby, please open your eyes... I can't live without you." I pat his cheek several times and kiss his forehead, pulling him against me. I tangle my fingers in his hair and hold him closer to me. "I want you, baby. If you don't open your eyes in five minutes, I'll lose my soul in this ocean to come with you." I whisper in his ear and press my face in the crook of his neck.

I try so much but I can't do anything so I pull him away from me to see his face one last time. "I'm coming to you, baby." I smile and press a long, passionate kiss on his lips. I press my forehead against him and remember the memories with him until I feel his flabby fingers tap on my skin when the cool breeze hits us.

"Baby," I try to pull him away from me but he digs his fingers on my shoulders, shivering into the chilly air.

I look up at the sky and thank God for giving my angel back to me. I slide my hand between our bodies and tug his soaked shirt to strip it off him. I force him to move away from me and look at his face finally, but he still doesn't open his eyes.

I remove his shirt and wrap him in my jacket, keeping him warm. I pick him up in my arms and carry him to the car to my house. I should keep him warm as much as possible and want to make him eat something to fill his tummy before ask what happened. I should know what is going on in his little damn mind.

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