Chapter 7

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Dean POV:

As I walk on the shore to enjoy the morning breeze, I look over the waves and smile myself in a loving mood. I lift my hand up to notice the time and I have enough time to go to the spa resort.

Usually, I would come here earlier with Roman or before him to sit on the outside bench of the spa resort to see the visitors enjoying themselves but now I'm here to enjoy myself on this beach alone.

Yeah.. alone! Last night, I'm the one who drank Jack but I woke up earlier but that idiot didn't get up from the bed when I left from the house. I bet that lazy ass wouldn't leave the house now. If he leaves the house, he would call me to know about me but still now, I didn't get any call from him.

I shove my hands into my pockets as I kick the small stones which are on my way. I don't realize that I walk further on the shore until I see a series of rocks on the water.

I turn to leave but stop when I see a pair of legs laying on the sand. I confusedly look over the legs as I walk slowly to the person. I stop when I have a doubt, what if the person is dead.

I don't want to involve any police cases because Roman warned me to stay out of this. I sigh and turn to leave without seeing or helping the person but my mind remembers me about my angel at that time. What if that is he?

I look over the legs once again and slowly move towards the person with a heavy feeling in my heart. My eyes widen when I see my angel laying on the sand unconsciously as he faces over the sea.

I kneel down beside him and look over his pale face. Tears well up in my eyes as I see his beautiful face and curse myself for letting him go the day before. I pull him against my chest and close my eyes as the tears fall.

I blink my eyes when I feel his heart vibrates against my chest. I pull him away from me and look at him. I let him lay on the sand and place my head on his chest to hear any heartbeat from him.

I smile lightly when I hear a heartbeat from him. "You're alive!" I pull away from him and wipe my tears away as I see him with a small smile on my face.

I shake him slightly but he doesn't wake up. Maybe he would try to commit suicide but the waves threw him out for me. At least the sea has some pity on me and my love.

I don't know how much water he drank. I place my hand on his stomach and give it a slight push but nothing comes out of his mouth. I push a little hard but this time also, nothing comes out.

I don't know what to do so I chew my nail as I think about some idea. Suddenly an idea hits my mind so I look at him with a pleasurable smile on my face. I lick my lips as I look over the pink pretty lips of him.

I lean down to suck all the water from his mouth but stop and move away. As much as I want to kiss him, I really want our first time to be perfect. I look over the sea and imagine it as a background romantic view before picking him up in my arms.

Now everything is perfect. I smile as I look over his lips and lean down to kiss him but the waves destroy my dream by ferociously hits us. He blinks his eyes slowly and his eyes go wide when he sees me closer to him.

He pushes me away and tries to stand up but he can't. I hold him against me before he falls down, "Hey baby, I think you need some help!"

"Nah, I don't want anyone's help." He says and tries to move but I didn't let him. I can tell, he is weak and really tired by his voice. "I feel dizzy so please let me go, I want to go home." He mumbles.

"Don't worry, I won't bite you. I feel really bad if you're sick so let me help you." I try to convince him but he shakes his head. At finally he slowly nods as he holds his head.

I think he is dizzy so he lets me help him. I slowly take him to the spa resort to my sharing room. I let him sit on the chair and go to the main room to get a hot coffee for him.

I return to the room and give the coffee to him but he turns his head away. I sigh and grab his hand to make him hold the coffee cup. "It'll make you feel less dizzy.." I say to him.

He nods and brings the cup to his lips to take a small sip. I really want to taste his beautiful lips because it's so cute when it parts slightly. I let out a sigh and try not to stare at him and make him feel uncomfortable but my eyes didn't listen to any of my words.

"So you tried to commit suicide again!" I ask him to break the silence.

"No! Who told you that I try to commit suicide? I didn't. I just tried to go to my home." He repeats the same answer which I heard from his mouth the day before. I think I need to work hard to erase the suicide thing from his mind.

"Baby, death is not a home for anyone. If you share your problem with me, I'll help you." I try to convince him to know what his problem is.

"You humans can't help me if I tell you so." He says and takes another small sip.

"Yeah, I can understand, you pretty angel!" I tease him and he glares at me. I watch his lips movement until he sneezes lightly. Shit! I forgot that he is still in wet clothes.

I open the locker and take clothes for him before giving it to him, "You're lucky, baby. I always keep some spare clothes here. Go ahead, put this on."

He eyed the clothes then looks at me, "I don't want this, I'm fine."

I give him a knowing look, so after a long silence, he gives me a slight nod and gets the clothes from me before going to the bathroom. He comes out a few minutes later.

I eyed him from bottom to top before saying, "My clothes look perfectly on you."

"Thank you," He says and gives me a small smile.

"Okay baby, I helped you so I think I deserve to know your name!" I grin at him and notice the expression in his face. Before he opens his mouth to say something, the manager calls me so I tell him to wait for me before going.

After I talk with the manager, I return to the room and find him nowhere. "Shit!" I shout frustratedly and run my fingers through my hair.

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