Chapter 11

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Dean POV:

Dinner went very well and gave a satisfied feeling to all of us. I hope Seth would like this. He seems comfortable after I fed him on the outside of the restaurant. I hope everything will be okay between us.

When Roman and Paige get in the car to drive the opposite direction, Seth bites his lip nervously and thinks about something. I pat his back slightly to get him out of his thoughts and make him get in the car.

I drive the car slowly, wanting to spend some time with him alone. I want to talk to him, but I don't know how he will take it. What if he feels uncomfortable when I start to talk to him?

When I hear his sweet voice, I come out of my thoughts and look at him surprised. I don't know what he told me so I try to ask him without making him fear, "Sorry, baby. I didn't listen to what you said, so can you repeat it again?"

"Hmm.. you told me your parents were passed away. What happened to them?" He asks slowly and makes sure that I'm comfortable with his question. I don't want to hide anything from him because he has the right to know about me.

I give him a soft smile and set my eyes on the road, "I lost my parents in a shipwreck.." I sigh and try not to break this sweet moment but I can't.

I stop the car and look at him when he places his hand on my thigh. When I see his concerned face, all the emotions in my body rush out. Without thinking, I throw myself over him and try not to break down into his arms.

I let out a slow breath and calm myself, making sure not to let a single drop of tear from my eyes. When I hear the sound of someone knocking at the glass, I realize what I am doing.

"Sorry.." I pull away from him and turn around to look who is knocking at the glass. The cop tells me to take the car out of the path, then I realize I stopped the car in the middle of the road.

I start the car and drive to Paige's house with an uncomfortable silence between us. I look at him with one eye as he stares out the window mindlessly. The situation between us is awkward because of the hug, so I don't know how to approach him.

Seth POV:

I didn't expect Dean would hug me, but I felt something different when he hugged me. I had been distracted when I was wrapped up in his arms, pressed against his body, held by him so close...

My mind keeps drifting as I sit here, so I stare out the window to get the thoughts out of my mind. When Dean stops the car in front of Paige's house, I get out of the car and go inside without thanking him.

I have manners to thank him but I'm not ready to face him so I think the silence is safe between us. I go to my room and lock inside as usual before jumping down through the window to go to the ocean.

The smell of the ocean salt breezing through my nostrils as I take every step, the sound of the waves crashing louder in my ears as I get closer. I need to know whether Alexa and Sasha found a way by telling my situation to my family.

As I walk over a couple of lounge chairs, I didn't notice a familiar figure sitting there until it calls me, "Seth." I stun when I hear a voice from behind alarming the crap out of me.

I turn to look at Dean as he asks me another question, "Where are you going in this dark night, baby?"

Even in this dark night, I can see his blue crystal eyes glistening equally to the stars. I sigh and look away, finding a path to escape from him. I can't tell him that I'm going to meet my friends, so I try to change the topic.

Instead of answering his question, I ask, "Why are you sitting here in this dark night?"

I refuse to sit as he pats the seat beside him for me. He forces me so I grit my teeth and sit down on the lounge chair wordlessly, one foot up on the chair and the other dangling in the sand.

He watches me as I settle down, then turns his attention back to the ocean, hoping the foamy waves could wash away his emotions. "I try to let all my emotions out." He says and leans back in the chair.

"Do you have anger in this ocean? I ask and watch his reaction. I don't know why I am asking this, but I try to comfort him.

"For what?" He lets out a sigh and gives me a soft smile.

The darkened sky with little stars brings out all these different twinkles of blue in his eyes, and they are absolutely gorgeous. My breath catches in my throat, so I cough and turn away to clear my mind.

I let my eyes to see the waves before turning to look at him again, "For taking your parents away from you.."

"I didn't think like that. I see them in this ocean.. whenever the waves touch me, I feel them there!" He says with a little smile, but I don't know how could he smile with so many emotions in his heart. This ocean gave me life, but this ocean took his life away from him!

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