Chapter 45

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Seth POV:

We are settling on the couch in our dream house and celebrating the moment. I enjoy the feeling of him stroking my hair softly as I lay on top of Dean. It seems like I miss spending time with him, so it's the chance I'm going to savor every second of it.

My ears prickle at the unexpected noise in the air. So I move away from Dean and run to the window, looking at the ocean. I don't know what is happening around me, but I feel something is wrong.

My eyes glue to the waves and try to find something, but I can't. Without my friends, I couldn't know what was going on in the ocean. I feel ashamed of myself for being blind and sink into his love.

As much as I love him with my whole heart, I also have a responsibility to care for my people and protect them. I should have found a way to reach my friends after the pearls turned black, but I didn't. What a selfish bastard was I?

I run my fingers through my hair and tug at it helplessly, finding a way to reach them again. I flutter my eyes and try to relax a bit when I feel his hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at him and mouth, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He says and wraps his arm around my waist, holding me against him.

"I-I just want to sit at the shore." I stutter, wanting to go there and feel the waves around me. I can guess the change of water what it might be.

"Well, it's a good thing, right?" He presses his cheek against my hair. Taking in the fresh scent and allowing my soft hair to pamper his cheek.

I glance at our reflection on the television and smile at it. We look cute in embracing each other near the window. I sigh and move away from Dean, forcing him to stay at home. If he comes with me, I can't do my work accurately.

When I get out of the house, I run to the ocean and dip carefully, feeling the water around me. My guess is correct that something is wrong. I could feel it! I sink again and feel the hardness of the water. The ocean echoes and tries to tell me something, but I can't understand.

I look around helplessly and walk back to the shore, watching the waves with worry in my heart. I feel like being watched, but I'm not trying to check it out or moving away from the place a bit.

I return home and walk around casually, not wanting him to doubt me. To enhance my worry furthermore, the time doesn't move fast. I eye him all day and make a mental note about his timings in everything because I need that.

The only good thing that has happened today is he has fallen asleep quickly. I hope he will wake up again as the sun starts to set, orange light slanting through the gaps in the window.

I unfold the blanket and throw it over his body, making sure he is comfortable. I press a kiss on his forehead and rest my chin there a few moments before deciding to leave. As I make my way out, the nightmare reappears in my mind and holds me in place.

I don't know what to do, so I lean against the door and think about it. When I hear a ferocious wave hit on the rocks, I forget everything and rush toward it. I look around the place to make sure there is no one wandering here.

I look out the darkened waves and begin to sing our favorite song, hoping my friends will hear it. I make a promise to myself that I won't leave this place without seeing them. As a merman, I should know what is going on in my world.

It is past midnight, but I'm not sure what the time exactly is. I lean forward, wanting to be just a little closer to the stars that I can hardly see through the density of smog. When I find a pair of stars twinkle brightly and point a particular direction in the ocean, I'm sure they are rushing around there.

A smile curls on my lips when they get into my sight. Without waiting a bit, I crawl into the water and throw myself over them. "I missed you guys.." We wrap in a group hug until I feel their hands shove me a little.

I look at them confused, but their eyes glue at somewhere before diving into the ocean. I swallow hard as I feel the repeat of my nightmare. I can feel eyes on me, so I glance back and catch a blue gaze.

"D-Dean!" I stun in place and scare to move forward of getting caught by him. I try to step back with fear in my eyes, but my leg twists in the water and makes me fall on it. I feel trapped, so I crawl back until my friends' appear out of nowhere and embrace me in their arms.

"Don't hurt him!" They shout in unison without thinking about their identity. Once again, they got into trouble because of me. What the worst merman am I?

He smiles weakly and moves forward, which makes us scare even more, and stride back further into the ocean. He stops in his track as he understands us and holds his hand out, "Sorry if my presence scares you guys. But try to understand, I won't hurt any of you. And why do I have to?"

I blink in surprise and hold them tightly, not knowing what to do. When a furious wave hits right on my body, I tremble and cough loudly, which makes us a little distracted.

He uses the interference and moves forward, pulling me up into his arms. He drags me to the rocks and makes me sit on them before confronting my friends about everything. He explains to them how he has known our little secret.

I stare at him in complete shock when I realize he knows me already. There were so many questions arising in my mind about why didn't he try to hurt us, why didn't he confront me about this, and why didn't he inform his friends about us. I feel a little relieved when my friends comfort around him, but still, I haven't cleared my mind about the reason for my appearance here.

"Sasha, is there something wrong?" I ask, holding her hand tightly. I don't want to hear any bad news, but my heart itches to reflect the opposite.

"I like to say no, but I can't. Something is wrong, but we can't find about it still.." She says with a worried expression. If she didn't know about this, it would be a big problem. What would it be?

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and tries to comfort me, "Everything will be all right."

I nod at him and lean my head on his shoulders, looking over the ocean. None of us have the mood to talk about anything, so we keep silent and feel the fierce waves against us. When it's time for them to leave, I share a group hug and send them off.

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