Chapter 49

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Dean POV:

We're getting slices of cake and going to play video games. We manage to go through half of the layer cake and make our way through the cupcakes. After that, we excuse ourselves and walk over to the rocks to meet Seth's mermaid friends at night.

It takes some time to make them arrive here, but we look out the ocean in patience. When they reach, they reflect their happiness by slapping their fins and tails in the water. Instead of bringing joy to his face, it makes him worry a little about not being a merman anymore.

They pull him into the water and play with him for a few minutes until his parents appear and bless him. It's the first time that I'm seeing them, so I get a blessing from them instead of sitting on the rocks simply.

By the time we return home at midnight, our friends are sitting in the living room and watching some kind of cheap horror movie that snickering under the breath. We decide to join them and spend our time in the show.

Paige is clonked out somewhere over to Roman's right, hogging most of one of the blankets. I'm half concerned that I might be in a sugar-induced coma, but feeling myself the power of the sugar from all the sweets dying away.

On another side, Seth is leaning against me heavily and taking a bite out of one of the cupcakes. I wonder where he puts it all and manages to look the way he does. There's icing on his upper lip, and it seems tempting.

I begin to wonder why he seems glowing since we have left the beach, and I don't have any idea about it. I must have been staring for a while because I snap into reality and notice he is staring right back at me. I think, briefly, that something about this should be awkward. But it isn't.

He still has that damn icing on his lip, but as he's going to lick it off, I'm leaning in. My lips collide with his, briefly feeling his tongue against my lip before it's gone and the taste of sugar and something that is purely him hitting my senses.

The kiss is deepened immediately, his slightly sticky fingers pushing into my hair and pulling me just a little closer. I don't know how long we're just sitting here making out before suddenly, Roman is slinging his legs across our laps.

We move away from each other as he is grumbling something before dozing off again. We are blushing now, but can't help the grin on our faces. "Best birthday ever," Seth whispers. The reply he gets is just another kiss.

When the glow in him raises, my desire about wanting him to itch me heavily. Without caring about others, my hands encircle his forearms possessively and guide him silently up to the length of my body, so he's at my eye level, looking down expectantly, hair falling into his face, mouth slack.

I reach up now with both hands and carefully tuck his hair behind his ears. Everything goes still for a second, and we suspend at the moment. I look at him like there's nothing else in the world.

We stare at each other for a long moment, breathing loudly in the silence. Seth swallows hard and then looks at me intently. "What do you want?" He asks with more breath than sound.

"Want to fuck you," I tell him, voice deep and raspy.

"Okay," He says at once, licking his lips. "Just gimme one second."

He takes one moment to rearrange his thought processes and dispel the unbridled longing clouding his mind. It's probably a good thing he's just as versed in being efficiently pragmatic in chaotic situations as he is in getting caught up in my hands and mouth and body and irresistible magnetism. And then he unceremoniously slides off of my body and onto his feet on the carpet. He squeezes my hand in his own for a second and meets my eyes before taking me to our bedroom.

Settling for just remembering to breathe perfectly because my lungs feel like they've been depriving of oxygen for hours, and they're ready to burst. "Seth," I breathe out finally, eyes roaming over every inch of the other man like I've been starving for the privilege for too long.

"You sure?" I ask, one hand sliding over his hip to draw him in closer, the other up his chest and around the back of his neck, resting my forehead against his. He nods, mouth slightly parted, eyes locked on my mouth. "You won't be." I grin before smashing our mouths together.

He loses himself then and lets me push him toward the bed, letting me bite, claw and mark every piece of him that I want to. His radiance doesn't fade a bit, so it makes me wild and strips him off his protective clothes, wanting to devour him.

I take in the complete picture of him spread out under me, a few damp, stray curls cascading over his forehead, lips wet and plump and letting out soft, shaky gasps, dark bruises already blooming against the pale skin on his neck, flushed chest rising and falling rapidly, the muscles in his thighs and arms tight and straining, his skin shining with sweat.

Seth POV:

I accepted Dean's wish because he asked me. It's not only the reason behind this. There is another reason that is hiding underneath me. If merfolk intimates with others on their birthday, nothing can separate them, even the world apart.

I know it's entirely different in our life, but I believe some way will emerge and worth our love. A sudden fear pops up on my mind as I think about it because it's my first birthday without a merman feature, so there will be some problems occur if I'm not wandering into the ocean and placing another gemstone in our Goddess statue.

I snap out of my thoughts when he leaves marks on me like the world's leave on them. Like the sea carving out shapes in the rocks over hundreds of years, towering mountains disintegrating into the sand, an underwater seismic wave altering the orbit of the earth, a giant crater in the desert from a meteorite that traveled across the galaxy that changes the natural terrain forever.

He is all over me now, flowing through every bit of me, my body, my heart, all the deepest, darkest places no one else will ever see or feel. Maybe happiness is another kind of devastating impact that leaves a scar, the kind anyone never wants to fade with time, the kind that rearranges the landscape of our heart permanently into something bountiful and boundless that one never thinks it to be.

"God, you're pretty." He murmurs, his breath catch in his lungs.

My hips stutter to a stop for a couple of seconds as we're suspending at the moment. Dean's hands squeeze and press into my sides hard enough to leave fingerprint indents in their wake. Like he wants to feel my body and warmth, to know that I'm solid and alive, made of flesh and blood, and I'm not going to disappear from him like a decaying, fallen leaf picked up and blown away on the wind.

His fingers follow the knobs of my spine up to the shoulders, gripping them tightly. He pulls me down into a fierce kiss and mumbles, "I love you."

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