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the sun is almost setting, the dance team and sunoo's friends are still having a blast while playing on the pool.

"geonu omg do you need some floaters?" jake yelled, laughing at his friend who's swimming on the other side.

"haha very funny coming from a short aussie like you," geonu talked back.

sunoo giggled, his friends really like to roast each other. he's sitting at the edge of the pool while eating barbeque. beside him is jungwon, who's busy talking to taki.

"sunoo, you want some?" daniel handed him some chips which he gladly accepted.

"let's play a game! c'mon, form a circle," hanbin suddenly announced, holding a plastic cup in one hand. he gestured the rest to gather and form a little circle.

sunoo was about to transfer and sit beside jungwon, but taki held his arm and dragged him to sit beside him. hanbin sat on his other side.

he laughed a little when he saw jungwon sitting beside jay, looking completely grumpy. his friend has been avoiding the guy all this time and now he couldn't escape him.

sunoo's eyes fell on sunghoon, who smiled at him. he smiled back, unaware that ni-ki is staring at them.

"okay, we're gonna play the clichést of the clichés game, which is truth or dare." everyone grunted at nicholas' statement. it's a boring game, who would play that?

"wow thanks for the enthusiasm guys. anyways, it's truth or dare, but with a twist."

"for some reason, i don't trust you." they laughed at daniel's remark.

nicholas stood up, his hands on his waist. "so basically, the person who's gonna be pointed by the bottle is the player right? the player is gonna be the one to choose the person that would ask him a question. after the player answers the question, the rest of us will act as judges and decide if his answer is true or not. if the majority will say false, then the player will do the dare."

sunoo nodded after comprehending the instructions. somehow, it seems like a fun game.

the rest of them agreed (jungwon objected, but he was ignored by hanbin), so the game started. hanbin was the first one to spin the bottle.

kei sighed when the bottle stopped in front of him.

"ooohhhhh~ choose me hyung! i'll definitely ask a good question!" heeseung yelled, raising his hand up.

"no, he's gonna ask you some weird question. pick me instead," taki pointed at himself.

"i'm choosing someone who looks like he's gonna ask a decent one." kei pointed at jake, who was smiling the whole time.

"oh no...you chose the wrong one.." sunoo mumbled, but ni-ki and taki heard it and chuckled.

jake stood up, still thinking about what question to ask. "uh, how about this....you have a terminal illness and you only have 1 month to live, who among us here would you want to spend your last month with?"

"jake where did you even get that depressing question?" jungwon commented.

"okay, who's your answer?" everyone turned their heads to kei, expecting his answer.

"uhm.." kei cleared his throat. "h-hanbin.. because you know, he has great motherly instincts and he can definitely take care of me-"

ni-ki cut him off. "that was sweet but let's stop there please."

after that, the majority agreed that kei's answer was true. hanbin got quiet and just laid his head on sunoo's shoulder.

"did you hear his answer? that was definitely a confession." sunoo whispered at his hyung.

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