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sunoo stopped writing on his notebook when he heard the sound of rain.

crap, i forgot my umbrella.

"sunoo, want me to drive you home? since it's raining," daniel looked at him then pointed at the pouring rain outside the window.

"nah i'm good, thanks." sunoo ruffled his best friend's hair.

the parking lot is not that far from this building, but i'm definitely gonna get wet if i just run from here.

he grabbed his phone and texted sunghoon.


[ sunghoonie ]

my class is over now
u still in parking lot?
i'm coming there, i'll just wait for the rain to stop ;-;


sunoo, jungwon, and daniel already went down on the first floor of the building but sunghoon hasn't replied yet.

daniel grabbed his shoulder, making him stop walking.

"are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?"

jungwon made some vomiting noises behind, and then laughed. "yeah sunoo, you sure? daniel's willing to be your driver for today—even everyday."

he just chuckled. "as much as i wanted to have daniel as my driver, i can't. sunghoon already offered to drive me home today."

he caught a glimpse of sadness on daniel's eyes, making him feel bad for the guy. his best friend probably missed hanging out with him.

sunoo linked his arms on daniel's. "how about we hang out on the weekend, hmm? we'll have sleep over at my house."

"promise?" daniel pouted.

he nodded. "promise."

"okay but can you two stop being so gross in front of me? my eyes will rot." jungwon rolled his eyes.

"aww are you jealous?" daniel laughed.

"eww no, how about you? i know you-hmmph!" jungwon stopped speaking when daniel covered his mouth.

sunoo is just laughing while watching them kill each other.

after a few minutes, the two decided to go home, leaving only sunoo—who is still patiently waiting for the rain to stop.

his phone suddenly rung so he picked it up, seeing sunghoon's name as the caller.


"hey, sunoo. uhh.. i'm really sorry but some emergency came up so i already left. is it okay for you to go home alone?"


"don't worry about it, my classmate is still here so i'll go with him. take care," sunoo bit his lower lip.

"oh, okay. that's good. take care.."

𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now