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"riki, why aren't you talking?" ni-ki sighed when kaori hit his shoulder.

"why are you even here? i thought you were busy studying?" kaori just giggled and dragged him inside the mall. she was insisting on eating some hotpot earlier, and nishimura didn't have a choice but to go with her.

i should've been with sunoo right now. he grunted. he just blew another chance. he just hopes sunoo won't be angry at him for ditching their plan.

"can't you just hang out with your brother?"

she shook her head, looking disgusted. "kei is literally boring. plus, he's old."

"how about taki? aren't you close with him befo—"

"hell no! not him!" she yelled, looking flustered. ni-ki smirked but didn't say anything and just followed her inside the arcade.

there's a lot of people and some were also from their university since it's almost night time. kaori went to buy some tokens while he stood beside the claw machine. ni-ki stared at the  peach stuffed toy, suddenly remembering sunoo.

he was about to go to kaori when he bumped into someone.

"shit i'm sorry—" ni-ki didn't get to continue his sentence when he saw sunoo in front of him.

"ni-ki? what are you doing here? i thought you were finishing something at the univ?" sunoo pointed at him, confused.

fuck. this is such a wrong time.

"i, uh...just finished—"

"riki let's play this game!" both of them turned to look at kaori who was busy playing some random game.

sunoo paused for a while, his smile fading as he stared at the girl. his face doesn't say anything, no expression. is he mad?

"oh. i didn't know you have a date. you could've just told me you know." sunoo said flatly.

"no it's not like that—"

"sunoo!" they both turned around and saw sunghoon walking towards them, looking so concerned. "i thought you got lost."


ni-ki didn't bother continuing his sentence when he realized what's going on.

right, he probably wants to be with sunghoon in the first place. i'm sure he was glad that i cancelled our plan. stupid ni-ki. why would he even think that sunoo would be angry?

"oh, ni-ki you're here too?" sunghoon eyed him.

he didn't answer him, instead, he looked at sunoo but the other just avoided his eyes.

"sunoo, can we talk for a while?" he asked hopefully, reaching for sunoo's arm. he wants to clear things up.

sunoo smiled, shaking his head. "no, it's okay. enjoy your date." he brushed ni-ki's hand off his arm and walked away.

sunghoon just nodded at him and followed sunoo outside the arcade.

i want to follow you too. i want to be with you, but do i have the right?


sunoo wiped his tear after getting out of the arcade. why was he even crying? gods, he feels stupid.

but seeing ni-ki with that girl just annoys him. he cancelled their plan because of that girl. is she that important? he bit the inside of his cheek to stop crying. she must be. why would i even bother?

𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now